- Mon May 02, 2016 1:10:07 am
Sup Varner
Now that all the dust has cleared (for the time being) and I've answered more PM's today than ever before, time to give my before-bed confessional.
1) It was pretty much what I expected actually. Told Probst beforehand I expected a straightforward vote with craziness at the council, with people trying to scramble and all. I'm actually loving all of the craziness, because it makes people paranoid and emotional. When people get paranoid and emotional, they don't act rationally or in their best interest all the time and that's when Joaq swoops in. I also somehow cleared this round of votes without really being in the crossfire at all.
2) Went exactly as expected. Knew Kelly was going home for a bit now.
3) Jury votes are weird. The way you play should always be influenced by the fact there's a jury - it's bad to fuck people over and flip when it's not rational, it's bad to lie when you don't have to, backstabbing can hurt. Ultimately, I think in general my play style lends well to the jury (as been historically proven, won my last season in a 6-1-1 vote) so I'm mostly focused on my path to the end. The more important thing with the jury is who are you sitting next to at the end?
4) If you were to just look at my position, you'd probably think it doesn't look too hot. So and Jenn appear to be dead men walking, and after then, the Old Yali will just take me and Dan out. But whether people realized it or not, cracks were exposed tonight. Jac and Val are tight. Reed made a poor choice during the challenge in showing his relationship with Nadiya. Drew put it best at tribal when he said people have their hands in multiple cookie jars. Someone's gonna get caught, and I'm gonna pounce on that.
By the way, I love Drew. He and I are so similar (besides the music taste). I look forward to hopefully starting some chaos soon with him. My goal is at F9 to pull him and So with me and Dan, as well as one other person afraid of everyone's trillion F3 alliances to blindside a Dale or something. From there, who know's - gotta take it one vote at a time. And having the idol with Dan don't hurt