Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 1:30:04 pm
I'll post some asshole stuff Dale has called me today. ENJOY
Season 27
Dale wrote:Let's vote out So. I think us 4 being final 4 is kinda cool.
Dale wrote:Oh hey So, Oops didn't mean to include in this, but you're a cunt anyways so whatever. :)
So wrote:And you're a sexist pig.
Dale wrote:Im sexist now, oh no, ouch.
So wrote:You just used a sexist term
Dale wrote:We've got a feminazi up in here.
Dale wrote:I know you don't like being honest with me, and think you have some big girl alliance thing going, but wanna tell me why in the world causing a 2-2-2 is smart? Trying to flush an idol, yet you vote for the person that had the idol LOL. And then you try and throw me under the bus like cmon. You've been trying to throw me under all game. I don't get it. What did I do to you?
So wrote:Dude literally stop attacking me. I did nothing to you and all you have done today have been sending me threatening pms.
Dale wrote:lmfao cause you're a fake bitch.
So wrote:What is your problem? You are the fakest fake in this game.
Dale wrote:Nope, I've been true to people in my alliance (Nad and Jac) the rest of you have been feeding me BS all game, I'm sorry I took out your final 4 alliance one by one.
I try and work with you and you feed me lies, but I'M the fake one. LOL
So wrote:Dale wrote:Nope, I've been true to people in my alliance (Nad and Jac) the rest of you have been feeding me BS all game, I'm sorry I took out your final 4 alliance one by one.
I try and work with you and you feed me lies, but I'M the fake one. LOL