By So
#7117 Hey all. Thought we should make one of these since we can't pm anymore, and I wanted to tell Drew that I'm caught up on BBCAN4

So feel free to discuss up through the latest episode of each show you watch.
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By Drew

BB Can
-I loath the brothers so much I hope they get 0 votes.
-Tim is amazing I'm praying he wins final HOH and takes the brothers, then annihilates them.
-SO pissed Cass is gone. I was dreaming of a Cass/Tim final 2, that would have been amazing.

-Poor Joe. What a guy.
-I think either Michelle wins final Immunity and takes out Aubry, or Vice Versa. If Cyd or Tai win it, I think Aubry goes.
-Either Aubry or Michelle are going to win at this point.
-I like Cyd but I feel like she'll be a good candidate to return and fix her mistakes
- #TeamNeal #TeamNick #MountSaintNeal
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By Drew
Reed wrote:

Just because.

I fuckin loved when they brought the Kangaroo into the house and Tim lost his shit hahaha.
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By Reed
Drew wrote:
Reed wrote:

Just because.

I fuckin loved when they brought the Kangaroo into the house and Tim lost his shit hahaha.

who's Tim ? haha
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By Drew
#7166 Big Brother Canada/Australia I assumed since you posted that video it was in regards to him haha.
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By Reed
Drew wrote:Big Brother Canada/Australia I assumed since you posted that video it was in regards to him haha.

I think I'll watch BB when Kaoh Rong wraps up
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By Drew
#7172 BB Can 4 is a great season, definitely worth it. Have you watched other seasons of it, or the US version?
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By Reed
#7176 None. There's Philippine version of it, but it's not like the other version (at least what I heard from BB CAN/US), here it's popularity contest.
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By Drew
#7182 Yeah i've heard of that version. BB is great if you can get into it.
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By Dan
#7188 Tim Dormer is still in? Good effort. BB Canada/US is so different to what ours was.
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By Drew
#7189 Yeah man! He played a hell of a game and just might become the first ever 2 time BB winner. I've seen a few Aussie seasons and I actually enjoyed them. Sucks it isn't on now but maybe they'll bring it back.
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By Trashley Markwood
#7190 I am Australian and don't watch BBCAN but:

- LOL at you guys liking Tim. He won BBAU and then revealed he was literal scurge of the earth he knows how to win a game but he's the biggest ego-maniacal shitcunt ever. Does a never-ending circuit of reality shows, constantly self promotes, it's awful. We here in Oz pray he stays in Canada, and works hard to make a life in North America so that he never comes home. :)

You ask anyone on the street about Tim from Big Brother and they either a) don't know who that is or b) reckon he's a wanker.
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Trashley Markwood

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By Reed
Trashley Markwood wrote:I am Australian and don't watch BBCAN but:

- LOL at you guys liking Tim. He won BBAU and then revealed he was literal scurge of the earth he knows how to win a game but he's the biggest ego-maniacal shitcunt ever. Does a never-ending circuit of reality shows, constantly self promotes, it's awful. We here in Oz pray he stays in Canada, and works hard to make a life in North America so that he never comes home. :)

You ask anyone on the street about Tim from Big Brother and they either a) don't know who that is or b) reckon he's a wanker.

You know someone is a douche when Trashley hates em
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By Drew
Trashley Markwood wrote:I am Australian and don't watch BBCAN but:

- LOL at you guys liking Tim. He won BBAU and then revealed he was literal scurge of the earth he knows how to win a game but he's the biggest ego-maniacal shitcunt ever. Does a never-ending circuit of reality shows, constantly self promotes, it's awful. We here in Oz pray he stays in Canada, and works hard to make a life in North America so that he never comes home. :)

You ask anyone on the street about Tim from Big Brother and they either a) don't know who that is or b) reckon he's a wanker.

Oh I'm fully aware of how he is perceived in Australia. I don't watch big brother and root for who I think is the best person outside. He's just an entertaining character, and has played the game with impeccable skill. Regardless of who he is as a person, I think he deserves to win. I watched him on the Apprentice too. If he's self fueled by reality shows and promoting himself, by all means go for it.
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By Drew

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By Drew
#7200 Off to watch the BB Can Finale tonight. Make sure those 4 don't let tribal be boring as fuck.
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By So
#7204 GO PAQS BROS OR KELSEY! Tim has been amazing, but I really want the Paqs Bros to win. I love Kelsey also, and I love Tim. Best final 3 of the 4 seasons (BBCAN3 had the best final 4 though #Brittneegoddess)
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By Vitinho
#7221 michelle sucks. cydney is awesome
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