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Episode 07

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:05:07 pm
by Stephannie Favor
Hey Dale,

Well that was a pretty quiet tribal if I have to say. Was it cut and dry who was going to be getting votes? Did things line up how you expected them to line up?

Are you happy with your position on the tribe? What does this vote-off mean for your game? Are you hoping to try to shake things up, or are you good with where things are sitting?

What's the plan if Yali loses tomorrow and is sent back to tribal? Who needs to go, and how are you going to make sure that it happens?

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:10:09 pm
by Dale
Stephannie Favor wrote:Hey Dale,

Well that was a pretty quiet tribal if I have to say. Was it cut and dry who was going to be getting votes? Did things line up how you expected them to line up?

Are you happy with your position on the tribe? What does this vote-off mean for your game? Are you hoping to try to shake things up, or are you good with where things are sitting?

What's the plan if Yali loses tomorrow and is sent back to tribal? Who needs to go, and how are you going to make sure that it happens?

That was such a boring tribal, I kept waiting for Joaq to pull out an idol and play it on Dan because of that joke he made "I'll give you something else." If that had happened, it would have made it an even better blindside, flushing an idol. I think this was the best move, Sierra was really dangerous.

I don't know how I feel about my game. I go back and forth. Sometimes I think I'm in a good position, other times I think Nad is in a way better position than me, and then other times I think So and Kelly are gonna have a blowout vote in the final against anyone. I think Drew and Reed are also dangerous. Reed because he is so likable and Drew because he knows how to manipulate people to vote with him. I'm either gonna crash and burn at the merge or I'm gonna go really far, maybe even final 3. Who knows. I do want to shake things up. This Yali4 was great for the swap tribe but I wouldn't mind working with Jenn or even So/Kelly.

If we lose...maybe we vote out Jac just to get Dan and Joaq in our good graces.

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:10:50 pm
by Dale
Sometimes, time doesn't go by fast enough in this game. I just want to see what happens tonight.

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:23:32 pm
by Dale
Lmao at John Rocker being more active now than he was while in the game. The fuck dude.

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:27:01 pm
by Dale
Playing this game definitely gives me more respect for Survivor players. Even this online shit is not easy and paranoia is always there, I'm sure real Survivor would be 100 times worse, not to even mention the physical aspect of things.

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:56:07 pm
by Dale
We merge and don't get any tree mail or anything?! Lmao what the fuck! Are we allowed to message the Asmat people????