Jeff Probst wrote:Do you think that when there is eventually a merge, you will try to stick with one alliance? Do you expect other people to be making multiple alliances and shifting constantly?
I sense this post-merge could be very shifty. The POTENTIAL for a highly entertaining second half of Stranded: Indonesia is very fucking high, very high. It's not guaranteed and could develop into some form of pagonging, but I think there are too many players with their eyes on the prize, too much activity and good gameplay for that to be the case. We're not going to see people just accepting their fate, although Max kinda did that tonight sort of falling on his sword in a way.
As a side note, I really didn't dislike Max, but obviously he couldn't put in the effort with PMs that was necessary in a pretty active bunch. I feel like he overstayed his welcome in the game to an extent, having been saved from surefire elimination by tribe immunity wins anywhere between 1-3 times. I think I said it in an earlier episode but hopefully this doesn't discourage him if he decides to play again. He definitely got some people on his side (the Kelly crew) in his limited time he spent on the board, and maybe if he signed up for another game and got a second chance he'd know a little more about what he was getting into and do better? I don't know, I didn't get to know him well enough to make a real judgment on that. He's probably not much worse than I was my first time playing, it's just that he was really, really inactive.
At this time, I'm really not sure if I'll be a part of the post-merge. Hell, just today I showed how I really am just taking this day by day because self-preservation is so much more important to me in a season that seems to be developing into a clusterfuck with a lot of moving parts. I like to minimize moving parts as best I can, but it's not easy. There are a lot of factions and a lot of directions this can go.
Dan is still my #1 guy. I still want to work with Joaq who has really stepped up in these last couple of rounds and taken a steaming shit over my earlier opinions of him as a player. I'm kicking the tires on possibly working with Dale and Nadiya because I'd like to keep myself safe if I can. I love the fact that the idol question at tribal led to a chain reaction that caused Jac to use her public idol. I actually had to do some damage control on one of my answers at tribal, and I really can see how people can get caught up with these questions. It's just like the real show in a sense and we actually have another element to worry about that isn't really there as much in other games.
Re: Jac's idol, in my heart of hearts I don't think they had that planned. I really do think it was just raw paranoia from showing up late, maybe hearing her name said, and lack of comparing notes that all just contributed to one big melting pot that led to her decision. Unfortunately the fact that the idol is gone only makes me that much more confident in targeting her, and hopefully I'll be able to pull something off if there's no swap. I ran the idea past Dale after he pretty much gave me a neon blinking sign to throw her under the bus by really making a note of her inactivity. Maybe Dale has wanted to work with me but I haven't been giving him what he's gotten from Dan and Joaq? Any way I look at it, that won't do, because that leaves me in a precarious spot with this tribe altogether. I need to be IN Dale/Nad/Val's thoughts in a more positive way, not just as that girl they can discard to solidify trust with the other ex-Asmats. Joaquin could probably discard me right now and it would be good for his game. I don't think Dan would but if he does I'm just screwed all around.
I need to make it to the merge and I think I can really start playing with a lot more of a clear sense of direction from that point after all the "ifs" and question marks with swaps etc is in the rear-view mirror. I feel right now like I'm walking on eggshells, trying not to screw up because I don't want a reputation as someone who goes big or goes home. Joaquin, Dale, Dan, they all seem like risk-takers, which I'm trying to avoid. All I want is to never be on the bottom of the tribe, but right now even that feels like it's taking a lot of work. The winner of this game will really deserve it, that much I'm almost sure of.