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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:49:36 pm
by Jeff Probst
Please use this thread exclusively for your official votes. They should be in the following format;

Episode 01


What a tired, old, washed up hag. Do us a favor-- go home and get some rest.

-Make sure to put either the round number, day or date on them so we can distinguish between votes for this round and previous votes.

-You do not have to make a comment, but anything you write in your post is fair game to be revealed along with your vote. We won't say who said what, just the exact words, similar to a comment written on a voting parchment on the show. Comments are highly encouraged :)

-There is no penalty for not voting. You'll simply see one less vote appear at TC.

-If you think you are going to be absent for a voting period, you should leave a pre-vote. You are allowed pre-vote with one name only - no lists or alternatives.

-You can change your vote / comment as many times as you like up until the voting deadline. The deadlines will be clearly announced at the beginning of Tribal Council. As soon as that deadline hits, your vote is "locked in" and you cannot change it, so be certain it is what you want to do.

Re: Votes

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 9:16:46 pm
by Dale
Episode whatever


"Idk this tribal is a mess"

Re: Votes

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 9:13:22 pm
by Dale
Episode 8


"I don't wanna be on the bottom of a girls alliance."

Re: Votes

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 9:22:18 pm
by Dale

Re: Votes

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 9:10:34 pm
by Dale
Episode 9


"I tried telling you this would happen. You blew me off completely. Sorry girl, but I had no other choice. - Dale"

Re: Votes

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2016 12:46:04 am
by Dale
Episode 10


You're a hell of a player dude. The way you manipulate people is incredible. Your game has flaws though, nearly every rumor comes back as "Drew told me" so this vote really isn't hard. I don't trust you one bit. I wouldn't want to be up against you in the final though, and if anyone deserves a second chance, it's you. Give em hell at ponderosa.

Re: Votes

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 9:03:16 pm
by Dale
Episode 11


I'm sorry about this man. I didn't want your game to end this way. I hope we can catch up after the game.

Re: Votes

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2016 8:45:25 pm
by Dale
Episode 12


Sorry bro, you're trying to make a big move tonight and get the jury on your side. I don't like that. This is my game. Hopefully this vote will shatter some of the preconceived notions about my "swing" game. #NalynAnderworth

Re: Votes

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:48:17 pm
by Dale
Episode 13


Out of everyone I've talked to in this game, you were the most unpleasant. I'd rather stick my dick in a blender than force myself to send you another message. Get the fuck out of this game, you fake fucking cunt. Cunt cunt cunt. Yeah you're a guy and you're still a cunt. So So, if you'll please, go fuck yourself. I have found a new appreciation towards Asmat for having to deal with you all game. I might not win, I might not even reach the final 3, but at least I was in control of my own destructive game, and I am proud to say that my moves got me and my fellow alliance members to this point. I know the jury hates me, but without me and Nad planning out almost every single vote since post swap Yali, this final 5 would have looked very differently. Call me delusional if you want, call me the biggest goat of Stranded: Indonesia, but at least I didn't let anyone boss me around, and I didn't let anyone drag me to the end. I got myself here, every single vote. So fuck y'all, give the win to Nad. #EatDan'sLoadSoYouFakeDumbBitch #NalynAnderworth

Re: Votes

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2016 8:11:10 pm
by Dale
Episode 14


I don't really know what to say...You were my first alliance, my first ally, the first person I could trust, and the first and probably only person that I actually care about in this game. It's heartbreaking to vote you out, but it is a game, and you are the number one threat to win it. There is nothing personal about it, and I told you I would vote for you last night, I didn't wanna lie to you. I'm really sorry, and hope you have fun on the jury, and looking forward to you eating me alive on Sunday. :P Thanks jury, for a great game and a great season. This has been an experience that's for sure. I didn't think I'd have so much fun and stress with an online survivor simulation.

Re: Votes

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 10:59:40 pm
by Dale
In case of a tie


Someone as inactive as you winning would be hilarious.