By So
Nadiya wrote:
I don't think that's what she meant by outlier.

Ya I just realized that.
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  • Juror
  • Posts: 961
By So
Jaclyn wrote:
Listen you dumbass, idk who you think you are trying to be slick, but it's not coming across as cute.
Congrats you won a competition that requires pressing the refresh button and seeing what everyone else posted. Good for you.
But stop acting like you're some mental giant that can solve a level 9 sudoku puzzle okay?

Um, did you not see the one where I was literally the only one to get it right, twice (including the tie)
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  • Juror
  • Posts: 961
By Jaclyn
So wrote:
Nadiya wrote:
I don't think that's what she meant by outlier.

Ya I just realized that.

So wrote:Bitch I'm asian. I got them brains

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  • Korowai Tribe
  • Posts: 411
By Jaclyn
So wrote:
Jaclyn wrote:
Listen you dumbass, idk who you think you are trying to be slick, but it's not coming across as cute.
Congrats you won a competition that requires pressing the refresh button and seeing what everyone else posted. Good for you.
But stop acting like you're some mental giant that can solve a level 9 sudoku puzzle okay?

Um, did you not see the one where I was literally the only one to get it right, twice (including the tie)

congrats you completely guess. Do you want a cookie or something?
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  • Korowai Tribe
  • Posts: 411
By Val
Flicka Flame wrote:God, both of you be quiet already.

We are appropriately just like the Worlds Apart of Stranded.
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  • Korowai Tribe
  • Posts: 732
By So
Trashley Markwood wrote:Why must the girls always call each other skank? We must stand strong against the common enemy that is Dan.


I'm Down :)
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  • Juror
  • Posts: 961
By Val
Trashley Markwood wrote:Why must the girls always call each other skank? We must stand strong against the common enemy that is Dan.


Who is this Dan fella everybody keeps talking about?!
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  • Korowai Tribe
  • Posts: 732