By Marissa Peterson
#6134 I know we still have three more rounds of play but I'm curious to hear who you guys think is playing the best versus who is playing the worst at this point. Really interested in seeing who you guys are more likely to vote for.
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By Drew
#6136 Ranking from playing the best to worst

Intelligent as hell, able to pull numbers together and control when need be, also able to lay low when need be. Great at comps, I could see him winning if he can mist a few people.

Really strongly holding Yali together. Not the best strategic player, but her social game is really good. If she can win another comp or 2, and sway someone to Yali at F6, she could win easily.

3.Tie Dale/Nad
Both are sitting with a group of 3, but I think either of these people will decide to flip and vote out one of their alliance at 6. If either of them do, and try to control the game, they deserve a shot at winning, otherwise they will most likely lose to Joaq/Val.

She has the ability to play a good social game, but has really just been riding coat-tails. Unless she changes up her game, she wont win.

Again, has shown the ability to play strong socially, but so far has just sat back and let other people make decisions for her. Doesn't deserve to win unless she pulls something crazy out of her bag of tricks.

This can easily change if any of these people make smart moves. I think either Joaq or Val convinces Nadiya or Dale to flip, and whoever ends up on the wrong side of the numbers of Joaq and Val goes next.
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By Jenn
#6148 1. Mama Val
She's been a quiet dominant force since day 1 and has masterfully used her "Mama" status to lull us all into a false sense of security. She hid behind Nadiya for a long time, but it's clear she's been the real mastermind this whole season.

2. So
She's basically been without an alliance the entire time we were playing, especially on the starting Asmat tribe. It's amazing to me that's she's done what no other Asmat has been able to do: infiltrate Yali and keep the target off herself. If she makes it to the end, she deserves at least some sort of recognition for surviving that long without a solid alliance to fall back on.

3. Nadiya
Second-in-command on Yali and has still been fairly influential all game. If she manages to cut Val at the right moment, she'd definitely get my vote. Otherwise, nothing really to report on her. She and Jaclyn mostly kept to themselves from my perspective.

4. Joaquin
Really cunning player who knows when to cut his losses, but he rode Dan's and Joe's coattails for most of the game. And now, without the strength of his alliance behind him, he hasn't actually pulled off any moves. He was the swing vote once and then played right into Mama Val's hands. I haven't seen Joaq do a single strategic thing all game or even pull any sort of "numbers" out of his ass.

5. Jaclyn
No strategic game whatsoever and a really poor social game. At the very least, I don't think I ever even actually had a direct conversation with her until the TC where I was booted and that was literally like a two-word exchange. Basically the only time she ever even bothers showing up is to scream obscenities at So and then feebly defend why she's not a goat.

18. Dale
Dis hoe is even below Shirin. While Jaclyn didn't even bother to have a conversation with me, it was at least better than the shit Dale put me through. He's a bully with an ego the size of Texas, but only has a shitty strategic game and mountains of paranoia and "woe is me" to show for it.
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By Reed
#6226 1. Mama Val
Got the networks to keep her mama ass safe. Took advantage of her avatar and is just kicking ass right now. I wonder if she'd be able to cut Nad's throat before it's too late.

2. Dale - great guy, plays the I'm dying anyway card but the truth is, has enough connections in both sides. Will get my vote clearly if he reaches FTC.

3. Nadiya - I guess she is playing an awesome game right now but so far even while I was in the game I have no idea what moves she is/was making. She's been winning immunities though.

4. So - Underdog story, she must be really playing a damn game if she made it this far. She is bound to spill something up if people keep on thinking So's a goat.

5. Joaq - The false god. People always think he is a strategic threat or something, but the truth is, he just weighs his options and goes with whatever he thinks is good for him.

6. Jac - I love her, but she's just too inactive. :c
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By Drew
#6504 Final 5 Ranking

It's evident she has the most control. She has been with Val and Jac since day 1. Dale seems to have some ties to her, and she could pull So in easily. Everyone may come together and get her out, seeing her as the strongest threat. If not, she wins.

She is playing a strong social game, and could convince the others to flip on Nadiya. If Nadiya goes Val can influence everyone left into taking her to the finals. Good chance of winning

Although he has strategic chops, he's playing for second place. He gets so wrapped up in making big moves and blindsiding people that he hasn't attempted any Jury management or shown he can gain control of his own. Only way he wins is next to So or Jac.

Her strategy is transparent. Align with strong people and stay loyal. Reminds me of someone like Chelsea from One World. I don't see her winning in any scenario, unless she orchestrates some big moves to get herself to the end from here.

Poor game. She even said, she just takes orders essentially from others. For at least 3 votes she literally just asked me what to do and did whatever I said. Good read on the game, but has no idea what to do with that read. She won't win.
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By Dan
#6557 Best: Nad & Val have had the most control. Dale's played an interesting game as well. Any of those 3 are a shot at DF's vote

Worst: So & Jac. No explanation needed
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By Joaquin
#6565 Now that I'm on a night's rest to absorb everything...

1) Nadiya - no explanation needed. Think she's a tad more strategy oriented so I'd give her the nod over Val

2) Val - no explanation needed

3) Jaclyn - this is where it gets interesting, and where I never thought I'd put her. To me, Survivor is a social experiment, and I think great players are people who understand this and participate in the game like it is a social experiment. While Jac is not the most active player, there is no denying that I think she has played a pretty good social game, though not as good as the above two. I've had Dale and Val tell me how they compete to see who can be closer to Jaclyn, and her conversations with me were genuine. Would not be an A+ winner, but I'm leaning her in a dreaded F3 of her, Dale and So.

4) Dale - better than So (not that hard) but he doesn't understand a lot of the social aspects of the game, like I've said.

5) So - lol
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By So
#6880 Can I ask why I was so hated? My closest allies were voted out at the F11 and F9, I was literally lost without anyone to bounce ideas off of, and I scrambled at every vote to try to make something happen. Eventually, I knew I had to just go with the flow, but I at least tried to make stuff happen. I planted the Reed vote to drive paranoia (sorry Reed) at the F10, I won an immunity, I had the leadership position which was stressful by itself. I could go on and on about every little thing I did, but A you probably don't want to hear it B I'm out so it doesn't matter, and C I just want to rest LOL
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By Reed
So wrote:Can I ask why I was so hated? My closest allies were voted out at the F11 and F9, I was literally lost without anyone to bounce ideas off of, and I scrambled at every vote to try to make something happen. Eventually, I knew I had to just go with the flow, but I at least tried to make stuff happen. I planted the Reed vote to drive paranoia (sorry Reed) at the F10, I won an immunity, I had the leadership position which was stressful by itself. I could go on and on about every little thing I did, but A you probably don't want to hear it B I'm out so it doesn't matter, and C I just want to rest LOL

Well, I was never on the hate train. But I guess idk, that leader tag, and how you banter with people during IC/TC?
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By So
Reed wrote:
So wrote:Can I ask why I was so hated? My closest allies were voted out at the F11 and F9, I was literally lost without anyone to bounce ideas off of, and I scrambled at every vote to try to make something happen. Eventually, I knew I had to just go with the flow, but I at least tried to make stuff happen. I planted the Reed vote to drive paranoia (sorry Reed) at the F10, I won an immunity, I had the leadership position which was stressful by itself. I could go on and on about every little thing I did, but A you probably don't want to hear it B I'm out so it doesn't matter, and C I just want to rest LOL

Well, I was never on the hate train. But I guess idk, that leader tag, and how you banter with people during IC/TC?

The fighting with Jaclyn was all a front JSYAK. We were working together. I feel like people could tell I was mostly joking, but if anyone was offended I'm sorry.
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By Reed
So wrote:
Reed wrote:
So wrote:Can I ask why I was so hated? My closest allies were voted out at the F11 and F9, I was literally lost without anyone to bounce ideas off of, and I scrambled at every vote to try to make something happen. Eventually, I knew I had to just go with the flow, but I at least tried to make stuff happen. I planted the Reed vote to drive paranoia (sorry Reed) at the F10, I won an immunity, I had the leadership position which was stressful by itself. I could go on and on about every little thing I did, but A you probably don't want to hear it B I'm out so it doesn't matter, and C I just want to rest LOL

Well, I was never on the hate train. But I guess idk, that leader tag, and how you banter with people during IC/TC?

The fighting with Jaclyn was all a front JSYAK. We were working together. I feel like people could tell I was mostly joking, but if anyone was offended I'm sorry.

I wasn't but I guess to some people you just looked passive out there, probably same goes for how I played. But I don't know about their opinions really. Just don't let this get in the way of who you are in real life! icon_mml icon_mml
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By Drew
So wrote:Can I ask why I was so hated? My closest allies were voted out at the F11 and F9, I was literally lost without anyone to bounce ideas off of, and I scrambled at every vote to try to make something happen. Eventually, I knew I had to just go with the flow, but I at least tried to make stuff happen. I planted the Reed vote to drive paranoia (sorry Reed) at the F10, I won an immunity, I had the leadership position which was stressful by itself. I could go on and on about every little thing I did, but A you probably don't want to hear it B I'm out so it doesn't matter, and C I just want to rest LOL

I don't think you're hated at all. In a different season, you may have been able to play from the top instead of the bottom and do well. I feel like there were a few key things keeping you from excelling.

A. Social Game
I can attest to this first hand. Take the Joe blindside for example. You were so complacent about what would happen, you didn't try and cover your bases. After you needed me to gain numbers at the merge, it was quite easy to see you were willing to cut me to get yourself 1 step further. If you put down some solid foundation and tried to influence me into believing you wanted to work with me but were struggling to convince others on Asmat, come merge I would have been more inclined to divulge more info to you.

It was really hard to put a finger on your strategy. Everyone knows what they want to do, but often forgets that the game is this paradox of screwing everyone over, then asking for them to reward you in the end. It may seem like you are showing strategy, but unless you constantly work at it and attempt to put yourself out there, people will just think you're either shifty and unwilling to show your cards, or floating.
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By Jeff Probst
#6904 Social game is so overused these days. It's literally your likability factor and nothing else. Strategy comes into play when you use your likability to your advantage. That's what I think So lacked. We'll get into it more after the season and i'd be more than happy to help you with some advice, but basically you let your emotions towards a lot of players rule your actions.

I think even letting them rule your game play is fine, as long as your emotions don't show and ruin your actions with ohter players. That was a big flaw of yours and you also let them get in the way of making solid alliances.

And for fucks sake if I had to hear that the Missy/JR/Dans of the game were "abi marias" one more fucking time... they were loyal as shit, just annoying XD Did not make them abi maria's. XD
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#6906 Agree with those.
Well except maybe Missy she was a wild one icon_lol icon_lol
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By So
Jeff Probst wrote:Social game is so overused these days. It's literally your likability factor and nothing else. Strategy comes into play when you use your likability to your advantage. That's what I think So lacked. We'll get into it more after the season and i'd be more than happy to help you with some advice, but basically you let your emotions towards a lot of players rule your actions.

I think even letting them rule your game play is fine, as long as your emotions don't show and ruin your actions with ohter players. That was a big flaw of yours and you also let them get in the way of making solid alliances.

And for fucks sake if I had to hear that the Missy/JR/Dans of the game were "abi marias" one more fucking time... they were loyal as shit, just annoying XD Did not make them abi maria's. XD

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#6912 At least this season has coined the term"Pulling a Missy"
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By Dan
#6915 If you call someone a cunt you must be Abi-Maria now. I told the truth, called people out, stuck by my alliance and was willing to put myself in the firing line. not sure how that compares to Abi but kk. Didn't play with Missy or J-Rock so can't really comment there, but J-Rock wasn't around long enough anyway
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By Joaquin
#6919 Pretty much what Drew said. (Goddamn, let's just fuck and get it over already).

You were actually one of my favorite people on OG Asmat (up there with Dan and Joe) because you have a great personality. I just think you're young and have to mature. I never "hated" you, I just didn't think your game was enough to win.
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