Joe's random vote really backfired on him. He's getting eaten alive in this game.
So keeps saying that she, as leader, gets to break any tie votes at Tribal Council. Is this true? I couldn't find any reference to it on the boards.
Okay, so Dan, Joe and Joaquin are together and want to boot Max. Kelly and Sierra are also with them in this 5 Amigos alliance (Note to Female Players: Never put any faith into an alliance with a male-specific name. WTF is wrong with you??), but Kelly isn't really keen on it. She would rather go with So and Jenn, who've pulled in Max now that he's woken up after getting Joe's random vote at TC. Kelly would clearly rather go with the girls, but Sierra seems to be leaning with staying with the guys.
Yali seems united in wanting to boot Rocker, which is boring. It's also too bad because he could be an entertaining character. After that, it seems like a massive clusterfuck of interlocking alliances. It's hard to tell who's really with who until they have to make a decision on the post-Rocker boot.
I really like the Asshat Tribe, but I kinda hope they lose the challenge so that we see what Kelly and Sierra do. If So is right that she can break any ties, that is an incredibly powerful weapon to use at even numbers. Will Kelly have the balls to go with the girls and vote out Dan? Or will she go with the larger numbers and stick with the 5 Amigos?