By Kelly Wigles
#565 Hi Jac! Just kicking off your Episode 03 confessionals with a couple of questions, feel free to answer them whenever.

1) So you guys have managed to survive your first tribal council, did you learn anything new or was anything confirmed for you about your tribe?

2)The votes came in unanimously against John Rocker, is it fair to say that you guys are a pretty unified tribe? Is there a weak link in your group at all?

3) How do you feel about the people on the other tribe? Is anyone standing out to you at all?
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By Jeff Probst
#582 We are opening the main forums private messages so that you and So can now communicate. You can choose to keep this to yourself or share it with others.
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By Kelly Wigles
#624 Hey Jaclyn, also wanted to ask what your thoughts are on the Missy situation?

Also what are your plans for this new Leader communication with So?
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By Jaclyn
#652 OH MY LORD.
After our tribal, i really thought we are a unified tribe and we are ready to just slay the next immunity challenge... Until missy stirred up shit. Really she should be the last person to do this because she was in a good spot with everyone, but now i don't even know. I learned so much from this blowup though that I need to be way cautious with people who I "trust" because I've been hearing that Val/Reed have been distancing from me, Drew is being shady, a "male alliance" is forming. iDK what to think right now. I just wanna win immunity and call it now to be honest.

And I intend to communicate with So and see how her tribe is doing.
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By Jeff Varner
#695 Hey Jaclyn, let's talk tribe swap. Please talk me through your choices in the pick'em. What was your reasoning between each of your picks?

1. You ended up on Yali with former tribemates Dale, Nadiya and Val. How do you feel the tribemates you are reunited with?

2. How do you feel about your new tribemates (Dan, Joaquin, Sierra, Max)? Any impressions?

3. How do you think the tribe dynamics will change being on a tribe with 4 new members? and how do you feel about your place in this tribe?

4. How do you think your old tribemates will fare over at Asmat? Any guesses on their tribe dynamic?

5. What was your take on the drama that was taking place in that thread?
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By Jaclyn
#717 Ok obviously i didn't want to deal with Missy's BS, so I sent her ass over to the Asmat tribe. Not going to bother with her ass.
I sent Keith because I personally haven't talked to him, only through alliance chats. I felt he is very strategic and would be problematic to my game down the road.
Lastly and unfortunately, I sent Drew to Asmat because he is really sociable and can easily blindside my alliance if he found out he was merely the "5th vote". I really trusted him, but apparently others trusted him as well.

1. We reunited just fine. Dale I was kinda sketched about, but after his fight with Missy, it solidifies the fact that he was going to vote out Missy if we went to tribal, instead of me or my core alliance. Therefore I can trust him. I also purposely sent Keith/Drew to the other side because there was rumors about an all guy alliance and I did not want that happening.

2. We work well as a team, which is great because we can win more immunities! Dan is an obvious person that I should align myself too because he was the first person So sent away to Yali, therefore Im assuming he's on the bottom of the totem pole. Sierra, on the other hand, was probably in the core Asmat alliance and I can see a potential in her trying to screw us 4 Yali.

3. I feel it's going to be Yali vs Asmat if we go to tribal. Get ready for some rocks!

4. Missy is really going to screw over Keith/Drew/Reed. She's going to jump ship to the original Asmats in a heart beat. i really hope she gets voted out though because I really want to see Reed in the merge. But I doubt Asmats will waste a tribal getting out Missy and get out one of the three. Even if they waste this tribal and vote out Missy, keith/Drew/Reed are in a huge disadvantage number wise. i don't see the original Asmats breaking up

5. It was so funny because i did not expect that drama to be public. Let's hope missy dug her own grave
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By Jeff Varner
#719 Oops, typo'd #1. It was meant to say:

1. You ended up on Yali with former tribemates Dale, Nadiya and Val. How do you feel about the tribemates you are reunited with?

In other words, can you tell me a little about your relationships with those 3? You touched on it a little with Dale, what about Nadiya and Val?
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By Jaclyn
#722 oh okay:

Nadiya and me are so tight. I was so glad So sent her to Yali because I was worried if I had to pick someone from original Yali to be on the new Yali, it'll be so obvious me and Nadiya are close. But yes I trust Nadiya with my life and if I don't win, i want her to win.

Val I trust aswell, but i would have much preferred Reed because I trust Reed more than Val. But one advantage of Val on my tribe is I think she is blindly loyal that it would be hard to sway her to backstabbing us. So I don't have to worry about her flipping.

Dale, at first I was really iffy about since he was not apart of any alliance group chats, but he got major cookie points for calling out Missy publicly. I was worried he would blindside me/Nad/Reed/Val, but him calling out Missy solidifies the fact he was 100% voting out Missy if the original yali was going to tribal.
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By Kelly Wigles
#728 Hey Jac, so would it be fair to say that you're bringing Dale into the alliance fold?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Jaclyn
Kelly Wigles wrote:Hey Jac, so would it be fair to say that you're bringing Dale into the alliance fold?

Yes it's fair to say that Dale is in our alliance fold now. I definitely consider him more as an ally rather than an a simple "i watch you, you watch me" agreement.

I'm also considering the possibility that I might lose Reed/Drew, therefore i need a back up ally just in case i don't see them in the merge.
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