Where your fate is decided
By Sierra
Nadiya wrote:
Sierra wrote:
Nadiya wrote:I heard some rumours that Asmat flushed hers, but I haven't really talked to anyone about them.

I can confirm this. So 100% used her idol at the first Asmat Tribal.

And by "Asmat" I meant So. hahah see how tired i am? icon_sleeping icon_sleeping icon_sleeping

No I know. I haven't talked about the public idols with anyone either as of yet, but this is part of why I hope they don't get their hands on the other one.
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By Nadiya
Jaclyn wrote:Image

Jeff i am using my public hidden immunity idol on myself

Good idea to flush it like So did... I mean we haven't gone to tribal in a while so..
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By Max
Dale wrote:Jeffrey where are da votes?

Dat suspense is killing me.
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By Jeff Probst
#1204 council192x/tc5.html

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Mad Max
"Sorry Max, but hopefully you are the Brazil to our Germany #7-1"

Hold up, bro. I've been waiting for this for a long time. Get a personality.

Sorry about this! GL

Sorry, boo. Imma have to trust my newyali4life.

Voting for myself. Maybe it'll bring good luck!

You didn't start talking until today... and you lied? Psssssh byeeeeeeee

Max Zzzz
I have a gut feeling you guys are bluffing and I rather be the one that slays not be slayed.
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Jeff Probst

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