- Sun May 15, 2016 8:33:15 pm
Showtime, kiddies >:D
Well... I have no questions for you three tonight, just some observations I made from the jury about each of your games because I really never got the chance to work with any of you. So I'm just going to give you my perspective and we can go from there.
I'll start off with you,
"Mama Val". You used your "Mama" status with great success in this game. You always portrayed yourself as the forgiving and complacent mother figure. You completely fooled everyone with the "Oh I'm just the harmless old fogey that's here to make snide comments" act and allowed people to underestimate how strategic and ruthless you really were time and time again. Even at the Dan vote-off, while everyone was panicking, it was incredible how you managed to stay cool under pressure and didn't panic when you were the other target. It's like I told you when I voted for you: I honestly have nothing bad to say about you and frankly, I wish we could've worked together instead of against each other in this game. You played an amazing game and your alliance was foolish to let you get this far. And honestly, I would be saying that even if you were next to Nadiya. She may have been the one coordinating the big plays and leading the votes, but you were the glue that held Yali together.
You made sure every single person in your alliance, and even those in the minority, felt comfortable and felt like they were safe. You even reached out to me and made me feel secure in an alliance that clearly didn't want me from the beginning. You were one of the few people to really reach out to everyone and make sure everyone was cool with whatever plan you guys came up with and you made sure everyone in your alliance felt comfortable. While the rest of your alliance panicked and scrambled and generally ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, you were the only one who seemed to keep it together and didn't give into paranoia the entire time. In my opinion, without you and your amazing social game, nobody in your alliance would have made it as far as they did. Congratulations Val, on a game well-played. You truly deserve to be in the final 3.
Moving on...
Jaclyn. This entire game, I was only able to observe your game from an outside perspective. I was never once on a tribe with you and when we finally merged, I'm not even sure you were aware that I was in the same alliance as you for a bit. So I really only have my preconceptions to fall back on. From what I observed, you were a follower and a coattail rider the entire game, point blank. Drew would always tell me "Oh we need Jaclyn's approval to do anything", but I'm not so sure I really believe that. You were never on and seemed to barely have any sort of input in the strategy of the game. It seemed as though you pretty much did whatever your alliance wanted and they just used you as an excuse to change the vote to one of their own preferred targets. You were absolutely worthless in most, if not all, challenges. And, in the pre-merge, you didn't seem to even attempt to, at the very least, rally your team and be a glorified cheerleader. One would think, as the leader of Yali, you would do more to prove that title and actually lead your tribe. But that's neither here nor there.
Despite all of that, I persevered and looked to your social game to find something, anything, to root for. And honestly, I value social skills above anything else in the game of Survivor, so I really hoped that I could find something in your game that proved you were a great social player. But that was the worst part of your entire game. The only time you and I even had a conversation was literally about two minutes before I was booted. So I suppose I don't understand how you can justify your supposed "great social game" when you were never really around to show it off. I guess what it really boils down to is: I can't justify voting for you because you were never actually active.
Last and most certainly least,
Dale. Throughout this entire game, you were the equivalent of an angsty teenager. "Wah, I'm the goat. Wah, I have no allies. Wah, I'm the only trustworthy person in this game. WAH, SOMEONE PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO ME." I'm starting to think the only reason your girlfriend chose a school miles away from you is because she got sick and tired of your toxic personality and constant need for validation. You were just a broken record player that just leeched off a sympathetic individual until they were drained of all their emotions. Once you were done sapping all of their pity like a soul-sucking demon, you proceeded to berate, insult and viciously lie to them, and then moved onto the next host to shower you with words of encouragement and give you the attention you so desperately crave. My last two days in this game, I actually dreaded logging into the site because I knew I would have yet another PM from you just continuing to berate me and attempting to psychologically brutalize me. I wanted to work with you Dale, I truly did, until you threw me under the bus at the Dan vote. I have no idea how you thought I'd trust you after that. And nothing you say right now will ever convince me that you didn't intentionally throw me under the bus. I told Drew that you couldn't be trusted, but I still allowed my fate to be decided by you at the final 9... And we see how that worked out.
Your game has been all about being the faithful, little goat who stayed loyal to his Yali alliance from start to finish. And I'm sure there's some "master plan" behind all that bluster but frankly, I don't feel like hearing it. You're just a pathetic little person who hid in his fantasy world all game and pretended you were the most noble person in this game when you're really just worthless. There's honestly no other word to describe your game other than worthless. Having said all that... At the end of the day, I truly do pity you, Dale, if that's how you act in your real life and I really have nothing else to say to you if that truly is the case.
Jaclyn and Val, I pity the both of you for having to spend every single part of your experience with this attention-mongering cretin. Kudos to the both of you. You certainly have more patience than I do. Dale, if this is the real you and not just some elaborate attempt to troll everyone, I hope your girlfriend finds happiness with someone who is much less needy.