By Kelly Wigles
#7876 Hey Jaclyn, as you know, the game is coming to an end, these threads will all soon be locked but you will be able to see these for posterity. Right now I'd like you to give us your final worlds in terms of how you felt about the game and your game as well, things you've learned about yourself and things you would do differently. Think of this as a message to your future self years down the line when you look back at being [b]Stranded in Indonesia[/b
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Kelly Wigles

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By Jaclyn
Hey Kelly I just want to say thank you to all the moderators for hosting such a fun season of Stranded. It wouldn't have been organized and exciting without y'all. I also wanna thank you all for dealing with me this whole season, I knew it was a pain in the ass to deal with me majority of the time: from my inactivity to my over-the-top gameplay to my annoying wrestling gifs, but I'm really so happy that you sticked with me. I really hope I delivered to your expectations, especially you Vitinho.

Overall, i felt like my game did feel easier than others had it in this game, but it wasn't handed to me. I really felt that I solidified myself in a spot where I can sit comfortably majority of this game. I wasn't that 5th person in an alliance who was just told what the vote was and that's the end of it - I really contributed to my alliance and I can confidently say i was the core of Yali/NuYali. Therefore, it really upsets me that the jury sees me as a goat and sees how easy I had it in this game. It definitely leaves a sour taste in my mouth that my social game was overlooked by all the jury. But hey that's life, not everyone sees in your perception.

What I learned from this game the most is that there is different types of personalities in the world and that not everyone can be like you. It takes cooperation and negotiation between people to make a agreement that benefits both people of the agreement. You can't expect people to have the same viewpoints as yourself or have the same idea. I went hard on Val/Dale for not always agreeing with me on decisions and I was bratty about it. It really shows how sheltered/spoiled I am that not everyone would want what you want. Also, reading some of my confessionals, they were extremely immature and uncalled for. I do hope that if people read them, they would read this message and I am truly am sorry for some of the things i said in those confessionals. I was very over-the-top and judgmental and bitchy. Please understand I'm just a 20 year-old guy that is very reserved in real life and doing online stuff like Stranded allows me to be more extraverted and borderline maniac to have a few laughs.

Thank you guys again for casting me and I'm so excited to follow your future seasons :)

oh and i gotta have my last gif!!! This is towards Vitinho:
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  • Korowai Tribe
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By Jaclyn
#7903 and Jeff/Poddy is the little girl just chilling on her dad's arms not giving a fuck.
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  • Korowai Tribe
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By Kelly Wigles
#7912 Thanks Jaclyn, you were a blast to watch and welcome to the Stranded alumni family :) Good luck tonight.
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Kelly Wigles

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