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Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:37:01 pm
by Jeff Probst
Congratulations on making the merge!!! icon_chaos icon_mml icon_chaos

Before we get to any questions, I just have to say, this is a place 7 people really wanted to be and are still wishing they could trade places with you. DO NOT WASTE YOUR OPPORTUNITY. You do not want to get to the final three with absolutely nothing on your résumé and believe me "I was secretly pulling the strings, i promise" is not going to fly with the jury. Play your guts out! Even if you go home swinging, it's better than going home after being reamed in the final 3 for being a "goat." So show us what you are made up and above all else, HAVE FUN WITH IT. This is a game and you want something to remember.

So that's my pep talk.

Now that that's out of the way, I'll ask a few questions: Are you happy to reunite with some of the other tribemates? Do you trust them considering you spent a majority of the game apart? Have you gotten to know the other players in this game? Now that you are merged and it is a new beginning, are you fully taking advantage of this opportunity and exploring all of your options?

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:35:07 am
by Joaquin
Happy to reunite with Jenn. If she keeps her word about sticking with me and being a number we can do some serious damage.

I'm just gettin' to know everyone, particularly Reed and Drew since they are people I've never played with before. Reed and I get along as he is a huge basketball fan and way less of a gamebot than most people I've met. Drew, who apparently just causes drama everywhere, and I have a real connection going though. I'm the only one here who gets his music and has similar music taste as him, and we haven't even talked game at all. I'm hoping I can become tighter with those two, because if I could do, again, could do some serious damage

For now it's just listen to Dale and try to boot So and Kelly, who appear to be lame ducks even though people are tossing out names left and right. As long as it ain't me (or Dan)

Also I THOUGHT I FUCKING HAD THE IDOL WHERE THE FUCK COULD IT BE. Bali is paradise, Ubud is the ~cultural~ centre of Bali, the Ubud Palace is the royal treasure. Fuck this shit

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 2:37:26 pm
by Jeff Probst
Please keep us up to date on the latest happenings as we try to make sense of the craziness going on!!! lol

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 3:16:52 pm
by Joaquin
oh true

Yeah so I was totally right on the idol and Dan found it last night. I guess I'm just a fucking wizard or some shit to get it off of the FIRST CLUE (which y'all should continue to give out more clues, btw). I'll also be "looking for it" to throw peeps off the scent

My goal for right now is to get So and Kelly out these next two and then flip to Drew, Reed and Jenn for a 5 on 9 and blindside either Dale or Nadiya cuz she has the public idol. Dan is actually playing super fucking smart (for me) - by freaking out and throwing tons of names out he's seeing who's loyal to us and catching people in lies. Probably gonna throw the next challenge so I can really reduce my radar for me to be able to bust out more out of no where (strategically) as well as be a bigger challenge threat later on. Looking like Kelly or So for the first council.