- Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:25:34 pm
1) So you guys have managed to survive your first tribal council, did you learn anything new or was anything confirmed for you about your tribe?Although the tribal was boring and predictable (Jac and I were probably going to get out Missy but our messages got cut off... I love excitements and backdoors

), I have since learned that Missy doesn't trust Drew, Dale has been talking a lot to Missy (he told me she hasn't messaged him much) and that Keith wants Val out next, and Missy agrees with him. The Dale thing is pretty significant for me since I was testing him out as an ally... I really enjoy talking to him and he talks as if we are a strong pair.. very interesting on my end.
2)The votes came in unanimously against John Rocker, is it fair to say that you guys are a pretty unified tribe? Is there a weak link in your group at all?Not at all. As I said in #1, Jaclyn, Val, and I were going to vote out Missy when the messages cut I think we all just decided to go with the easy plan since nothing was confirmed. I have a strong feeling that we would have been able to persuade Reed and Drew as well. There are some distinct alliances going on and I happen to be in like 4 of them.. not sure how, I was just kind of lumped in.
1. Jaclyn, Val, Reed, Drew, and I - We formed this early on so we would have the majority.
2. Missy, Keith, Jaclyn, Drew, and I - Missy clearly doesn't trust Drew and I was lumped in here because Missy presented the idea to Jaclyn and Jaclyn thought it would be good to get info from "the other side" and I agreed... even if it's risky.
3. Reed and I have a strong bond and were thinking of inviting Dale to join us until we heard of his alliance with Missy.
4. Dale and I (as I said before) were talking a lot about being together, and possibly inviting Reed.
This tribe is all over the place. Everyone is aligned in multiple alliances and there is NO COHESION. Hence why we lost this challenge... We should have prepared for this. Looking at the forum posts from the other tribe, it is clear that they are WAY more organized and unified than we are. Such a shame imho.
3) How do you feel about the people on the other tribe? Is anyone standing out to you at all?Joe seems chilled out and cool, but he could just be in character.. but so far not really I mean they all are similar and basically were just chatting with John Rocker the whole time... I'll pay more attention tomorrow.