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Episode 01 Fan Favourite Poll

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 4:05:16 am
by Jeff Probst
[center]Welcome Alumni, to Stranded in Indonesia!
To proceed to the off-site voting arena for Episode 01 - click on the lovely picture of Shinini

In case you missed it. This round, So became the leader of Asmat and Jaclyn the leader of Yali. On Asmat, Kelly was in the middle of all the alliances turning her back on Dan / Joe / Joaquin with the help of her ally So. She made it painfully obvious to everyone that she is the closets to So. Shirin talked about harming herself and posted cock a lot adn then was removed for cheating. On Yali, Jaclyn was in the middle of all the alliance with Nadiya. John Rocker started annoying everyone.