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Episode 03

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:54:08 pm
by Kelly Wigles
Hi Drew! Just kicking off your Episode 03 confessionals with a couple of questions, feel free to answer them whenever.

1) So you guys have managed to survive your first tribal council, did you learn anything new or was anything confirmed for you about your tribe?

2)The votes came in unanimously against John Rocker, is it fair to say that you guys are a pretty unified tribe? Is there a weak link in your group at all?

3) How do you feel about the people on the other tribe? Is anyone standing out to you at all?

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:33:43 pm
by Drew
Kelly Wigles wrote:Hi Drew! Just kicking off your Episode 03 confessionals with a couple of questions, feel free to answer them whenever.

1) So you guys have managed to survive your first tribal council, did you learn anything new or was anything confirmed for you about your tribe?

2)The votes came in unanimously against John Rocker, is it fair to say that you guys are a pretty unified tribe? Is there a weak link in your group at all?

3) How do you feel about the people on the other tribe? Is anyone standing out to you at all?

1) The vote went exactly how i planned it. It was easy to use the "Majority rules strategy" and tell everyone the majority is voting John. I told almost every single person that, and since they were wanting to not lie on the wrong side of the vote, they went with it. Just like my last confessional said, i wanted John out and I got it.

2)Surprisingly no. Everyone will think we are unified, but far from it. We have 2 alliances of 5, and each are wanting to swing at the other. The next vote will draw a line in the sand, unless I can do some damage control and manipulation, and cause a shift. Missy is my weak link. She threw my name out behind my back apparently, saying I was working with John. Me and Jac talked about flipping the vote to Missy, but ultimately knew we could get her out next. I have a feeling I may slightly be on her radar, but not enough to be a target. I will do some damage control and ensure Missy is next to go.

3)Azmat is quite unified. Jenn and Kelly are together obviously. I feel like So and Joe might be a 4 with those 2 as well. Dan seems like maybe on the outs? Hard to tell so far. I'm going to go look at the challenge again to see if I can find cracks.

Now for the fun part. Sorry to all those who hate the strategy, but I tried and actually successfully this time threw the challenge. I told John i would work with him before hand, so I knew if we won that would get out and fuck me over. I did this to ensure John had no idea he was going since he was smart. It just so happened that Azmat worked really well together, and my tribe had no idea what was going on, so I could play upon that. I truly believe there will be no fallout from my poor challenge performance, and if there is at all I will contain it. My whole tribe was so lost that they didn't even help me at all, so it was easy to say I had to do it alone since they were so clusterfucked. So easy and nobody has any idea I threw it. I'm sitting pretty once Missy is gone. I can tell Dale is starting to lose a bit of trust, but not enough to go elsewhere. Instead of being his 1, now I'm his 2 or 3. I bet Missy is his 1, so we need to eradicate her.

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:36:37 am
by Drew
I had to add this because shit just went down really hard.
-Missy blew up our alliance to Val and Reed, trying to flip them into voting ,Dale and having the majority
-Idk if she smoked some crack after tribal or what, but she messaged every single person different things, trying to get everyone to turn on each other.
-Jac was offline through all of this, so me and Nadiya had to do damage control for almost 2 solid hours with everyone.
-We convinced Reed and Val that we were still with them, and struck fear into them and Dale, ensuring if they went for Missy's bs, they'd be next
-They all went from being mad at us and confused, to certain they were getting Missy out next.
-If we end up at tribal, expect one of the biggest tribal thrashings Stranded has ever seen.
-My game almost blew the fuck up, but I flipped it around so that everyone is still good with me, and Missy is guaranteed out next.
-My social connections just saved my game from being thwarted by a crazy bitch.

Didn't think it would be that easy, but my plan was to convince everyone to flip and get Missy out last second, and then damage control after. Missy losing her ever loving shit caused me to do just as much damage control, if not more, but weirdly made my game stronger. Now, everyone wants Missy out. i didn't have to make the move first so no blood on my hands, and nobody cares that i was in an alliance that was exposed. I went from being on top of the tribe dynamics, which I didn't want, to like 3rd or so, which is the best place to be. Not on bottom so no target, not on top so no flip on me. i couldn't care less if we won tomorrow, but I might give it a good go. I also might say that i can't participate tomorrow and let everyone's cards fall as they may. I do have a concert tomorrow night so I might actually not be able to participate lol.

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:08:55 pm
by Kelly Wigles
That sounds impressive that you turned it around like that.

Re: Episode 03

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:24:07 pm
by Drew
It had to be done to ensure I could stay in power come tribe swap.
I guess we will see if I actually am able to get a 7-1 vote for Missy at the next tribal, but I'm positive I will.