Episode 12
Sun May 08, 2016 9:43:16 pm
by Stephannie Favor
Hey Joaquin,
Congrats on final 6!
Do you think it's odd to see a near unanimous vote this late in the game? There aren't 6 contestants sitting up at the FTC, so some people are going to have to go: who do you think the last few members of the jury are going to be?
Anything to reflect on about Jeff's final words at tribal? Do you have enough sway in this f6 to ensure a spot at the end?
What's your case going to be to the jury? Will they respect the game that you have played?
And just talk me through your strategy for these last stages of the game.
Good luck!
Re: Episode 12
Sun May 08, 2016 9:54:46 pm
by Joaquin
Hi Steph! Thanks!
No. The reason we got rid of Drew was to try to lower the chaos in the game. Reed was upping the level, so it makes sense that everyone would want him out. Plus, guaranteed final 6 is guaranteed final 6!
If I get my way, the next two people to go are Val and Nadiya. They are the only ones that can compete with me for jury votes, and are probably the only people thinking strategically enough to want to vote me out in the immediate future.
I think I will have enough sway to get to the end because I know what I want, and with Drew and Reed gone, there is no one left in the game as manipulative as me.
My case? My social game. I was pretty much, after the Dan vote, a lone island out here and was social enough to build the connections to get me to the end game. I also have received zero votes cast against so far, in addition to being the reason behind the game's biggest vote, Drew, by exposing his lies.
Basically, like you said, I want Nadiya and Val out these next two. That's my end game strategy. I think I would beat any of So, Dale and Jaclyn in a landslide and trust that I'd be able to work myself into the final.
Re: Episode 12
Sun May 08, 2016 11:05:29 pm
by Jeff Varner
Hey Joaquin.
Can you please do me a favor and rank who you think is most likely to win a jury vote? Please include yourself such that everyone above you is likely to beat you (if there is anyone) and anyone below you is likely to lose to you (if there is anyone). An explanation for each person's ranking would be appreciated.
Re: Episode 12
Sun May 08, 2016 11:48:43 pm
by Joaquin
Before I do my rankings, just thought I'd let you know that I've decided to blow up the game a bit. I want to get to the end with some flair and gusto instead of a boring ending because the Stranded audience deserves better. Plus, I wanna have fun. So I gave Val EVERY SINGLE PM ANYONE HAS SENT ABOUT WANTING TO VOTE HER OUT IN THE LAST THREE DAYS. And told her about her fake idol thing that she only told Jaclyn and Nadiya, so she knows they have betrayed her trust. It has worked beautifully, she is now on my side. My goal is a Nadiya blindside next vote, to improve my chances of getting to the end and to add some spice into the game. Nadiya has been playing a really solid game.
1) Joaquin
-I already have 3 guaranteed votes should I get to the end (Dan, Drew, Reed) and three that I would get conditional on vote-outs (Kelly if So isn't in the F3, So if she's voted out, Dale if he's voted out). I probably won't get Jaclyn's or Jenn's vote, and Val's is up in the air depending on how I do the end game
2) Nadiya
She has been in the majority for every vote and has 0 votes cast against. That's a hell of an argument to the jury. I think she lacks some of the deeper social connections and social nuance that I have, however, and think I would eke her out for a win. Not that I plan on letting her get close to the end.
3) Val
Great social player, probably lacking a bit of killer instinct strategically, but if she got to the F3 with two of the people below her she'd hands down win. Tight with Nad and would probably lose to me.
4a & 4b) Dale & Jaclyn
-Dale has played a far more impressive and active strategic game, but comes across as a dick or too aggressive to a lot of people and will lose their vote just on personal disdain. Jaclyn isn't really hated by anyone other than So but she isn't active enough in the strategic game to be seen as the strategic head of the game, and perception is reality.
6) So
-Just has floated by and hasn't done anything, hasn't built any social connections (except maybe me), and would only probably get Kelly & Jenn's vote tops. If she gets to the end, it's because someone dragged her, not because she got herself there.