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Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 1:10:50 am
by Jeff Varner
I feel like Dale has about 10 different instances of beginning a sentence with "So..." where I'm not sure if he's talking about the player So or not.
Anyway, opening speeches and jury speeches are starting to get finalized. Who's winning tonight?
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 1:14:03 am
by Jeff Varner
I just read through Dale's rough draft of a speech and I do actually like it. It reminds me a bit of mine from way back when.
I like how he admitted what he did but I really really do not like how he kept saying he doesn't think he should win or that he doesn't think he will win. That alone would probably cause me to give him a hard pass and vote for someone else.
I also just read through Val's final draft and it really just reads like an essay about what the other two did wrong rather than what she did herself. I'm pretty sure the jury is aware of what the other two have done wrong considering they got shit on for the entire merge. But maybe that'll work for her - not being Dale or Jaclyn might be enough for win this season. But for a lot of talk about being self-reliant, her jury speech relied heavily on [bashing] others.
It was pretty underwhelming and I definitely did not leave with the perception that she should be the winner.
I haven't read Jac's yet because it hasn't been posted but between the two I have read, I would be more inclined to vote for Dale than I would've before. I just hope he cuts it off with the "I'm not expecting the win so I don't expect your vote" crap in his answers.
I don't think Val is as strong of a player as she says she is or as strong as the jury thinks she is and I think that will come out during FTC. Fortunately for her, the other two are so disliked and written off that it likely won't even matter.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 2:17:50 am
by Sierra
Agreed about Dale overdoing the "I know I'm gonna lose, so this won't come as any surprise if I do" spiel. He straight up compared himself to Russell Hantz lol. I liked most of what he said and yeah, I agree that it was more substantive than Val's.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 9:44:13 am
by Jim
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 10:11:22 am
by Kelly Wigles
Holy shit, Dale's speech is awesome. Especially compared to Val's me, me, me speech.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 10:28:40 am
by Sierra
I'm rooting for Dale too just on sheer getting along with him the best in game. It's just... so many jurors HATE him and hate his style to try to goat himself out by cursing people off. It's hard to blame some of them, but if he can pull no punches at FTC and make this somewhat close, he's got a lot to be proud of in the game. Maybe he can steal this.
Mindset is a big part of FTC, and it's probably easier to be in his "nothing to lose" mode than Val's "just don't screw this up approach", but I can totally relate to why Val isn't saying as much (yet). Feeling like the heavy favorite and not wanting to risk saying something overtly bad, possibly. Doesn't change the fact that both Dale and Jac have a major uphill battle ahead of them, though.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 10:54:11 am
by Kelly Wigles
I think Jac has a more uphill battle than Dale does. But I totally agree that if there were ever a time for Val to really be eloquent and own the fuck out of her game, it's now. Unfortunately judging by all her confessionals, I haven't really seen that from her. The jury shouldn't just be about "why I played better than the other two" it should also be about addressing the jury individually and personally.
(btw Sierra, you're really cool)
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 12:25:08 pm
by Ozzy
Kelly Wigles wrote:
(btw Sierra, you're really cool)
Should be a decent FTC tonight!
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 2:18:17 pm
by Sierra
Thanks guys! <3
Yeah I can't wait to see what happens either. So wait it's what, vote and reveal tonight plus finale tomorrow, or vote tonight then reveal and finale tomorrow? I was sort of confused by that.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 2:24:17 pm
by Sierra
Ah! Nvm, I see. Winner reveal tomorrow night nice.
I know Jeff would love to read those votes tonight but unfortunately they gotta wait till we get back to the US. We'll see the F3 there.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 5:48:04 pm
by Sierra
There is so much potential for FIREWORKS tonight. Could be the best night of the whole game. I keep feeling like this season doesn't have a true "signature moment" yet but it would be fitting if it happens tonight in a bloodbath FTC.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 6:06:19 pm
by Jeff Varner
I just read Jaclyn's speech and I wasn't impressed. I don't think it is a good idea to try and claim your strategy was 'be the weakest person left' because it only confirms to the jury that you are the weakest person in the final 3 and don't deserve their vote.
Between Dale's "I don't think I will win so I don't expect you to vote for me" and Jaclyn's "I was intentionally being the weakest person around", this could not be any easier for Val to start off FTC.
Sierra wrote:There is so much potential for FIREWORKS tonight. Could be the best night of the whole game. I keep feeling like this season doesn't have a true "signature moment" yet but it would be fitting if it happens tonight in a bloodbath FTC.
Yeah, true. I could see Dale and Jaclyn getting a into fights with the jury while Val sits back and collects all the votes. It would be kind of exciting, I guess, until you realize all it is doing is making Val more and more obvious of a winner.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 7:33:11 pm
by Jeff Probst
Shocked everyone else is #teamdale too <3
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 8:28:02 pm
by Jeff Varner
So wrote:Dale did I ask for your voice to be heard? NO. SO STFU.
So wrote:SO STFU.
Appropriate. Kindly stfu, So. Thanks.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 8:39:39 pm
by Kelly Wigles
So far this FTC is cringeworthy as fuck. Dale is clearly owning his game and putting on a great ftc performance while the other two are tanking but the jury is too butthurt and dumb to see it. See Val's answers are all "i did stuff" without citing any proper evidence and then Jaclyn is just showing how completely blind she was the whole game.
Like i hate that everyone keeps pinning the alliance sticking together to Val when that wasn't her that was Nadiya. Jenn's speech is so uninformed it's embarassing.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 8:41:34 pm
by Kelly Wigles
Like i could deal with So having a childish jury speech, that's been her this whole time anyway. Jenn on the other hand, she talks a big talk but the big talk shows just how out of touch she is with the game.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 8:43:09 pm
by Kelly Wigles
like Dale is legitimately throwing their arguments to their face and they can't take it.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 8:44:20 pm
by Jeff Varner
I agree. I actually think Dale did a pretty good job of handling those "SCATHING JURY SPEECHES" from So and Jenn. I'm not sure if he could've responded any better to either.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 8:46:57 pm
by Kelly Wigles
you should check out Ponderosa, they're being such bitter nancies. Like Dale owned all of your asses and none of you can take it.
Re: Final Episode Discussion

Sun May 15, 2016 8:47:17 pm
by Jeff Probst
Yea IMO Dale is killing it.