Day 18 - Immunity Challenge #7 - Cluster Puzzle
Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 7:40:40 pm
Immunity Challenge #7 - Cluster Puzzle
--As usual, from this point forward you are not allowed to discuss this challenge in PMs--
Overview: Tonight you will be putting together small 6-piece puzzles. May seem simple, but these puzzles will be made of your two avatars. Your most recent pre-merge avatar (post swap) and your merge avatar. All 22 of these have been scrambled together so you will have to search for the individual avatars pieces amongst the pieces pieces.
To make this a bit more complex, You will not be solving YOUR avatars, you will be solving the puzzles of your fellow tribemates. That's because when both of your avatar puzzles have been completed, you are eliminated from the challenge.
I have made a separate forum at the top of the challenge arena with a thread for each player. You must post that player's avatars in their designated thread. You will lose access to this forum when you are eliminated.
The last 3 players remaining in this challenge are Individually Immune from tonight's Tribal Council.
Also, hidden among these avatars is a fake avatar with a random Indonesian tribesman and the words "idol clue" in the place of a name. PM this to me before you are eliminated and you will receive a clue to the idol after the challenge is over.
It will be made public who has taken the idol clue.
- You are eliminated once both of your avatars have been solved in your designated thread.
- You can claim the idol clue only if you have not yet been eliminated.
- You cannot discuss this challenge in private messages.
- You MUST use original image tags to complete the puzzles.
Posting this early to give you all a chance to sign in and ask questions