Got Me Looking So Crazy Right Now (your Idol got me looking so crazy right now) – Yali Round 5
If I could use two words to describe this tribal council it would be Unnecessary Insanity. They have been a tribe for 5 days, a target had been established by the Old Yali to vote out a member of Old Asmat. They had two options go with Sierra, Dan and Jaoq and vote who they wanted out OR vote one of the three in fear of an idol play. The consensus leading up to the challenge was to vote Jaoq and everything was going to go smoothly in a 4-3-1 vote. That is, until
Jaoq won individual immunity. Not an ideal situation but not the end of the world either. You’d think a 45 minute period inbetween the challenge and tribal council would be a piece of cake for them to decide between Dan/Sierra or Max?
You guessed it. Nope.
Old Yali legit went insane on trying to decide who to send home.
Dale and
Nadiya didn’t want to give up Dan or Sierra and vote out Max,
Val was worried about an idol play so wanted to vote Dan, and Jaclyn, who showed up 10 minutes before tribal, wanted to vote Sierra. What was even more insane was Dale wanting to attempt a dumb plan to get Jaoq to give him the idol. This lead to a lot of hilarity of Nadiya and Val basically telling him to shut up. By the time the Tribal Council started that HAD NOT even reached a decision leaving all of the original Yali members, the hosts and alumni alike completely in the dark on who was exactly going to go home. This caused Jaclyn to freak out and play her idol despite never being remotely close to danger.
On the flip side of the coin old Asmat was pretty much chilling.
Jaoq and
Dan had resigned to the fact Max had to go and didn’t feel like they had to about the situation.
Max was barely conversing and would only send a pm or two saying he was going after Dan. Dan would then proceed to confront him about it but continue to be completely unphased by the vote. If only they knew just how close it came to each one of them leaving. No attempt to try to pull Max in and vote out Yali. No attempt to establish a smaller cross tribal alliance. No awareness to the chaos that was happening on the other side of camp. No idea that Jaclyn wasn’t even online until so close to the council that a play reasonably could have been made.
As the votes came in Asmat were all locked in on Max (including Max) and Yali was scattered with at one point all 3 old Asmat members receiving a vote. Slowly but sheer paranoia crept and they all switched their target to Max but the damage was done. Instead of getting out a bigger target they settled on Max. A complete non-entity. I think if anything this decision benefits Nadiya and Dale and hinders Jaclyn and Val. Nadiya and Dale have done a great job in establishing a relationship with Sierra and Dan as potential allies that it benefits them to keep them in the game. Both of them have showed a significant willingness to work with them. On top of that Dan has been very vocal of his detest for So and Kelly and has been proven by both the 2nd immunity challenge and the swap to be the bottom of the alliance. These two could be crucial long term allies come a merge for Nadiya and Dale. Max would not be able to provide them with the same numbers and would jump back to Kelly and So given the opportunity. Now voting out Max does give Val and Jaclyn the short term benefit of keeping Dan and Sierra happy but they are less likely to work with them due to not properly establishing relationships. They kept two very strategic people in the game with no benefit to them personally.
On the other side of the spectrum, one could argue voting out Max was a dumb plan and that old Asmat should have stuck together to eliminate an original Yasi. Now in a normal situation of Survivor I would agree, but in the context of this game Max has not proven himself to be invested in the game. He has not had game talk with anyone other then Kelly/So/Jenn nor has he proven himself to be someone who can be trusted in the game. I honestly believe they did they right thing selling him out in attempt to gain new allies. We all know Old Asmatt won’t be getting together anytime soon come the merge so why not try to ingratiate yourself with the other tribe? The likelihood of them getting Max to vote with them anyways was slim at best based on his communication alone.
Going forward unless Dan and Sierra can convince Dale to vote off Jaclyn or Jaoq wins the idol, Jaoq is going to be out for the count during the double. Nadiya is not going to entertain a Jaclyn boot and Jaclyn and Val are dead set in another Asmat going home. I don’t think Dale or Nadiya will allow a vote switch unless Jaoq is immune. I don’t know who the alternative target would be between Dan and Sierra but ultimately it’ll come down to who Dale and Nadiya are more ready to get rid of. My money would actually be on Sierra since she is the better player, but with this cast I have no idea.
Also Jaclyn is an Eva Maria fan so instantly it makes her a terrible person.
Power Player
1. Nadiya
2. Dale
3. Val
4. Jaclyn
5. Sierra
6. Dan
7. Jaoquinn
Favorite Player
1. Sierra
2. Dan
3. Nadiya
4. Dale
5. Val
6. Jaoquinn
7. Jaclyn
No Flex Zone (no stress zone) – Asmatt Round 5
No Changes occurred during the last 24 hours.
Reed and
Drew are still going to utilize Kelly’s split vote plan against her. The vote is going to be 3 for Joe, 2 for Drew/Reed, 1 for Drew/Reed. The only wrinkle in the plan is if Drew or Reed happen to win by accident or Joe wins. I don’t know if Jenn will still be willing to pile the votes on Kelly or So if Joe were to win but we will soon find out. I don’t expect anything to change until tomorrow.
Kelly is still overly paranoid,
So is still over confident, and
Joe is still unaware of life.
Power Player
1. Jenn
2. Reed
3. Drew
4. So
5. Kelly
6. Joe
Favorite Player
1. Jenn
2. Reed
3. So
4. Drew
5. Kelly
6. Joe