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By Sierra
#2762 And yeah... sorry Max. Let me just say that right now, LOL. Joaquin really wanted to keep you, I thought we could make it work either way, and Dan was dead-set against keeping you and there was literally no talking him out of it. If we had done Asmat vs. Yali, and So broke the tie, we all would've stayed and this could've been different. I just didn't feel confident doing it at the time and thought it wasn't best for me :(
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By Joe
Sierra wrote:FUCK!!! NOOOOOOO YOU TOO JOE!!!

At least you liked me... I thought I was playing a good game, but apparently I was fucking dreadful. Darn it.
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By Jeff Probst
Sierra wrote:And yeah... sorry Max. Let me just say that right now, LOL. Joaquin really wanted to keep you, I thought we could make it work either way, and Dan was dead-set against keeping you and there was literally no talking him out of it. If we had done Asmat vs. Yali, and So broke the tie, we all would've stayed and this could've been different. I just didn't feel confident doing it at the time and thought it wasn't best for me :(

I think the move in a swap is to always put up a solid front before giving up the majority. I mean its totally fine to swap sides, taht's a solid move too, but three people switching sides is just suspicious. As you guys will read, it was VERY close to being Joaquin at the last tribal council until he won the first individual immunity making it the Max boot.

I just think you guys were too quick to give up your majority and put yourselves in the minority automatically. At the very least you should have stayed united and seen if you could flip over like... dale or someone rando. And then if that didn't work THEN you could try to turn it on Max, but it mightve even been better to have like one person pretend to betray Asmat so it didnt seem so suspicious that everyone wanted to boot Max. With Idols its ahrd to take that risk.
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By Sierra
#2767 I think that makes sense for sure. I really wanted to strike a balance between listening to what Joaquin and Dan wanted, and also doing what was right for me. I was just really worried about Max at the time because I really didn't even think he was going to stick with us for the one vote and yeah we may have made the wrong decision. And if he had established a connection with the Yalis, I was kind of fearful about what that would have meant for us.

If we had trusted that all 4 of us would stick tight, I don't think this would've been even an issue and we likely would have done something like that (someone pretending to join up with them), but I don't know. My tiebreaker stupidity came into play too, I completely forgot about that one rule and just thought of the leader as the deciding vote on both tribes and didn't even think about it possibly being another way until I think Joaquin pointed it out to me and then I was like "oh.... shit". By then it felt like it may have been too late? I don't know.

I had a feeling it was going to be Joaquin if he didn't win immunity and I was somewhat okay with that. His aggressiveness and willingness to put himself out there for not one but TWO pre-merge immunities paid off... for now. I don't know if he has the support or connections to go deep (he'll probably have to hustle big-time) from this point on, but I'll be rooting for him too since he seems really smart and was fun to play with post-swap. I just never had the trust in him that I did in Dan.
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By Flicka Flame
#2772 I feel like you had potential to do SOOO much more if you were able to survive until the merge. Maybe you can prove me right in a future returnee season. icon_laughing
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By Trashley Markwood


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Trashley Markwood

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By Max
Sierra wrote:And yeah... sorry Max. Let me just say that right now, LOL. Joaquin really wanted to keep you, I thought we could make it work either way, and Dan was dead-set against keeping you and there was literally no talking him out of it. If we had done Asmat vs. Yali, and So broke the tie, we all would've stayed and this could've been different. I just didn't feel confident doing it at the time and thought it wasn't best for me :(

It's cool. I don't blame you at all for voting me out. Honestly, I was rooting for you after I got eliminated. icon_laughing
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