By Kelly Wigles
#4229 Hey guys! really enjoying all the discussion so far, most everyone has had some pretty cool insights into the game. I'm wondering right now if there's a way out of this pagoning.
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Kelly Wigles

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By Jeff Varner
#4231 It's got to be a matter of time until the Yali eat themselves, right? Dale alone is going to make sure that doesn't happen or ruin the pagonging with his paranoia.
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By Jeff Varner
#4272 As someone who had a mental breakdown in my season, I'm glad to see the passion from people like Dale and Nadiya (especially this early, makes me look better by comparison).

If Nadiya/Dale are able to turn it around, I could see them being a really tight and formidable duo now that they are clearly passionate about the game and about their relationship to each other in the game.
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By Kelly Wigles
#4273 fun fact according to Probst, basically everyone left are first-timers. Nadiya played Big Brother once before. So the passion in these people are inspiring :)
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Kelly Wigles

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By Jim
Kelly Wigles wrote:Also is Nadiya playing Drew and Reed so hard right now?

And how! icon_lol

As best I can tell the different groups right now are:

Drew and Reed + Jenn (+So)
Val, Nad, and Jac
Dale and Joquin

People are starting to get wise to Nad and Drew controlling the game. They won't be able to hide all that much longer.

People have been on to Dale for awhile, but he's starting to annoy people. Same could be said for Jacklyn.

Dale and Val are still eyeing each other, because they are both competing for the #3 spot with Jac and Nad. That showdown is coming soon.

People are also starting to figure out that Reed and Drew are just sowing chaos. That's not good for them.

So is trying to keep her head down and hide in plain sight. She is either the next boot or could float UTR to the end.

I hate to say it, but Joaquin and Jenn are probably the best positioned to win right now.
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By Jim
#4728 Oooops. Now the target is apparently my girl Jenn?!?! icon_chaos
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By Marissa Peterson
Jeff Varner wrote:As someone who had a mental breakdown in my season, I'm glad to see the passion from people like Dale and Nadiya (especially this early, makes me look better by comparison).

You were awesome Jeff don't ever think different. I Think I literally put you as Round MVP for the last half of the game.

I need to get back to doing that. I spend two days offline for being busy and by god this whole game is a mess. I can't even begin to see where allegiances are. My best guess is Nadiya/Val/Jac (although Val is not really trusted by the girls), Drew/Reed (although Reed is trying to split up from Drew), Jenn/So, Jenn/Drew/Reed/So, Dale/delusions. I'm kinda lost. icon_lol These people are absolutely insane by what I can tell by their confesisonals. Like it seems we don't have a consistent boot for more then 5 minutes.
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By Jim
#4759 Well, they are definitely playing!!!

The thing is, even with all this scheming and plotting and flipping, the people they boot -- kelly, Dan, (presumably) Jenn -- are just the outlying players who aren't in tight alliances. That means it's not going to stop. They still have to break up Drew/Reed and Val/Jac/Nad and Dale/Joaq. Those are going to be the *hard* votes, not booting Jenn and Dan!!!
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By Kelly Wigles
Jim wrote:Well, they are definitely playing!!!

The thing is, even with all this scheming and plotting and flipping, the people they boot -- kelly, Dan, (presumably) Jenn -- are just the outlying players who aren't in tight alliances. That means it's not going to stop. They still have to break up Drew/Reed and Val/Jac/Nad and Dale/Joaq. Those are going to be the *hard* votes, not booting Jenn and Dan!!!

completely agree with this.
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Kelly Wigles

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By Jim
Trashley Markwood wrote:

FF Poll :)

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