By Kelly Wigles
#5077 I think it was Jim that said that Nad and Drew and becoming much more obvious leaders and I'd say that's true but I don't think it will matter since Nadiya appears to be perfectly alligned with anyone who could make a difference.

So is just completely outcasting herself and doesn't really know how to play hardball and rock the vote and Reed is completely delusional and stuck on the notion that Dale will still work with him or that Val is the leaader.
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By Kelly Wigles
#5104 Also, this season is basically Heroes v.s. Villains:

Nadiya = Parvati
Dale = Russell
Jaclyn = Danielle
Val = Jerri
Joaquin = Sandra
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By Jeff Varner
#5111 Kelly, Dan and Jenn have been relative outsiders (Dan less so than the other two).

Do you guys think the Yalis finally eat each other this round or is one of So/Joaq going to eat the dust?
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By Sierra
#5123 Nadiya is by far the best social player of the Yalis I met. Not as wordy as Dale, maybe not as nice as Val, and ... yeah I barely met Jaclyn, but overall I think Nadiya has an ability to click with whoever she's talking to at that moment. Everyone on new Yali pretty openly acknowledged they held her in high regard. It could fall apart on her though.

I have Nad loosely pegged as my winner prediction. I think Joaq has an uphill battle in terms of actually getting to the end, but I really hope he can do it.
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By Jim
#5124 The thing is, this cast is pretty good at sussing out the good players. I think Drew and Nad are going to be targets soon.

The question is whether someone can get the votes to boot them or if it's too late. Wasting boots on Kelly, Dan and Jenn while leaving the strongest players in the game may cost them.

If the pattern holds and So and Joaq (and probably Dale) are the next boots. Then one of the three girls wins. Someone needs to make a move or those three are just going to steamroll to the end.
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By Kelly Wigles
#5129 See the popular theory is that it's all about the three girls when i don't think it is anymore. I think it's all about who Nadiya wants to take to the final 3 with her out of the NuYali 5. She considers Dale as her number 1 and vice versa, Val sees her as her number 1 as does Jaclyn and then Joaq is just hanging on by his teeth blindly thinking that he's in deep with this alliance.

Dale is sort of the key to all this as he's been the one faking a flip pretty much every round giving a false hope to everyone voted off.

it's easy to assume a 3 girl alliance when really it's Nadiya and Dale's. All I'm saying is that it's a more complicated web of allegiances than it looks from the outside.

Popular theory suggests that Drew is out next (Dale already pre-voted him) probably followed by Reed, I don't think they're bothered enough by So as a threat to feel the need to deal with her so soon, especially now that Reed and Drew have outed themselves for the snakes they are.

Which, by the way, they're both pretty clueless and delusional about their game prospects, whatever chances they had of flipping on the NuYali already left with Dan, and to make things worse they mistakenly think Val is in charge.
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By Jim
Kelly Wigles wrote:See the popular theory is that it's all about the three girls when i don't think it is anymore.


Popular theory suggests that Drew is out next

I can't help it. I just want to be part of the cool kidz clique.

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By Marissa Peterson
#5134 Ugh I can't help but feel yesterdays move was bad for Dale. He honestly just feels like an accessory to the alliance and as much as I love him, I don't think anyone is taking him seriously. If he would have flipped I think he could have had some traction in the game but right now he's making himself into a goat. I think him and Jaoq made the WRONG move last night.

Actually I think it was worse for Jaoq since he lead Drew/Reed/So on. If he would have switched sides with Dale they could have taken more control of the game instead of just being a pawn. Besides Drew/Jenn/Reed were always going to be the bigger targets. The more Original Asmat's leave the more the narrative of being the last remaining Asmat will stick to people and make Jaoq a threat down the line. I dunno me personally I think he made a very silly move right now especially since one of his allies Jac has shown little to no interest working with Asmat, which also frustrates me about her gameplay but I can't argue that it has worked for her now up until this point.

UGH the only person playing well in my eyes is Nadiya. Everyone else is a complete mess. Drew and Reed are completely delusional and have zero sense of the game. Dale is the most paranoid stubborn member of the cast. Val is unaware of anything around her. Jaclyn is inactive. Jaoq is waaay tooo passive.
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By Marissa Peterson
#5138 Surveying the field the best move for the girls right now is to attempt a Drew boot. It's less of a likihood that Reed/So/Dale/Jaoq will get together on the next vote then Reed/Drew/Dale/Jaoq. It's just all on wither or not Jaoq/Dale would be down with that. Plus if Val thinks she can work with Reed wouldn't it be best to take out his #1 to give him less options?
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By Jonathan Penner
#5139 Given that everyone voted So as the goatiest goat that ever goated, surely she's going to be in everyone's F3 plans from here on out?

I'm still rooting for Joaquin right now.
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By Jeff Varner
#5148 I'm thinking at this point the game is Nadiya's to lose, like you're all saying. But like Jim said, I think she'll get sussed out sooner or later so while she might be the favorite to win, I don't love her chances. I think she'll see the same fate as, like, Candice in Faroe Islands and get cut at F4 or F5.

The other night, Dale and Nadiya had a really intense night where they both realized that they have each other's backs even though they are on different wavelengths strategically. I think that kind of a realization will help them become stronger as a duo. That being said, I think Dale is the type who will do what Nadiya wants him to so that Nadiya never gets mad at him. On the other hand, I also could see him in a final 4 scenario turning on Nadiya after really struggling with the decision, thinking it will help him win in the finals, only to get shut out anyway.

I also think Jaclyn could be one to watch out for in terms of cutting Nadiya. She is aware of how she's being perceived (that challenge was a big help for her in that regard), so she will probably be keen to start making some moves to build up a resume. I don't think she's the type that will coast to the end and accept being a finals goat.
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By Sierra
Jeff Varner wrote:The other night, Dale and Nadiya had a really intense night where they both realized that they have each other's backs even though they are on different wavelengths strategically. I think that kind of a realization will help them become stronger as a duo.

My absolute FAVORITE type of bond... it's so hard to trust in this situation but if both people fully buy in, it's one of the most dangerous dynamics two people can have together. Working on opposite sides of the game yet effectively doing what's in the best interest of each other. I'm not sure obviously how genuine either of them would be, but this would be EPIC to watch play out if they stick with it... but it also might be a good case for Dale to win if he can "Candice" Nad at the end of the game and be a part of her eventual overthrow. Still, in order for that to happen I guess he has to recognize how much of a threat she is.
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By Jeff Varner
Sierra wrote:My absolute FAVORITE type of bond... it's so hard to trust in this situation but if both people fully buy in, it's one of the most dangerous dynamics two people can have together. Working on opposite sides of the game yet effectively doing what's in the best interest of each other..

I agree. I'd love to watch a duo successfully work on opposite sides then come back together near the end and drop the bomb that they've been working together the entire time on everyone else. If Dale didn't always retreat back to the Yalis, I think they could have done it. Still can I guess and it would probably be smarter for both of their games, but I'd love to watch a pair work it the entire post-merge game.
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By Jim
Trashley Markwood wrote:

FF :)

OMG, I can't wait to vote!!!
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