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Episode 03

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:51:55 pm
by Kelly Wigles
Hi Dale! Just kicking off your Episode 03 confessionals with a couple of questions, feel free to answer them whenever.

1) So you guys have managed to survive your first tribal council, did you learn anything new or was anything confirmed for you about your tribe?

2) Probst seem to have called you out on being quiet, what are your thoughts on this? Do you agree or disagree?

3) How do you feel about the people on the other tribe? Is anyone standing out to you at all?

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:34:25 pm
by Dale
Kelly Wigles wrote:Hi Dale! Just kicking off your Episode 03 confessionals with a couple of questions, feel free to answer them whenever.

1) So you guys have managed to survive your first tribal council, did you learn anything new or was anything confirmed for you about your tribe?

2) Probst seem to have called you out on being quiet, what are your thoughts on this? Do you agree or disagree?

3) How do you feel about the people on the other tribe? Is anyone standing out to you at all?

1. I was a bit worried about an hour before the challenge because I was hearing all this new information about a Drew/Keith/John/Val/Missy alliance that was forming and I was freaking out trying to see where I missed that, but I got that cleared up and learned Drew and Keith were tight. Now I'm learning that Keith and Missy are tight duo and Val is pissed cause her name is being thrown around. People need to freaking chill out.

2. Yeah I don't really know. I guess the hosts are mad our tribe isn't more chaotic. Maybe Asmat is more interesting, I really don't give a fuck. I was talking the most at tribal, throwing John and Missy's names out there.

3. I like Jenn but that might just be because she reminds me of real life Jenn. Joe seems cool too. I'll be their Hali.

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:40:15 pm
by Dale
So apparently Missy is blowing up everything right now. What the fuck strategy is this?

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:56:44 pm
by Kelly Wigles
Hm, explain to us what's going on?

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:04:42 am
by Dale
Kelly Wigles wrote:Hm, explain to us what's going on?

So Nad messages me saying that Missy told her she likes me. Then Nad messages me saying that Missy is targeting Val and that she and Keith have been throwing out Val's name to everyone. Whatever. Don't really care about Val, bitch won't talk to me.

Then Missy messages me asking me about an alliance with Drew and Keith. I say I don't have an alliance with them (yeah I kinda do, but I'm just keeping my fucking options open) and then goes off saying she doesn't like Keith.

Then I hear from Reed that REED is the target. Uhm no.

Then Reed shows me a message from Missy talking about how I need to go because Missy doesn't trust me anymore.

I ask Drew, he says that Missy wants me gone because I am secretly in control of the tribe.

So fuck Missy. Bitch is going crazy for no reason.

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:28:06 am
by Dale
So apparently Missy has told everyone different things. I can't WAIT for next tribal. I'm going off on her cunt ass.

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:49:58 am
by Jeff Probst

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 11:39:50 am
by Dale
Jeff Probst wrote:I LIVE FOR NEW DALE <333333

Not really new Dale, I just don't like people blowing up my game fucking 7 days in.

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:13:52 pm
by Kelly Wigles
Yeah, Probst is a bit of a player too but it's always in the contestants' best interests. He mostly wants to have you guys playing the best game possible.

How would you say all the Missy drama has affected your placement and strategy in the game?

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:40:40 pm
by Dale
Kelly Wigles wrote:How would you say all the Missy drama has affected your placement and strategy in the game?

I thought I could keep her as a vote with me for a few votes and use her to get rid of Drew later on, but now that's not happening. She has to go next. I'm gonna make sure that happens.

After that, I need to pull in Jac or Val more, which seems hard since neither of them are giving me a chance. I haven't talked to Jac since the challenge yesterday, and only once before.

I might have to do some repairs with Drew and Keith.

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:28:58 pm
by Dale
Lmao seems like Drew and Keith are throwing this challenge? That or just bad timing.

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:25:24 pm
by Jeff Probst
You'll thank me later Big D

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:23:03 pm
by Dale
Well, I just made myself an easy boot with that Missy shit. Thank god we won.

Re: Episode 03 - Tribe Swap

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:30:39 pm
by Jeff Varner
Hey Dale, let's talk tribe swap.

1. You ended up on Yali with former tribemates Jaclyn, Nadiya and Val. How do you feel about the tribemates you are reunited with?

2. How do you feel about your new tribemates (Dan, Joaquin, Sierra, Max)? Any impressions?

3. How do you think the tribe dynamics will change being on a tribe with 4 new members? and how do you feel about your place in this tribe?

4. How do you think your old tribemates will fare over at Asmat? Any guesses on their tribe dynamic?

5. I know you want to mouth off about Missy, so let's hear it. What happened?

Re: Episode 03 - Tribe Swap

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:37:02 am
by Dale
Jeff Varner wrote:Hey Dale, let's talk tribe swap.

1. You ended up on Yali with former tribemates Jaclyn, Nadiya and Val. How do you feel about the tribemates you are reunited with?

2. How do you feel about your new tribemates (Dan, Joaquin, Sierra, Max)? Any impressions?

3. How do you think the tribe dynamics will change being on a tribe with 4 new members? and how do you feel about your place in this tribe?

4. How do you think your old tribemates will fare over at Asmat? Any guesses on their tribe dynamic?

5. I know you want to mouth off about Missy, so let's hear it. What happened?

1. I feel great about the tribemates that stayed, I think Jac was building it so me and Nad stayed with her, which was smart. Val seems cool, she's not letting me in at all though.

2. I like Sierra and Dan so far. Joaq seems like a guy I could be friends with in real life. But I'm really not looking to jump ship right now, I'm all for hopping around later. I knew I was gonna be safe with a potential swap because I had a decent alliance built with Drew and Keith too. Ultimately, I wanted to stick with Nad and Reed, hopefully Reed can make his way back. Max is who I'm gonna gun for this first vote.

3. I think the key thing right now is to split up the Asmat's as quick as possible. Give us numbers and I'll feel better. I don't see any of Yali flipping at the moment. I feel good with my place in the tribe. Showing Jac send Missy first to Asmat instead of me clearly shows who was the one with support from the tribe.

4. I have a feeling Jenn, Joe and Kelly are controlling things over there and this swap is great for them. They could easily pull Missy with them and take out Reed, which is sad. But maybe Missy, being the crazy illogical thinker that she is, will stay with Keith and Drew. I think Drew is a good enough player that he will be able to convince Asmat to take out Missy, as she is a Yali and she has pissed off all three of her tribe mates.

5. Hahaha oh fuck man, I was just so ready to vote her out. Before the challenge she starts messaging me trying to tell me it's all a misunderstanding with what happened, like I don't know she was saying she had me in her pocket to everyone. Fuck that, you so as much mention my name and I hear about it, no way I'm forgiving that, unless it helps my game. Keeping Missy would not have helped my game. As soon as the tribe swapped was announced, I just had to put it all out there. I don't care that Asmat knows about shit, I don't want to play this with such a wild card. I'm not gonna be voted out because one day Missy decides she needs to flip. Besides, who doesn't love seeing other people's drama? I would have found that entertaining as hell!

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:44:45 am
by Dale
Look at Joaq and Joe looking for that idol. Bastards. No way you guess the password from that clue. Bunch of islands great.

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:36:16 am
by Kelly Wigles

anyway, made any good new connections with your new tribe-mates yet?

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:00:03 pm
by Dale
Kelly Wigles wrote:Haha

anyway, made any good new connections with your new tribe-mates yet?

Yeah I've been getting along with all of them, which I figured would happen. I'm liking Jaq hope we can keep him for a while. I think overall we got the 4 good Asmat's that won't cause much trouble. I'm just trying to solidify this alliance with Nad Jac and Val.

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:17:29 pm
by Dale
LOL at Missy being in the Hidden Immunity Idol forum all day. Bitch is going home!

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:06:04 pm
by Dale
Did Sierra really just compare me and her to Trump??? hahaha