By Jeff Probst
#975 Has the topic of a swap/merge been on anyones minds? How do you think you have been playing thus far and do you think that your style of play would lend itself to a win or will you ahve to change that up in the next phase of the game? Are you happy with how the swap has gone and the outcome so far at Asmat? Who on Asmat are you currently afraid of?
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Jeff Probst

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By Val
#979 Yes. Everybody thinks there's gonna be a swap next turn, which means surely it won't happen.
I've been playing utr g.oddess pretty well, save the fact that I'm being paranoid. That's not a winning game.
The swap was scary, Jeff, no I don't like you pulling punches like that. But put me back with mostly Yali and I will like. Do that, please. Please. Seriously.
Max is quiet and then all of a sudden starts shit. I don't like that.
I like how bossy Joaquin is. He is such the little shitheel that he almost pushed Dale to switch up our plan to vote him off. I love people who make themselves targets.

Are you gonna give a reward?
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By Jeff Probst
#980 Also, we're not trying to pus you to be more outspoken to "make for good tv" we're just trying to make sure you dont fall out of the runnign becuase you are new. :)
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Jeff Probst

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By Val
#982 Jeff, you are a sweetheart.

I shoulda known you were just looking out for me boo. So I got to try and yell like Missy and Rocker, but edit by tone down like 8 notches?
People need to notice Val. She's a neat lady.
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By Jeff Probst
Val wrote:Jeff, you are a sweetheart.

I shoulda known you were just looking out for me boo. So I got to try and yell like Missy and Rocker, but edit by tone down like 8 notches?
People need to notice Val. She's a neat lady.

I just think, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty, get in the mix, talk to everyone, start making some noise, ya know. I think Dale was in a similar boat and since then started finally having his voice. We're trying to nudge all of yall out of your shells :)
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By Trashley Markwood
#1007 Hi Val <3 In my first game I turned down F3 deals to not look shady and during a one world twist didn't message the other tribe at all to avoid looking shady. Guess who got majorly blindsided and booted at merge lol.

Keep in mind that everyone is in the mix so the goal is just to navigate the mix the best way you can - don't avoid it! :P
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Trashley Markwood

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By Val
#1014 Girl, thanks! ;*

I'm totally cool with talking to them, but on the strategy side I have exchanged about two words headed in Max's direction.

I always just heard let the strategy come to you and be open.

I haven't had any final 3 deals to proposed to me (now I'm feeling like the ugly girl on Valentine's) but if I do, after hearing this, imma snatch it. Believe.
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By Trashley Markwood
#1015 My first game was an Australian game - and weirdly the dynamic in Aussie games tend to be noticeably different (couldn't tell you why). Don't take any inferences from my experience by comparing them to yours :P

Being an active player and making your own strides is a good thing - not saying to dive bomb the whole game :P but to consciously engage. Some players see it as forward, others will think the fact a player didn't suggest anything to them means they don't see them as important.

A real social gamble :P Good luck navigating the waters, gurl <3 We believe in ya.
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Trashley Markwood

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By Val
#1016 Social gambles happen all the time in survivor:


But there's always some leeway to come back from certain muck ups. icon_razz

It's not all like Survivor the show I'm seeing. Like a Natalie White might not win on here. I'm trying to balance what I understand already vs. what might be different and how to blend it.
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By Jeff Probst
Val wrote:Girl, thanks! ;*

I'm totally cool with talking to them, but on the strategy side I have exchanged about two words headed in Max's direction.

I always just heard let the strategy come to you and be open.

I haven't had any final 3 deals to proposed to me (now I'm feeling like the ugly girl on Valentine's) but if I do, after hearing this, imma snatch it. Believe.

This can certainly work, You just gotta be cognizant of being available for final 3 deals. No one is going to offer you an alliance if you haven't been open with them. Sometimes ya gotta drop some hints or hell, just offer them yourself!
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Jeff Probst

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By Val
#1043 Dale's all on about throwing the challenge and Nadiya and I are in agreement that we probably won't try to throw it. If we lose, I mean we hustle, but we don't want to play in this madman's game. He's so myopic about it and it's frustrating.
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By Val
#1056 Ahahahahaha. So, uh, basically worst case scenario, Ahahaha. Dale's myopic journey has certainly made a full circle story.
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#1061 I feel ashamed for letting someone hijack my game. Still having fun
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#1062 icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek icon_eek
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By Val
#1130 Will Val be a casualty of war because she didn't take the game into he own hands? Find out at ~10:30
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By Val
#1222 Ok, maybe I overreacted a little. But that's me, and I can't be anybody but me. Imma be crying in the corner over here for a bit. :D
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