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Episode 02

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:52:32 pm
by Jeff Probst
Are you confident about the next Challenge? What happens if you have to go to Council, will your tribe be prepared?

Have you been calling any shots in terms of who is going home? Are you worried that you are potentially a target?

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:28:36 pm
by Val
The next challenge... I try not to think about them. I can't prepare without stress, so I'm so fine with how I treated it last time. Did well enough that I wasn't the worst, so that's all I hope for.

The tribe is either not entirely prepared or have completely ganged against me. Because if they are prepared I'm not part of it. If what I've got with my 5 is as strong as I am an independent woman who needs no man, then I'm good.

I'm not calling the shots, yet. Yeah, I know you at least got to make at least a bit of a tide to win this thing, it's the first bit and I'm not about to make a damn spectacle of myself for nothing. Not yet.

Half scratch that last thought, because I'm bringing the private discussion areas quite literally together. Making the group talk together at the same time was all me. Everybody's like "how do you feel about so-and-so... oh, yeah, me too, love him or her... it would be cool if..." No, you know what, let's be cohesive. Let's make this love in legit.

I hope I'm not a damn target. I don't have an inkling of that. John has been the name on multiple lips, but the only one who has even been remotely cut-throat amenable is Missy, and I don't care too much for her either. Although, I will vote out John strictly because he is trying to make bingo bang happen, and not blink an eye about it.

There. Besos amores!

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:33:25 pm
by Kelly Wigles
Hi Val!

Do you feel like you have enough sense of who stands where in your tribe? Who would you say is your number 1 most trusted person?

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:49:29 pm
by Val
Simply going by how things are physically set up before me, there are 5 in a group wherein I'm involved. Probst is going to get probe-y, isn't he. I don't want him to blow me up. Suffice it to say, Missy and Rocker are not in that group. Although, people love how much Rocker helped. You really can't shit talk in the kumbayah tribes. Missy at least should be in the damn toilet for not participating in that crazy ass challenge.

My most trusted... I'm going to be naive, just for that lil guy, and say Reed. But I think I let him get too close to Drew. Drew is charming.

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:40:24 am
by Kelly Wigles
Don't worry, we try not to interfere with anyone's game in any way. We just want to get a good sense of where your head is at throughout this whole process.

Is Reed getting too close to Drew a good thing or a bad thing for you? Also, could you give us a run-down of how you feel about each of your tribemates?

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:13:14 am
by Val
Ok, I'll crack.

So, I got this "Supah Fine 5" gig with Jac, Nadiya, Reed and Drew (he was added to our original four). Basically, we were the ones who came to class on time and talked to each other.

Reed is cute and approaches everybody with this desire to connect outside the game first.
Jac is a good leader and perfect to have on your side, but aside from some fantastic gifing and 'giiirrrl'-ing here and there, I find her a bit aloof, tbh.
Nadiya is kinda like that one friend in your group that you forgot was there because you made friends with them in elementary school and whose gonna say anything about it.
Drew is not always there, but he has a great rallying cry, is funny, and is basically a bad-ass.

Reed getting/being close to Drew now is a fine thing... now. Perfect in fact. I don't know if we could have had a 5 without that. Reed's got telling emotions that allowed me set everything up without having to ask too many questions. It's terrible for later. I can't keep Drew forever (for long).

Keith is almost never around and is late for things if he is. I'd like to keep his stupid ass because he doesn't talk to anyone and is kind of a non-factor.

I like Dale. In another world, I'd have him in the middle of the Alliance. I might need him to take on a Drew.

Missy talks all this crazy stuff and then goes right into it how she's exactly thinking her strategy in PMs. It's weird.

John Rocker is playing this role and not telling us important things like that he'd actually be good at the challenge. So, instead of putting him with somebody who could have maybe used his help, he was with someone who could have done the puzzle easily and alone. And this catch-phrase business... not happy about it.

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:06:31 pm
by Val
One thing that causes me pause, though, is that nobody in my assumed tight group is talking ANY strategy to me. It could be that there strategy averse, true, but it could be I'm not in on it for a reason. I don't want to be paranoid and hurt myself if it's not necessary. Honey, having kids isn't easy. I'll be back with more platitudes.

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:34:23 pm
by Val
John Rocker wrote:VALLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I looked for like 2 minutes at the sample challenge and was like "oh fuck this...I won't be any help". It probably doesn't help that I "get high" before I log on here.

But once it came time for the actual challenge I wasn't going to not give it my damndest...a fluke I am sure.

How are we? Do you hate me? Trying to have fun in general with everyone...I can't quite put my finger on it but I feel like the tides have turned against ole' johnny rock. I'm sure it's just the paranoia setting in though lol!

So, people can change my opinions of them pretty damn quick. Ugh. But, don't get me wrong, I'd vote him off, especially since the bugger is preceptive.
But I've been talking with him and I probably want to keep him longer than Missy. I feel, too, that I risk my position just by talking to him if all his paranoia is true. But again, nobody's been talking in my core alliance. I don't like it.

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:51:06 pm
by Val
Drew wrote:Hey all! Let's get ready to slay that challenge tonight icon_mml

As you all know, tribal is immediately following the challenge. I'm confident in our ability to win, but we should always be prepared in the event that we don't. Especially since we wont have time to talk between the challenge and tribal.

I think a few of us heard John's name being tossed around as the potential vote, but to my knowledge it's still pretty up in the air. What do you all think we should do? We can control the vote with a 5 majority, but whatever we decide, it would be smart to possibly try and get a unanimous, or at least almost unanimous vote for who we want so none of the other tribe members feel like they're being left out of our group.

So, it seems that a lot of the people aren't grasping the gravity of having a tribal directly after the challenge. I'm glad i got it out with Drew, but I let him pull the trigger on getting the conversation going. My bad... tho rly. That was so dumb, but I didn't want to be that type of girl and Drew looks good again by my hand.

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:24:34 pm
by Val
I mean... I thought they liked Drew? Damn. They're being all quiet like they think it's best to keep their vote a secret. Regardless of how it really effects me (which it does), but how they gonna look when the person they voted for is still in the game.

Of course this is all assuming I'm not being bamboozled. I am bumpuzzled, that. is.cfor. sure.

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:52:30 pm
by Val
People are seeming to be going with John. Not that I have a problem since it isn't me (I think), but I just don't like that Missy said a someone's name and said "sneaky sneaky," now everybody is going for that person. It would be the first tribal for our tribe, but it's day 6 and that should not allow for first tribal politics.

I am actually shaking my head.

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:56:35 pm
by Val
Reed wrote:Yeah not going to tribal is the main priority. I want them Azmat numbers dwindle.

I guess, you know I'd just follow your lead.

I am a dog walker by trade (as well as a cop, I can do both) and I'd been thinking how much reed reminded me of a puppy.

I gotta stop letting him be like that, because it seems so unbelievable. I am too jaded for this.

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:11:20 pm
by Val
Do I check in here?

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:17:56 pm
by Val
Reed wrote:Here is my guess for the rankings

1. Drew
2. Val
3. Jac

6. Missy
5. Keith
4. Reed?

Look at this shit Reed Pulls

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:04:23 pm
by Val
Tribal. Please be lovely and unanimous and simple.

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:06:17 pm
by Val
Edit: and not for me

Re: Episode 02

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:49:37 pm
by Val
Just for the record, I would have wanted John to stay if he actually pissed the other tribe off. My tribe is being so questionable.