- Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:53:58 pm
I'm not confident about the next challenge. It was extremely close last time, and I honestly could see it going their way. If we go to tribal, I think the tribe is prepared.
I'm definitely part of the people that decide who goes. It was really Missy's idea first that JR should go, but I don't have a problem with it so I'll play along. If there was anyone that I REALLY wanted out, I'm sure that I could get the votes to take them out. Anything can happen, but I'm pretty sure I'm not a target. JR is the target, and he messaged me earlier talking about taking out the girls. So it seems like pretty much everyone wants to work with me. Or maybe I'm about to get blindsided...
But really though, if we lose the challenge, Drew, Missy, Jac, and Nad will all vote JR. We'll probably be telling Dale, Reed, and Val to vote JR, and JR will probably vote for one of the women. I've been thinking about throwing a hinky vote out there for someone in power like Missy and Jac, but I need to be absolutely sure we have the numbers to take out JR anyway. That is going to have to be a decision I make at tribal.