Where the wild things are.
By Sierra
#3017 Folks, the Dan Foley Express is leaving the station. Get on board while you still can.


Fuck the haters. Fuck the doubters. Dan WILL be our Survivor: Indonesia winner, he WILL turn his hated douchebag reputation around just in time for the final vote, he WILL find a way to navigate through this entire merge despite the critics. Dan's fake immunity idol WILL come into play and be a legit factor in this post-merge. Dan WILL continue to provide some of the most controversial sound bites of the season and navigate through this latter portion of the game as a MASSIVE, seemingly bulletproof legend of the game.

Finally and most importantly, Dan will get REVENGE for the wrong that has been done on this fateful Wednesday eve. He will make the perpetrators PAY and PAY and PAY AGAIN en route to a win that will cause mass chaos and many a Ponderosa meltdown. You think a SCRAPPER like this isn't going to bounce back stronger than ever after being DECEIVED by Dale and Nad?! Not. Fuckin'. Likely. I predict this god isn't on the wrong side of another vote for the rest of the game.

Deal with it.
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By Sierra
#3020 I will be SICKENED if Dan the Man does not get this done. Sickened. He is in a spot that COULD be perfect. I haven't read confessionals other than a couple of them, but just based on the way I think things will go he should be in a perfect spot.

Jenn, I could tell was probably a goddess behind closed doors but I just didn't work with her closely enough to see that side of her. She's been playing everything really smart so far and was brilliantly shielded by the Asmat alliance, and likely would be the beneficiary of that group if that alliance starts to go home I would think. See, if it were up to me she'd be the first one out because of how diplomatic she's been playing things, but I think Dan likes her and we know he needs to go after his personal vendetta duo just to sort of show he's for real.

Dan NEEDS to get in good with Jenn to organize a flip at F9 or some funky shit. Dan, Joaquin, Jenn, and two others overthrowing the Dale/Nad POWER duo has the potential to be the first big move of many to come for Lord Foley as he continues to intentionally infuriate jurors on their way out and pave himself a golden path to the end. He's gonna create tight bonds, he's gonna have shields, he's gonna have people pining to take him to the end. Just don't overplay it Dan, there's already plenty of hate to build on and let fester in players' minds. Don't goat yourself out to the point where no one respects it, that's all I ask.
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By Jeff Probst
#4265 D':

But at least a legend was born <3 And he gave you and rocker and joe shoutouts in ponderosa <3

I'm now on the Dalewagon! and the Joaqtrain.
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By Dan
#7950 Hell yeah. Great thread icon_cool

John Rocker wrote:There's no other Survivor "ORG" player I'd rather DP a braud with...

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