I think the game was pretty interesting. I didn't expect the final 4 to be myself, Nadiya, Val and Jac. Not one bit. I thought for sure that that alliance would be split up pretty fast into the merge. I think at that Jenn vote, I realized that I was damned if I do and damned if I don't. I've always wanted to take out the Yali girls but I never wanted to do it on someone else's terms. That's why I just couldn't let Drew take out Val, one vote after he didn't take her out with me. I wanted her gone at 7 and I realize now I messed up on my speech where I said Joaq went instead of her. It was Reed that went instead.
I didn't expect to be so hated coming out of this game. I really didn't. I thought I was doing a decent job socially, but damn I guess not. I don't understand why Jenn is so mad at me. She says I threw her under the bus at F10, because she told me she heard my name and I asked about it? What did she expect me to do? Oh yeah that's cool. You won't tell me who said it or anything but yeah no I'll keep my mouth shut pretend it didn't happen. Ugh. So dumb. She voted her damn self out.
But yeah, I understand So hating me, calling me a homophobe or racist though? lol please.
I don't know. I guess I learned that I let my emotions control me a lot of the time. I mean, I've already known this, but I didn't expect this game to bring that side of me out. I really thought I'd be able to keep a calm head more than I did. If I ever play again, I'm definitely gonna try and tone down the strategy and just kinda be friendly, let other people control the outcome. Seems to work for Val. But at the same time, I'm happy that I was able to be so hated. Nothing like being a villain . I'd rather be hated than be bland and forgotten. But overall, I think I might stay away from ORG's for now. It brings out the worst in me I've realized.
I don't claim to be a nice guy, I think people that do that are pathetic, but I definitely am a caring person, and its interesting that no one saw that. Getting to the final 3 though, and being part of most decision making was really fun, I got burned out on it to be honest but it was fun for a while. I love that I got to the end and was never voted out, even if I get no votes. I'm proud of my game, I didn't sit back and let others play it for me. Nad a little bit, but other than that not so much.
The hosts have kept me sane throughout this journey and thank you guys for that. Can't wait to see the fan favorite and cast reveal tomorrow to see the shit talking you guys do.