- Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:13:14 am
Ok, I'll crack.
So, I got this "Supah Fine 5" gig with Jac, Nadiya, Reed and Drew (he was added to our original four). Basically, we were the ones who came to class on time and talked to each other.
Reed is cute and approaches everybody with this desire to connect outside the game first.
Jac is a good leader and perfect to have on your side, but aside from some fantastic gifing and 'giiirrrl'-ing here and there, I find her a bit aloof, tbh.
Nadiya is kinda like that one friend in your group that you forgot was there because you made friends with them in elementary school and whose gonna say anything about it.
Drew is not always there, but he has a great rallying cry, is funny, and is basically a bad-ass.
Reed getting/being close to Drew now is a fine thing... now. Perfect in fact. I don't know if we could have had a 5 without that. Reed's got telling emotions that allowed me set everything up without having to ask too many questions. It's terrible for later. I can't keep Drew forever (for long).
Keith is almost never around and is late for things if he is. I'd like to keep his stupid ass because he doesn't talk to anyone and is kind of a non-factor.
I like Dale. In another world, I'd have him in the middle of the Alliance. I might need him to take on a Drew.
Missy talks all this crazy stuff and then goes right into it how she's exactly thinking her strategy in PMs. It's weird.
John Rocker is playing this role and not telling us important things like that he'd actually be good at the challenge. So, instead of putting him with somebody who could have maybe used his help, he was with someone who could have done the puzzle easily and alone. And this catch-phrase business... not happy about it.