- Mon May 09, 2016 10:51:53 pm
Getting bored and having some fun was what I started to do in round 2

It's the best way to play.
Great game brother, loved playing with you.
How's this for a laugh; I dunno what it was for you, but in our alliance originally I had Sierra as my #1, Joey as #2 and you as #3. Me and Sierra talked all the time and tried to make a lot of the decisions together. Joey I felt saw me as his #1 and I figured he'd stay loyal to me, and he was a great kid too. With you I saw a lad who I was bit suspicious of and I never fully trusted you until the merge. Funny how things work out. Losing Sierra and Joey gave us a better chance to bond as the last 2 from our alliance.
But enough of the nice stuff, I need to start being a cunt again. Everyone suck my balls