By Kelly Wigles
#4183 Hey Jaclyn! here are your customary confessional prompts :)

1) So you will probably be glad to know that even in your absence your alliance stuck the plan and voted out Dan, how do you feel about doing so well in the votes despite being barely present? Do you feel like you can trust your team to take you all the way to the end this way?

2) Do you mind giving me a quick assessment of every person left in the game along with your plans or wishes for them for the rest of the competition?

3) So far it's looking like Yali is just going to steamroll over Asmat, how does this make you feel? Can you trust the people you are aligned with now?
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By Jeff Probst
#4207 As we know, the smaller the numbers get the more likely it is that someone in your alliance might take advantage of the remaining few Asmat members. Unless that person is you... Do you think that someone will beat you to flipping on the Yali alliance?
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Jeff Probst

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By Vitinho
#4321 jaclyn here's the thing
we don't like inactives
or semi-actives
we like people who spend all day here and go absolutely nuts and we can witness it
and you're giving this game like 10% of your life
i seriously had at least 5 breakdowns during my season and gave it all
and you don't
start playing this game for real
like 1 hour of your day may be enough for the bitches playing this season, but it ain't shit
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By Jaclyn
Kelly Wigles wrote:Hey Jaclyn! here are your customary confessional prompts :)

1) So you will probably be glad to know that even in your absence your alliance stuck the plan and voted out Dan, how do you feel about doing so well in the votes despite being barely present? Do you feel like you can trust your team to take you all the way to the end this way?

2) Do you mind giving me a quick assessment of every person left in the game along with your plans or wishes for them for the rest of the competition?

3) So far it's looking like Yali is just going to steamroll over Asmat, how does this make you feel? Can you trust the people you are aligned with now?

1. Dan had it coming. He was playing OTTN5 and it was actually hurting our Yali alliance. He could have caused more damaged to us, therefore he had to go.

2. SURE!
-Nadiya: My ride or die. I trust her with all my heart and I want to go to the finals with her. If i don't win, i want her to win.
-Dale: He's proven that he's extremely loyal to me and i appreciate that. He has his moments when he's very stubborn and wants his way, but to me he's very loyal and I intend to bring him far.
-Joaq: I was expecting him to flip on us, but he hasn't and I'm beginning to think he's with us 100% after his only close ally was voted out. However, if there has to be a casualty within the Yale alliance, i want it to be him
-Reed: We used to be close, but it's really apparent he's up Drew/Jenn's ass and it sucks because I had plans of a final 4 with him, however the swap really screwed that up.
-Drew: He needs ta go. He causing so much drama and is a comp beast. Needs to get out
-Jenn: Same too. bye felicia
-Val: UGH SHE REALLY DRIVING ME INSANE. SHE LITERALLY IS THE SWING VOTE NEXT TRIBAL. Like girl she needs to stick with Yali, where she has a guaranteed final 3 with me and Nadiya. Jumping to nuAsmat to be the 5th wheel? no bitch
-So: She's just there. I like talking to her out of the 4 NuAsmat because she seems to be willing to flip if we need her.

3. I anticipate NuAsmat to get out one-by-one, but Val is ruining the easy plan! She really doesn't need to flip - she's in the middle of Dale/Joaq and me/Nadiya. I don't get her reasoning to go from 3rd in the alliance to NuAsmat as the 5th person.
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By Jaclyn
Jeff Probst wrote:As we know, the smaller the numbers get the more likely it is that someone in your alliance might take advantage of the remaining few Asmat members. Unless that person is you... Do you think that someone will beat you to flipping on the Yali alliance?

I'm pretty sure Val already did.. I'm not worried though because if Val did flip, she's targeting Dale/Joaq opposed to me/Nadiya. Therefore if she does commit to the flip, I will work my magic on her to come back to Nadiya/Me/survivor of the vote alliance opposed to nuAsmat.
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By Jaclyn
Vitinho wrote:jaclyn here's the thing
we don't like inactives
or semi-actives
we like people who spend all day here and go absolutely nuts and we can witness it
and you're giving this game like 10% of your life
i seriously had at least 5 breakdowns during my season and gave it all
and you don't
start playing this game for real
like 1 hour of your day may be enough for the bitches playing this season, but it ain't shit

and did you win your season?

no but jokes aside, I'm really doing my best to give it my all. It may not seem like it, but I really am trying to give time for this game. I understand that I'm such a disappointment post-merge, but I will bring my game back up from a 50-100 really quick. Just be patient with me, Jaclyn is coming.
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By Jaclyn
#4332 Right now the next tribal it really seems that Val is the swing vote.... Until Reed told Dale he wants Jenn out. Which is great because we don't have to rely on Val's wishy washy persona and just have 5 votes against Jenn. I'm kind of worried this is a work for us to throw all our votes at Jenn and she plays an idol. But at this point, Val is not voting with us and having Reed flip is our best option right now.
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By Jaclyn
#4685 That challenge literally changed Drew LMAO. He honestly thought he was being slick as fuck talking to everyone and trying to be in the middle- well he got SERVED. He's panicking and trying to throw us Yali girls under the bus - bitch nice try. We see right through your shit. I hope you have an idol and play it because of all your paranoia. My vote is going towards Jenn tomorrow for the sole reason that it's really probable that Drew has the idol.
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By Jeff Varner
#4687 Hey Jaclyn, care you elaborate a little more about what's going on with Drew?

And what were your thoughts on that challenge - both results and guesses?

Also, can you please give me a game status update in the form of a trust ranking? Something like ranking your other tribemates 1-8 with a trust score /10

So if you trust me the most, you'd go:

1. Jeff Varner: 10

so on and so forth.
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By Jaclyn
#4690 AND I don't know if Val doesn't read what chat she posts into, or if she's doing this intentionally, but she is literally such a messy PMer. She's posting shit about Drew in the group chat where Drew is a part of. This is one of the reasons why I question bringing Val to the finals .She's very messy and slips us a lot. She sent me a few PMs where I didnt know what the fuck she's talking about and I'm assuming she sent it to the wrong person.

Val, when you get eliminated and you're reading my confessionals, please tell me you're a 55-year-old single mom of 2 with astigmatism that you can't double check where your messages are going because of your condition and that your two children are a handful.
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By Jaclyn
Jeff Varner wrote:Hey Jaclyn, care you elaborate a little more about what's going on with Drew?

And what were your thoughts on that challenge - both results and guesses?

Also, can you please give me a game status update in the form of a trust ranking? Something like ranking your other tribemates 1-8 with a trust score /10

So if you trust me the most, you'd go:

1. Jeff Varner: 10

so on and so forth.

-Drew is scattering because he was voted as the person who will backstab you. He really thought he was able to get on everyone's good side, while also throwing people under the bus without getting caught. Everyone eventually connected the pieces and he's the one that's starting all the drama and rumors. So this challenge basically exposed him as a player.

-I was surprised that I was voted as the one who mistakenly thinks Im in control. I really thought i was playing a lowkey game, but I guess people are onto me. I'm extremely flattered though people thought I was all-star worthy icon_blush

-My trust rankings (1 being i don't trust at all, 10 being trust with all my heart):
Nadiya (10/10)
Dale (8/10)
Joaq (6/10)
Val (6/10)
So (5/10)
Reed (4/10)
Drew (3/10)
Jenn (1/10)
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By Kelly Wigles
#4731 Hey Jac, do you mind giving us an update on the Val and Drew situations?

Is Val still flipping? If she does, would it make sense to replace her f3 seat with someone else? If your trust ranking is anything to go by, it looks like Dale or Joaq could easily fill that spot.

I see that you trust Drew more than Jenn, with Drew causing all the troubles and also being exposed at the challenge, could you explain to us what about him makes him more trustworthy than Jenn?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Jaclyn
Kelly Wigles wrote:Hey Jac, do you mind giving us an update on the Val and Drew situations?

Is Val still flipping? If she does, would it make sense to replace her f3 seat with someone else? If your trust ranking is anything to go by, it looks like Dale or Joaq could easily fill that spot.

I see that you trust Drew more than Jenn, with Drew causing all the troubles and also being exposed at the challenge, could you explain to us what about him makes him more trustworthy than Jenn?

Val has been so shady about the vote. Like she's telling me she's fine with voting out either Jenn or Drew, but when I ask her which one, she doesn't give me a straightforward answer.

Drew is just a mess right now and is willing to vote for whoever, as long as it's not him. Right now i'm telling the Drew/Jenn/Reed side to vote for Joaq, while Joaq/Dale are voting for Jenn. i'm leaning towards voting out Jenn since we don't talk on a 1-on-1 basis and she's really sketch to bring forward.

And I just don't talk to Jenn at all, therefore Drew is ranked higher than her. The only contact I have with her is through the group chat with me, her, Reed, Drew, Nadiya, and Val.
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By Vitinho
Trashley Markwood wrote:LMFAO at your reply to Vytas. Star

no lol
eva marie gifs followed by cameron gifs? should be dq'd
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By Jaclyn
Vitinho wrote:
Trashley Markwood wrote:LMFAO at your reply to Vytas. Star

no lol
eva marie gifs followed by cameron gifs? should be dq'd

must be a Sasha fan

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By Jaclyn
#4771 i swear to god if Jenn doesn't go home, I will deck a bitch. This shady skank honestly is the biggest threat to my game and everyone else's. Literally sick of worrying about what she's doing.
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By Marissa Peterson
Jaclyn wrote:
Vitinho wrote:
Trashley Markwood wrote:LMFAO at your reply to Vytas. Star

no lol
eva marie gifs followed by cameron gifs? should be dq'd

must be a Sasha fan


Like it's a bad thing to love this talented Queen.

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Marissa Peterson

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By Jaclyn
Marissa Peterson wrote:Like it's a bad thing to love this talented Queen.


well why settle with Coach, when you can settle with Hermès?
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