- Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:39:01 pm
>Are you saying that there is an advantage to having a higher post count?
Not really. Having a high post count in itself is not a big deal. But because they have that high post count, my assumption is that they have been talking to each other as a group much more than we have, which means they probably have better chemistry. So it's really more about the assumptions I'm making about the post count than the post count itself.
>Also, how are your relationships within your tribe so far? Anyone you particularly enjoy just hanging out with?
I'll break it down person by person
Drew: Probably my closest alliance. I've talked a lot of game with him and I think he sees me as one of his closer alliances. I get that he is playing hard, and I understand I'll probably have to take him out at some point, but I don't think that is any time soon.
Missy: Hot. Mess. I guess based on that last message she sent me, I am her closest alliance, but I don't feel great about her. She is kind of weird, and she is playing VERY hard. She is pretty much our Debbie. I could see myself just getting sick of her, airing out all of her dirty laundry to the group, and taking her out in one fell swoop.
Jac: She's in my alliance, but I don't feel like I have a SUPER strong connection with her. That being said I don't want her out any time soon, because I may need her idol at the next stage of the game. It puts a tribe at a real disadvantage if they lose the idol this early.
Nad: Like Jac, she's in my alliance, but there isn't a super close connection. Just another number. She did BEAST that first challenge, so I'll have to keep tabs on whether she'll be a big immunity threat down the road.
Dale: I think Dale has more game than people give him credit for. He's on the outs, but he has an alliance with Missy and with me and Drew. I gotta keep my finger on Dale's pulse
Reed: We have a pretty strong relationship outside of the game (maybe more so than anyone else). I'd like to keep him around because he seems like he'd be loyal to me.
Val: I get no read from her. I feel like she almost feels bad for me sometimes when I talk to her, because she thinks I have no alliances. I don't think she wants me out (I don't think anyone wants me out), but at this point I'd vote for her next time just because we talk the least.