By Kelly Wigles
#4195 Hey Val! here are your customary confessional prompts :)

1) Looks like you received the 2nd most votes this tribal, if Dan had played an idol, you would've gone home. What does that tell you?

2) Jaclyn appears to have not been present again, how is this affecting your relationship/alliance together?

3) So far it's looking like Yali is just going to steamroll over Asmat, how does this make you feel? Can you trust the people you are aligned with now?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Val
#4203 1.) Dale said they "saw me as a leader," but I think it's more because they didn't want to throw it on Nadiya who had an Idol and Jac who's effectively never here.

2.) Nah, except that she's like Joe Del Campo in this game. I'm more of a target than our old leader, now that she's never here.

3.) Nah, I can't, especially cuz we have to vote for each other later no matter what. Drew is definitely stirring the proverbial pot. He made this tribal Chaos.

Also, why doesn't Jeff love me? This feels very personal:

"Alright everyone goodnight.

A few random votes tonight just incase an idol was played... Maybe some people aren't as important to others as they thought.

Good night and again, play hard, the jury is watching you!"
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By Jeff Probst
#4204 As we know, the smaller the numbers get the more likely it is that someone in your alliance might take advantage of the remaining few Asmat members. Unless that person is you... Do you think that someone will beat you to flipping on the Yali alliance?
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Jeff Probst

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By Val
#4216 Eh, I kinda feel like voting for Drew next. Let's cut that suave turd before he's polished at the end.
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By Kelly Wigles
#4219 Explain to us how you intend on taking Drew out next.

Also, this sounds to me like you are kind of in charge though if you have that sort of power.
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Kelly Wigles

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By Jeff Probst
Val wrote:Eh, I kinda feel like voting for Drew next. Let's cut that suave turd before he's polished at the end.

This line was great icon_lol .

Are you paranoid that that line was directed at you because you are worried about how the jury sees you?
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Jeff Probst

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By Val
#4248 No, I'm paranoid cuz it points out how not all of my alliance voted against the opposition. A VOTE NOT FOR THEM IS... well, math wise, is it like a half a vote towards me? Either way, it's not good.
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By Jeff Varner
#4696 Hey Val, what were your thoughts on that challenge - both results and guesses?

Also, can you please give me a game status update in the form of a trust ranking? Something like ranking your other tribemates 1-8 with a trust score /10

So if you trust me the most, you'd go:

1. Jeff Varner: 10

so on and so forth.
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Jeff Varner

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By Val
#4699 1. Nad 8
2. Jac 8
3. So
4. Reed 5
5. Dale 5
6 Drew 5
7 Joaq 4
8. Jenn 3
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By Val
#4703 Jenn, you sneak devil. Reed, you are sneakier, yet. I think they're trying to push us into getting me idoled out.
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By Val
#4725 Reed, but he plays me like a fiddle. Oof. He pushed me towards Jenn, but I really think Joaq has the Idol.

Trashley... may I call you Trashley? I just got paranoia on the mind. If they're gunning for me, there's not much I can do. I've asked them to change the vote twice already and trying to get them to do it again for obviously selfish reasons isn't gonna help me in this game anyway.

If I can get Jenn out, I'm happy. That girl is fucking riot and is convincing af. I'm not making much sense because it's 1 AM here and SCRAMBLE TIME.

I apologize for saying it in a mean way, as I actually still want to work with him, but when I called Drew a suave turd, I meant it in the best possible way. He is a suave turd.
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By Kelly Wigles
#4737 Do you think there was any fallout from all the information revealed at the challenge?

Also, tell me how you are maintaining your trust with your main alliance parters, Nad and Jac.
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Kelly Wigles

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By Val
#4738 there was a lot of fallout for Drew and company. I mean, he was right to feel stressed, but he seemed to rally. If there's anyway I can use the sf5 to my advantage, I will. I can say honestly to him now I don't want to vote him out and I'm trying to work with that to get Jenn.

The truth is, the fallout came more from after the last TC, more broadly. That's when I started to have my doubts about Drew. Dale and Joaq told Nad and Me about his double dealing with them and his using my name as the decoy. The fact is, and I think I got away with it, is that I was actually the one who brought up gunning for Joaq and Dan, not Drew. So, aside from him actually divulging truth about me, which is still not cool, he was never really lying.

Through all of this, I've never really deceived Jac and Nad and no one has any proof if there was a moment. That's why the trust is there. I also try to reinforce it indirectly by telling Nad that she is the only one I can trust. Telling her she can only trust me seems a little too cute and direct, and I feel like it's been fortifying for the most part.
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By Val
#4740 Obviously they could be. I think Nad feels very vulnerable right now. I think earlier, maybe she would have readily deceived me, but now it's truly safer for her to fall back on the one person who has had her back.

For Jac, she's never here and I think relies a lot on both of us. As the great Martha Stewart would say, "it's a good thing."
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