7th Place | Voted Out 5-1-1
By Kelly Wigles
#5486 Hey Reed, congrats on making the final 7, let me throw out some quick questions for you.

1.) If I recall correctly, you're living in the Phillippines right now? You mind sharing with us what your day to day life is like as well as what it's like to play with people from such far away countries?

2.) In terms of the game, what's one move you've made that you wish you could take back?

3.) Your biggest ally, and friend, Drew has been voted out, how do you feel about it and how are you going to move on from this?
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By Reed
#5557 Before I played this game, it was the typical waking up at 8 am to buy my grandma breakfast then go back to sleep. Basketball, hang out with friends, mall and stuff, ps4 routine. When I started playing this game, I find myself waking up at 5am to read the inbox, go out buy my grandma food, then just wait til IC/TC. It's stressful and draining. Starting the day with worry and paranoia which drags the whole day. Still, I'm having a blast so it's all worth it! It's been awesome, it's not the first time i've interacted with people a thousand miles away but it's different and frustrating when it's in this kind of setting. Lots of intrigues and deceit.

2. That Jenn boot was huge for my alliance. I should've fought for that boot hard. Guess I let Drew take the reins way too much. The guy got drunk with power, we unsheathed our alliance way too early. I guess he wasn't ready to have a pissed Jenn in the jury.

3. I feel a little lighter and right now I don't feel like I have to consider someone to make a move. Like will this hurt his game if I do this? And stuff. You call me insane for trying to work the alliance out with Dale. But what choice did I have? Nad and Jac won't trust me again, after that Val boot, my only choice is to pull in Dale which clearly didn't work. Main goal for everyday right now is to win immunity. Of course, wordplay at Tribal council will always be a big factor. If I'm not mistaken there were 3 votes for Dale tonight and one for So. Drew's not the only guy who got blindsided tonight, and I'm not even talking about me.
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By Reed
#5558 Oh fuck, just revisted the latest TC. There were just two Dale votes. Fuck. haha
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By Kelly Wigles
#5568 1) Who do you think wrote that So vote?

2)Has it all been just intrigues and deceit? I remember a time when a lot of your tribe mates genuinely liked and trusted you along with having a genuine connection with Drew. Was it all an act?
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By Reed
#5598 1. For one, it's not So for she told her that she voted for Drew. That's an iffy there, I could point names but again it's nothing but guessing at this point.

2. Naw, it's not all intrigues and deceit, if you take the game in it, we have genuine connections with people. It's just frustrating that somehow we are still in a Survivor/Stranded game setting and of course paranoia will always lurk around somewhere. So there will always be mistrust with whatever information that is leaked out.

Sunday/Monday is election here. But I will try my darnest to be able to participate in the immunity challenge. I just hate how Dale just went on confrontational with me and just downright threatening me with "if i want to you could go home next." I'd love to win immunity tomorrow and just cause havoc before dying out.
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By Reed
#5599 Sucks that I wont be around on Sunday/Monday, so right now, I'm gonna throw pitches to people and see how they react.
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By Reed
#5600 Since I possibly won't be around next TC, I sent people messages with my pitch. Which somehow basically is leaned towards Dale but my main goal on this one is to get the target off my back.

Dale went with the subtle "You could've gone home if I wanted to." threat so I sent him a message with my own clearer threat too. I'll end up in the jury, I could talk to the other jury folks. I basically slapped in his face that he doesn't faze me with his threats.

With Nad, I just went out and laid out to her the possible routes and obstacles she has on her way on winning the game. Made it a point that Dale and So will never be goats, but underdogs.

Val, I told her how Dale will always want her out. She is in the position Dale wants so bad. Get rid of me, Dale could still get rid of her. She wants Joaq out though, they are having that Kill Joaq Syndrome again.
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By Reed
#5602 Throwing random threats regarding Jury votes here and there now. I gotta do what I gotta do to make people think. Told Val that the only way I see her winning this one is with her sitting with Dale and Jac in the FTC. I'll probably do the same with Joaq once I get his reply. Jac I really don't think I could sway her. She's been inactive most of the time so I'm guessing she has a number one that she trusts with all the info she needs and whatnot.

If this saves my ass, too bad the jury won't be able to see it.
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By Reed
#5603 Shit i think I may have egged Val way too far, I pulled a Dale. Still, I consider myself as a dead man walking right now. I could plead, but I can still throw threats.
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By Reed
#5605 I think I just downright told Val that if she wants to win, next TC will be the perfect time for her to vote Nadiya out. I'm just acting impulsively right now. It's gonna be crazy if we pull this off.
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By Reed
#5607 I kinda pushed my potential jury voice too far, glad somehow I used my "english is not my first language" as an excuse. I'm just trying to convince her that voting Nad will be the best for her if she wants to win.
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By Reed
#5611 Oh well, I don't think that panned out as well as I wanted it. Ran my mouth too much.
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By Kelly Wigles
#5612 Speaking of voting, do you mind giving us a quick rundown of the election in your country? Who are you voting for and why?
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By Reed
#5616 DUUUUUUDE It's more or less Cambodia Kaoh Rong levels of crazy here right now!! The guy leading the polls is similar to USA's Donald Trump the thing is, the masses actually think he is the savior that'll clean the country. His platform basically is "Give me 3-6 months and I'll kill all the criminals." and figure the rest out after. He's got the charisma like he's some straight up O.G or Mafia Don though. There are threats about the administration cheating the election results or something. The current president called the other candidates to "unite" and prevent a Rodrigo Duterte Administration. I highly suggest you guys to google him up if you wanna know more. He's a guy who makes rape jokes and stuff. Blatantly talks about killing on national telly. Still he was Mayor in one of the safest city in the world for a long time. I guess people use that as basis that if he could do this, he could do that to the whole country too. He allegedly has a death squad too. haha. This guy is pretty Polarizing, he's like Russell Hantz if you'd ask me.

Mar Roxas is the current admin's bet. If you want to facepalm so hard you gotta google him up. He is good and smart but I don't think he is ready for a high position. He's been appointed with such before and it resulted nothing but incompetency.

Grace Poe, if you're gonna go with track record, she's the one with the shortest among all candidates. Which makes her clean and a breath of air to people. BUT, she was a foundling, became a US Citizen and had to go through the naturalization process to become a Filipino again. Residency issues are one of the major hurdle for her to win.

Jejomar Binay - The current VP, this guy could've won the presidency 6 years ago if he didn't choose to run as VP instead. Too bad, the current admin threw way too much mud and corruption charges at him, tainting his record (and yes the current admin is pretty good at accusing anyone and rely on the courts of public opinion.)

Lastly, the lady I will be voting for Miriam Defensor Santiago. A highly intellectual woman, a Ramon Magsaysay Awardee (Asian version of Nobel Prize), if I am not mistaken she's the first Asian woman to become an international law judge? She's basically a Filipina version of Margaret Thatcher. Her best quote is "I eat death threats for breakfast." the only reason why she is lagging in the polls and will never win because she was recently admitted to have cancer. People are way too scared of her dying out of a sudden. P.s this is the only mud the other candidates can throw at her. I mean really.
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By Kelly Wigles
#5618 Sounds fascinating, interestingly, Margaret Thatcher isn't exactly fondly remembered lol.

By the way, what do you do for a living? are you a student?
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By Reed
#5628 That's the only comparison people are throwing at her right now haha.

I dropped out of college due to financial issues my fam is at right now - land issues or something, the paperworks costing us almost a million now lol. I was gonna go and look for a job but then Stranded gaming happened :P so I decided to post pone it til this game finishes. I worked as Xbox Tech Support before, and I plan to go back to the call center industry later this may.
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By Reed
#5629 Back to talking to people now. Dale's making his "pitch" I'm done being a wishful thinker in terms of Dale right now. Still, I'd vote for him if he reaches FTC. Underdog stories are always the best.

Joaq and Nad clearly want nothing of what I told them. So is telling me she's after Dale and Joaq.

Things are subject to change but daaamn that IC I will miss tomorrow is a huge mf'in blow.
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By Reed
#5631 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Dale went lol when I gave him hint that i'd still be voting for him next TC. Ahhh that was good. Hahahaha.

But my vote's for So though. Val ain't want any of her girls to go home yet, Dale's connected with Nad and probably Jac. Joaq will probably just nod along, so I told Val i'm voting for So. Who knows. I'm a dead man walking right now. A dead soul who could give nothing else but threats and what ifs.
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