By Kelly Wigles
#807 Azmat is looking like a really interesting tribe. I'm loving the girls but I'm secretly hoping Dan gets out of there alive and primed for vengeance.

also, Joe's got nothing on the original phantom-throwaway-voter.. icon_chaos
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By Caryn Groedel
#808 Jenn's a cunt. How dare she question me when I take the piss out of So. 'Dan, I thought you weren't in favour of her keeping the idol'. Are you in favour of sucking my dick with no teeth? If not, shut the fuck up.

Fucking Dan icon_lol
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By Kelly Wigles
#823 Yali is so boring right now, I want the swap to happen already. Val and Rocker deserve to be on a crazier tribe.

Asmat is pretty fun, Max is like the only dud in the group. I hope he goes home but his main alliance is with the girls and I like them a good deal more than the boys. Marissa was right on her blog, Sierra's got everyone wrapped around her finger.
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By Marissa Peterson
#824 I said it on Skype. I'll say it again Joe, Dan and Jaq are SOOOOOOO DUMB for not following through with the Max vote and fully pinning it on Jenn. It's literally like buying a sandwhich at McDonald's and then leaving before it's done being made. Some other brotha is going to eat it. And that brotha is the girls. Even dumber making Max the target despite saying you don't trust So and Kelly and not aligned with Jenn. Like seriously. Your asking for them to get together and vote one of you out. Honestly in their shoes I would have pinned it on Jenn then tried to persuade Max and Sierra to vote with them.

I honestly think Joe is going to go since I really don't see Sierra getting rid of Dan nor do I think she'll want to allow it to get to a tie. I honestly only see Kelly going after Joe and Dan cause Kelly is convinced Joe is after her even though he was probably her most loyal foot soldier. It's crazy.
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By Kelly Wigles
#825 Yeah the hinky vote thing only works when you know your tribe well enough that it will cause some serious distrust. Had Joe voted for any of the girls, it would have had a huge effect, instead it's on Max, literally the person who matters the least outside of Shirin.
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By Kelly Wigles
#828 I kinda hope they lose tonight to see how this all pans out but then we really need some action over at Yali
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By Jim
#829 Joe's random vote really backfired on him. He's getting eaten alive in this game.

So keeps saying that she, as leader, gets to break any tie votes at Tribal Council. Is this true? I couldn't find any reference to it on the boards.

Okay, so Dan, Joe and Joaquin are together and want to boot Max. Kelly and Sierra are also with them in this 5 Amigos alliance (Note to Female Players: Never put any faith into an alliance with a male-specific name. WTF is wrong with you??), but Kelly isn't really keen on it. She would rather go with So and Jenn, who've pulled in Max now that he's woken up after getting Joe's random vote at TC. Kelly would clearly rather go with the girls, but Sierra seems to be leaning with staying with the guys.

Yali seems united in wanting to boot Rocker, which is boring. It's also too bad because he could be an entertaining character. After that, it seems like a massive clusterfuck of interlocking alliances. It's hard to tell who's really with who until they have to make a decision on the post-Rocker boot.

I really like the Asshat Tribe, but I kinda hope they lose the challenge so that we see what Kelly and Sierra do. If So is right that she can break any ties, that is an incredibly powerful weapon to use at even numbers. Will Kelly have the balls to go with the girls and vote out Dan? Or will she go with the larger numbers and stick with the 5 Amigos? icon_confused icon_confused
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By Kelly Wigles
#830 yeah I'm kind of on the edge of my seat with that Asshat tribe. They were put together pretty nicely.
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By Vitinho
Jim wrote:So keeps saying that she, as leader, gets to break any tie votes at Tribal Council. Is this true? I couldn't find any reference to it on the boards.

she's half right. she can break tie votes of the other tribe icon_laughing

immunity holders break ties, including pre-merge. so if asmat has a tie, the other tribe has the deciding vote.
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By Jim
Vitinho wrote:
Jim wrote:So keeps saying that she, as leader, gets to break any tie votes at Tribal Council. Is this true? I couldn't find any reference to it on the boards.

she's half right. she can break tie votes of the other tribe icon_laughing

immunity holders break ties, including pre-merge. so if asmat has a tie, the other tribe has the deciding vote.

Oooopsie. icon_lol
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By Jim
#837 Ruh roh.

Kelly is getting cold feet. She wants to boot Max. She thinks this will keep Sierra and Joe happy, and they will both flip on Dan in the next vote. So is feverishly trying to get Kelly and Sierra to vote for Dan. There's no way Sierra will actually do that, though. So thinks she will be able to break any tie, so So thinks that if Kelly votes for Dan, they will have enough votes to boot Dan. But here in the audience we know that So does *not* have the power to break ties; it's actually Yali that will break the tie!!!

The question I would have for Kelly is "Why do you think Sierra and Joe will turn on Dan next round if they won't do it now?" They are both clearly lying, in my opinion. Sierra says she doesn't want to make Joe and Joaquin mad because they will be hard to live with. Ummm, gurl? YOU AREN'T ACTUALLY LIVING WITH THEM! And if they're gonna get pissed today, they'll get just as pissed tomorrow.

Dunno if Kelly is really falling for this bullshit or if she just wants to be one of the Amigos. Kelly is basically deciding between being #2 with So or being #5 with the 5 Amigos. Dumb, dumb, dumb! icon_no

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By Kelly Wigles
#1118 I think I just unintentionally foreshadowed this challenge for Asmat when i asked them all the rank your tribe mates question in the confessionals last night.
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