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Episode 12

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 9:42:20 pm
by Stephannie Favor
Hey Jaclyn,
Congrats on final 6! icon_mml

Do you think it's odd to see a near unanimous vote this late in the game? There aren't 6 contestants sitting up at the FTC, so some people are going to have to go: who do you think the last few members of the jury are going to be?

Anything to reflect on about Jeff's final words at tribal? Do you have enough sway in this f6 to ensure a spot at the end?

What's your case going to be to the jury? Will they respect the game that you have played?

And just talk me through your strategy for these last stages of the game.
Good luck!

Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 9:58:40 pm
by Jaclyn
1. Reed had it coming. Once Drew left, he took the role of "frantic, last-minute, scrambler" trying to save his ass from the chopping block. Only Drew was able to pull it off till early merge because he had good connections with people. Reed didnt have that and that was why a lot of people saw right through him, which is why he got majority of the votes. Also, he has a lot of friends on the jury and everyone in the game still knew that. It's best to strike now when he's vulnerable rather than later

2. I was completely caught off-guard that someone voted for me. And it wasn't the "idk how the votes are going, so I'll just vote you". it was more strategic, as if in case an idol was played and going to a tie between me and So, it was a perfect opportunity to take me out. I'm growing wary of some people in our core alliance, but i'm not going to go all Drew in this game. Perhaps I'll pull a Dan if i know I'm going, but i'm not at that stage.

3.My case for the jury is that i was the mastermind behind every single one of their eliminations, whether they believe so or not. I made sure the votes went the way it is, ensuring that person went home. i didnt need to win immunities to put a big target on my back, when i already have that Yali girls target already. Drew's boot is the perfect example of my game- i made sure he felt safe, relating as much as i can to him personally, and completely blindsiding him. I will also use the loyalty card since I sticked with my alliance since day 1 and not one flipped on them (this may change tho. Val is very unpredictable and idk if i wanna keep her longer, but it seems logical to keep her since she is still on my side).

Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 11:04:52 pm
by Jeff Varner
Hey Jaclyn.

Can you please do me a favor and rank who you think is most likely to win a jury vote? Please include yourself such that everyone above you is likely to beat you (if there is anyone) and anyone below you is likely to lose to you (if there is anyone). An explanation for each person's ranking would be appreciated.

Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2016 12:08:37 am
by Jaclyn
1. Nadiya: She just played a flawless, lowkey game that everyone in the jury will respect to. She is seen as the "leader" of the Yali 3 girls alliance, won comps here and there (or at least was runner-up to it), did not necessary burn bridges with the jury, and she has an idol and she may get some cookie points on how she plays it next tribal.
2. Joaq: He is seen as a social butterfly. He really did his best to interact with everyone, despite not in his core alliance. That earns a lot of points in the jury since they might be bitter against people who just snubbed them in the game (one of my biggest downfalls to be honest)
3 & 4. Me/Val. I say we both have huge advantages and huge disadvantages if we go into the merge. my advantages is that i showed how loyal i was to my alliance, therefore that is why the other two people sitting next to me are in the finals. Val has that she ventured out and explored options outside of the 3 Yali girls alliance, but backed out in the last minute.
5. Dale: he just burned a lot of bridges with the jury with his over-the-top, loudmouth behavior. Definitely rubbed people the wrong way.
6. So:..... come on now. Does this need explanation? She and Kelly were easily interchangeable so she is very lucky she wasn't cut in kelly's place.