By Jeff Probst
#4653 Tribal Council #9 - 9c/10e

**Note the later time**

Clue #1 wrote:In paradise is a royal treasure
Immunity has found its hiding place
The centre, be careful what you measure
There are many explorers in this race.

Clue #2 wrote:You only need one, but names it has plenty,
Soar high, dive low, the hiding place will soon empty.
If you want to find safety, you can sail or swim,
But only the locals will find the treasure hiding within

Clue #3 wrote:Northern and Western, but the Easternmost location
Be the first to find me and you'll have your salvation
Swim with the marine life and soar up into the trees
This hunt will soon end, an idol sailing off with the breeze.

Clue #4 wrote:There's a park in these waters, but the waters are your key
Search the seas to unlock the hiding place of immunity
How many clues do you need, is searching really such a chore?
Look at the home of your tribes, see what turns up on the shore.
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Jeff Probst

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By Dale
#4677 Fuck the beat, I'll go a capella
Fuck a Papa Doc, fuck a clock, fuck a trailer, fuck everybody
Fuck y'all if you doubt me
I'm a piece of fucking white trash, I say it proudly
And fuck this battle, I don't wanna win, I'm outtie
Here, tell these people something they don't know about me

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