Where the wild things are.
By Jeff Probst
#1225 Welcome bro, we LOOOOOOOVED YOU.

You were amazing and definitely gone too soon. Please hang around wiht us all season and talk shit about everyone. It's a lot of fun.

We'll even let you read PMs and confessionals if you do :)
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Jeff Probst

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By Flicka Flame
#1229 You were a great character in the short time you were in the game. Bummed to see you out so soon, although not really all that surprised.
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Flicka Flame

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By John Rocker
#1975 thanks yall

It was tedious to even message most of those boring fucks, probably did me a favor. I had a lot of "game" in me,,,and had some pretty thoughtful ideas but w/e screw them. I knew there would be a lot of aged 15-19 "gay internet sjws" who would be turned off by the John Rocker thing...but honestly I thought I have enough of a personality/am funny enough that the majority would see my as kind/silly/funny

I don't really understand it strategically either? And it's not like I was actually making things difficult...a couple "fucks" here and there doesn't equate to dumping out rice/putting out fires in real survivor or anything

I guess I'll just have to hold my head high knowing I am better than each and every one of them. And let's be real, I'm probably going to win Stranded Second Chances...
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John Rocker

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By Kelly Wigles
#1984 dude you would've fit in perfectly and probably made it pretty far on an old-school Stranded season. This season was just too full of gamebot children
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