--Switched to Asmat--
By Drew
#335 Well, in light of the craziness that occurred leading up to and during the first challenge, I thought I'd give some insight.

-Solidified Alliance with Val, Reed, Myself, Jaclyn and Nadiya
-Solidified Alliance with Missy, Keith, Myself, Jaclyn and Nadiya
-Decided with the Yaliance (Missy's) to vote out John if we lose
-John says he sucks at challenges
-Stop Yaliance members from telling members from original 5 alliance plan (Cover all my bases, stopping them talking as much as possible)
-Get Paired with John for challenge (great)
-I decide that I want to throw the challenge. Everyone wanted John out for self proclaiming he was bad at challenges
-I could just not finish the puzzle purposely, and blame it on John for being awful like he said
- Screw around for 15 minutes, keep checking thread to see what John says
-He actually starts solving it , I think "Fuck"
-I rush to finish it in like 15 minutes so it doesn't look like I tried to throw it
-Finish a couple minutes after John does, crisis averted
- We win because So posted only 3 puzzles instead of 4? LOL if she doesn't have the idol I would laugh so hard if she gets voted out for that
-John talks shit to other tribe
- I decide that I need to get John out ASAP. He is the only person I cannot control, because he is just fucking around lol. He is probably a superfan genius that is amazing at challenges. If I can get him out, I can manipulate anyone else that's actually playing. John has an amazing strategy, because people will just think that he's useless and drag him to the end. In the end he'll pull out the big guns and reveal his game and win. I don't think anyone else is playing that way, and so in order for me to be the strongest player playing this game, I have to eliminate the one person that's playing completely different than all of the others.
-I think most people don't realize that the majority of winners have set themselves up to win since the first decision you make. Everyone plays week to week, trying to get by unscathed. I am already trying to figure out who I will decide the boot order shall be pre merge if we lose challenges, how to go about getting control in a tribe swap, and how I'd like the numbers to look come merge.
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