- Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:34:49 am
I can't say I am confident but rather hungry. I sucked at the last challenge (that's what happens when you don't practice.), so I really am excited to go and compete again and try to top that lackluster performance. Not because I worry about being snuffed if we lose, but simply because I hate that feeling of dragging my teammates down. So bam, bring it on, I wanna kick some Asmat but!!
Day one, I already planted the seeds to other people that John is pretty unlikeable. But I know that ain't the case. Yes, he is rash, "loud", and sometimes throws sexual comments and stuff. Those things grow on people. And John Rocks I think have the charisma to grow on people. So before he gets to be rooted deep and grow as the flower he is promised to be, I already have been trimming him down since day one. Yes, people are now leaning towards voting him. Nadiya, Dale, Missy as far as I know are the ones who don't have any issues with John being my first scalp of the season. Dale said something about Val liking Johnny Rocks though, so that might be something we need to figure out if ever that is true.
Well there always is that paranoia of being snuffed out all of a sudden. Right now I have a fivesome with Val, Jac, Nadiya, Drew and I. But among that five, I am tightest with Nadiya so far. Tight but I don't 100% trust her. Who knows if she's playing the middle man as I am. I also have started a threesome with some of the Minority. Dale, Nadiya and I. I want to bring Missy in into that other circle just in case there will be a swap. It's pretty reassuring if ever I'd always have numbers wherever I end up in the swap.
Keith, man, I haven't heard from Keith. I have no idea where his head is. But I'm going to try and send him a message later about how Missy wants John out. Keith as far as I know sucked at the previous challenge and John was the total opposite of that. I need to really know what the pulse is inside the alliance of 5 that I have.