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Closing Statements

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 11:52:13 pm
by Kelly Wigles
Hey Val, as you know, the game is coming to an end, these threads will all soon be locked but you will be able to see these for posterity. Right now I'd like you to give us your final worlds in terms of how you felt about the game and your game as well, things you've learned about yourself and things you would do differently. Think of this as a message to your future self years down the line when you look back at being [b]Stranded in Indonesia[/b

Re: Closing Statements

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 6:33:49 pm
by Val
I thought this game was amazing. I mean, I could talk about how much time I spent after challenges and tribal being anxious and the stress awaiting the next potential screw up in my game, but all that happened because I was so invested in this game that I really love. No matter the outcome, though I really want to win, I'm going to be proud that my first experience here went so well. Though, this is not the game I would necessarily play a second time. I might play harder just because of the fact that the way I was playing marked me as a target anyway. I guess nobody can really hide all that well in this game and the joy in busting balls and doing crazy shit would make the whole game worth it, anyway. Also, never trust a bitch. I ain't never gonna trust a bitch again, like not even in my regular life, neither. But I'll still fake it like I like you and that's pretty much what life is anyway, right. This think was ridiculous and entertaining and right here at the end of it, I barely know where I am and that's fine. Keep this shit coming, 'cuz this shit right here got my blood flowing again. Thanks to everybody here and thank you, me, for putting yourself into this purse first.

Re: Closing Statements

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 7:28:59 pm
by Kelly Wigles
Thanks for playing Val, it was nice getting to know you :) Good luck at the vote tonight.

Re: Closing Statements

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 7:30:40 pm
by Val
I sit here with bated breath. Like, I think I actually can't regulate my breathing. Medic! :D