Episode 06
Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:51:54 pm
by Jeff Varner
Hey Joaquin, how's it going?
Questions for you:
1. In a unanimous vote to boot Max, it couldn't have been the right move for everyone, right? or was this a rare case where it actually was the right move for everyone involved?
2. Without Max, who is next on the chopping block?
3. Give me a status update on your game. How are you feeling about your place in this game moving forward?
Re: Episode 06
Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:09:06 am
by Joaquin
Yo, Varner!
1) This is a rare case where I actually believe this was the best move for everyone (sans Max). I'll break it down, gamebot style for you.
-For the (OG) Yalis, this was a great move for them. They got an (OG) Asmat out that didn't help them in challenges, and seemingly solidified my trio (Joaq, Dan, Sierra) as being with them. Since there are only 6 OG Yali's left, and we are anticipating a merge within the next two votes, they need us for a majority vote come merge time. So for them, it was integral to surviving the first merge vote (supposedly, we'll get into this later). For my trio, we basically take all the ammo out of So & Kelly's gun while ensuring our safety for AT LEAST the next couple of votes. Again, will get more into this in a minute
2) If we don't swap? Probably Jaclyn. She lost any value she had as a Yali asset when she necessarily played her idol tonight (they don't need to keep her for her idol), she's the least active and probably the worst social player on OG Yali, and the OG Yalis CAN'T vote us out! If they vote out one of our trio, they lose the rest of us for the merge, and there goes their majority. They need us. Herein lies the beauty of not only the Max boot, but how I set up the Max boot.
3) I am LOVING my game right now. I was nervous in the beginning about all these hyper-active gamebots playing and voting me out for the fuck of it, but now I'm cool with it. They all play super rationally and you can manipulate them so easily using numbers talk. A couple of things. Thought my Max set up was vintage me. The way I dropped the bomb on Dale made him not only do what I wanted him to do vote wise, he also TRUSTS ME and NEEDS ME to get through the game, all while thinking he "flipped" me and is in control. I'm pretty sure with numbers talk, like above, I will be safe on this tribe until the merge, all while taking out one of Max & So's pawns. Point Joaq. Additionally, looks like my trio is gonna end up being the swing votes at the merge (both Old Yali and Old Asmat will need us for numbers) and will be able to dictate the beginning of the end. And THAT is where the game gets fun. I'm dangerous when I'm having fun. Lastly, I've got what I missed on my first go out - a solidified, trusted final group. Sierra and Dan both trust me almost unconditionally and want to go to the end with me, and I'm sure Joe still does from before unless things have changed. With Dan being so combative recently and Joe not driving the strategy of the season at all it seems, that would be a completely ideal F3 for a win. I'm also getting along real well with Dale and now Nadiya. Honestly, out of my three games, this might be my best played pre merge. Both other times I had to flip people at the merge to gain numbers, and now I get to choose my numbers.
There's one wrench in all of this though: Sierra. Sierra, when you read this in a few weeks I want you to know that you very well might be (aside from me, of course, I'm a cocky motherfucker) the best ORG player I've ever played with. That's across three seasons, which includes an all-stars season. You read people almost if not just as well as I do and have very nuanced social grace (though, maybe not as good of a manipulator as I am). I'm nervous as fuck about going to the end with you, but let's get there first. And if you're sitting in the final three and I'm not, I will be your greatest advocate. Respect.
Hope you enjoyed my mid-game rant, and the fun's just getting started.
Re: Episode 06
Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:27:33 am
by Marissa Peterson
Hi Jaoq,
With their being a double vote would any Asmat boot make you change your potential target for the vote?
Re: Episode 06
Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:58:44 am
by Joaquin
No. Still do not care as long as it's not one of my three, and Dale has already proposed Jaclyn to me.
The double vote happening actually benefits me a lot ***Assuming the other tribe votes out Reed or Drew***, there will be 4 people in the Yali squad, 4 people in my squad, and 3 people in So/Kelly's squad, which makes flipping back and forth / integrating for a deep run way easier.