- Mon May 09, 2016 12:21:03 am
Jeff Varner wrote:Hey Dale.
In addition to Stephannie's questions, can you please do me a favor and rank who you think is most likely to win a jury vote? Please include yourself such that everyone above you is likely to beat you (if there is anyone) and anyone below you is likely to lose to you (if there is anyone). An explanation for each person's ranking would be appreciated.
Ill get to the questions, tomorrow, I'm about to head to bed. I don't know, I don't really feel great about my chances of winning. I'll have to hope that I can do a really good job at final tribal to try and sway some of the people. Reed said he would vote for me, but then again who knows.
Nadiya - I think she can go into the final and tell the jury that she was in control of the Yali girls and everyone would believe her, because Val for sure was under her thumb the majority of the game, and Jac just did whatever she was told. So yeah, I think she has that in her favor. I can try and say that I was really the secret one in charge because I had Nad doing what I wanted, but it's gonna be tough. She has been on the right side of the vote every single time, she has had zero votes cast against her, pretty much everybody likes her, and she hasn't pissed anyone off.
Joaq - He's got the whole underdog story, and the "known threat that survived" story as well. He's got Dan's vote, Drew said he would vote for him on his way out, I'm sure Reed would vote for him. So yeah, he's got a lot of votes just because he was strategic enough to the point where he's considered a threat but not too strategic where people went home specifically because of him. Once again, I don't think he pissed anyone off, even if he doesn't talk to the girls.
Val - I think most people have said they like Val. She has survived two votes, just got an immunity win, she's got that underdog story as well and she's been social with basically everyone. She can win.
Dale - I think I can win if I don't take the three people above me with me to the end. A lot of people think that Nadiya is in tight with Val and Jac and that I am on the outs, so if I get rid of Val next, maybe that will kinda break that a bit. By getting rid of Nadiya, I can take credit for a lot of the Yali alliance, and I honestly do think that without me, that alliance would have crumbled a long time ago. Nadiya relied a lot on the information that I gave her, and yes, she gave me info too, but I think that we both helped each other quite a bit in getting this far. I can take credit for the Sierra blindside because Dan and Joaq both know that I was the main person on New Yali to talk game with them.
So - There's probably a scenerio where So wins. I don't think she would be a good winner at all, her game has consisted of acting like a goat, which is a valid strategy but how do you convince someone that acting like a goat was not just actually being a goat because no one wanted to talk to you. I think if So wins this season, it would be a dishonor to the many great players.
Jaclyn - I can't think of a single think Jac has done this game strategically. She hasn't been very social with many people either. If Jac wins this game, I will be shocked.
So yeah, my plan is to take Jac and So to the end.