6th Place | Voted Out 4-0
By Kelly Wigles
#5476 Hey Joaquin, congrats on making the final 7, let me throw out some quick questions for you.

1.) If I recall correctly, you're attending college right now? You mind sharing with us what your day to day life is like?

2.) Your vote against Drew went well last night but who do you think wrote the lone So vote?

3.) Before he left, Drew claimed that tribe is divided into Jac/Val/Nadiya v.s. him/Reed/So and then you/Dale in the middle. Do you agree or disagree with this?

4.) Who is your ideal final 3?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Kelly Wigles
#5501 oh man, I missed that lol, thanks Joaq! I do these straight after work so my mind isnt always 100% lol, hence all the mistakes lately.
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By Joaquin
#5523 1) wow that's pretty personal. I'm in my final term of college, this week was my roughest of the whole quarter (tons of midterms) and now going out this whole weekend to party and celebrate. I'm almost done! My Mondays-Wednesdays are usually pretty busy with tons of class and work but thursday and friday don't have anything so I go out.

2) Val did. It's starting to skeez some people out that's she's not trustworthy. She told me it was because she wasn't in control of the vote tonight and knew she wasn't going home so she wanted something to be in control of, but idk if I buy that.

3) Nah I never voted with Drew. Last vote I committed to him hard so he wouldn't scramble and then Jenn vote would go easy, which worked perfectly and I think Drew realized that he got played. I would disagree, I am strongly with these 5, as I think they're going to crack at each other since they've known each other for so long and I'm going to break through. This is why I changed my mind to wanting to vote out Jenn. You can see this already happening, as Nadiya does not trust Val, and I'll have to use that to my advantage soon.

4) My ideal final 3? Probably Dale and Jaclyn. I don't care too much, I think I would win most jury votes, as my play style kind of lends itself to that, so my main concern is just getting there.
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By Kelly Wigles
#5525 1) Oh wow, i'm sure get asked this often but for the benefits of our lurkers, do you have any plans for after college? Also, what is a typical night out with you like? date and bro-date versions.

2)In terms of your playing style, do you mind explaining to us what that's like and how it's good for most juries?
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By Joaquin
#5556 1) Yeah I've had a job since the fall, I'll be a software engineer at one of the big tech companies starting in July. Uh, depends on the night. Some nights are chill drinking, when we go out into the city I go fucking hard - we do it right. I put that in my application for Stranded, that I probably party harder than anyone else in the cast. Date wise, I've been in a relationship for the past 1.5 years so obviously not going out to hook up, though a few years ago that was pretty commonplace.

2) I don't really lie or backstab. So when I become friends with everyone and vote them out they still like me afterwards. The only times I lie are when I absolutely have to, and the person usually understands after, and I only "backstab" if the other person is coming for me first. Drew also really appreciated my gameplay because I'm really good at being able to sense what's going on between everyone relationship-wise (I told him all of my thoughts early on in the merge, before I knew what he was) so he immediately knew I was a threat. I'm much more of a social player than a gamebot g.oddess
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By Kelly Wigles
#5569 1) Tell us about your girlfriend, how did you two meet? How does she feel about your love of the game?

2) How do you sense what's going on between people's relationships with each other? What are the clues or general methods you find?

3) Would you say that you will be able manage this jury coming up to give you the win?
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By Joaquin
#5580 1) Really romantic. We were in the same group of friends and blackout hooked up at a party. Thought it was funny, then we ended up doing it (more sober) the next week. Then it just kept progressing until it was like, "should we start dating now?" And voila here I am 1.5 years later. She is also a Survivor fan so she appreciates it but thinks I'm a huge dork.

2) Just shit that I've learned from doing this thing three times. I'm "viewing who's online" a lot - who's PMing a lot? Who is unwilling / tries to steer the vote in a different direction from whom? Who accidentally reveals stuff? The language in which people talk about other people is so important. Then stuff like the puzzle challenge, like at the time Reed was trying to woo Nadiya so he didn't get her out at all.

3) Yeah. I've got Reed and So's votes for sure if we send them to the jury. That plus Dan, Drew and Kelly (as long as So doesn't get to the end) give's me 5.

Also, just to keep the audience at home updated, the plan right now is a Val blindside next vote. Everyone else was really shaken by her voting for So instead of Drew last tribal. It's like these people are trying to give me the win, a guaranteed F4 for the biggest jury and challenge threat out here? Sign me up.
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By Kelly Wigles
#5609 1)Why do you think Val voted for So? What's her reasoning behind it?

2) You know, we once did a Blood v.s. Water season where a previous player brought on a loved one to play. How do you think your girlfriend would do in a game like this?
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By Joaquin
#5622 1) I don't know. I don't really care, it gave the others a reason to want to vote her out.

2) She would suck. She's a deep casual and has way too big a mouth. Plus I'm probably never playing again after this game (I'll help out with future seasons though) so I don't think it would happen!
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By Joaquin
#5625 Two things

Time will be an issue, I've been able to commit so much time to my three ORG's because they've been over the summer and because I'm in college, I'm probably not going to have much this free time in the future

Also, I will have gotten everything I've wanted to out of my ORG experiences. I've played for the first time, I've won at least one season, I've played in an all-star season. Poody got me here because he tempted me with a higher level of competition, and it certainly has been so far, but if I win Stranded in Indonesia (which I plan on doing) I feel like I will have checked off everything on my ORG bucket list - what else would there be for me to do?
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By Kelly Wigles
#5651 Yeah the usual Stranded cycle involves an All-Stars every 4th season made up of standouts from the previous three. In the current cycle, All-Stars should happen next season.
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By Marissa Peterson
Kelly Wigles wrote:Yeah the usual Stranded cycle involves an All-Stars every 4th season made up of standouts from the previous three. In the current cycle, All-Stars should happen next season.

I wouldn't count on that considering we just did Second Chances yo.
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