By Marissa Peterson
Winter is Coming (aka the Asmat Cold War) – Asmat Round 1

What a first five days. We already have the start of what could be our first rivalry of the season. Despite being on the same core alliance Dan and Kelly seem to setting up an arms race between each other. Dan pretty much clued into Kelly’s overplaying MAD early, and Kelly noticing Dan’s intelligence. IT’s such a shame Shirin never showed up because I’m anxiously waiting to see where things fall within the camp. If I were to hazard a guess as of right now I would actually think Dan would be in the most danger since from my perspective I feel people will more would likely fall in line with her. Right now I think Kelly has Joe, Jenn and So in her pocket, Dan has Jaoquinn, and Max and Sierra are firmly in the middle.

Now despite having more allies currently, I think Kelly’s side is more in danger going forward of loosing people before making a strike at Dan. Joe basically sees Kelly has his main ally but comes across as very naive in unaware of what is going on around him. He’s said things to the effect of not wanting to say yes to sooo many alliances because you only run the game with one that makes me think he’s going to end up being played hard in this game. It’s already starting with Jenn playing Kelly against him which is sad because he has absolutely no idea this is happening underneath his nose. Luckily Kelly seems to be more concerned with Dan but still not a good look. I could see Kelly getting paranoid and taking out Joe BEFORE Dan which could end up being a huge mistake for her. Jenn is playing well as she was off to a ROUGH start the first night being the outsider looking in but I can’t help but feel her division she’s causing between Joe and Kelly might end up blowing up in her face. I love Jenn. She is just so unapologetic and I think she is not really no anyone’s radar. She has potential to be something great down the line. I see a lot of myself in her. So pretty much has a huge target on her back at this point with the idol and with Kelly aggressively pushing for her not to use the idol it could very well lead to people blindsiding her if she doesn’t use it. Honestly, if Kelly doesn’t strike SOONER rather then later it leaves a lot of opportunity for her to loose someone who I don’t see ever getting in Dan’s pocket. Plus add to the fact Kelly is probably the biggest over player so far this season, potential to flame out is huge.

Team Dan is a little more stable for the time being. Jaoquinn I see as someone who’s not really in the line of a threat and has such negative feelings on Kelly that I really don’t see him flipping to the other side. Between the aggressive pushing of So not to use the idol and forcing the others to add her to make her the sixth in the alliance, Kelly has given him every reason to believe they are a strong pair. Dan is also probably one of the most savy players on the tribe, arguably if not Sierra. I think if anyone is going to know who to draw closer to himself it’s going to be him. It’s just will he be likeable to do so. One person I think he’ll be able to pick up is Max. He is such a floater with absolute no game awareness, that Dan would be foolish to not try and get him to his side. I really don’t see Dan as someone who is going to make the ‘safe move’ in favor of something a little more risky that may benefit his game going forward. As far as I can tell Max is more with Dan but that’s just a guestimation.

Now as for the person who I think is in the best position right now in the tribe, I think that’s clearly Sierra. She’s involved in both the core womans alliance and the core 5 alliance and pretty much has all lines of communication running through her. She’s trying to pin the two against each other but still attempting to stay as firmly in the middle as long as she can. I honestly think she is savy enough to do just that. She sees Dan has a great sounding board but Kelly as a little more malleable. I also believe she is probably going to be in the best position come a future swap since everyone is so dead set on allies and no one seems to view her as a threat. I have a lot of excitement for this girl for the season.

Power Rankings
1. Sierra
2. Jenn
3. Jaoquin
4. Kelly
5. Joe
6. Dan
7. So
8. Max

Personal Rankings
1. Jenn
2. Sierra
3. Dan
4. Jaoquin
5. Kelly
6. So
7. Joe
8. Max
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Everybody Hates John (but loves side deals) – Yali Round 1

This tribe is a little less interesting only because the water is sooo muddy this round. This tribe is soo convoluted with alliances but not even I the interesting good gameplay way but more the trainwreck overplaying way. We have the family alliance (Missy, Keith, Jac, Nadiya and Drew) , the Val/Reed/Jaclyn/Nadiya/Drew alliance, Dale/Reed/Nadiya, John Rocker/Catch phrases, Drew/His Ego etc. Just the complete works. It’s very hard to tell where people’s heads are actually at. I don’t know if it would help if some of them were around more or make things more confusing with new alliances because right now I can’t get a good read on where this tribe stands. IT’s not like either alliance is going after each other yet. Only two things are really certain on this tribe.

First is John Rocker is CLEARLY on the outs. His schtick and barely communicating with others is putting him in a big hole. I love John Rocker as a character but dude needs to step it up socially. Right now everyone is annoyed with him and wants him gone from both tribes, with exception of Nadiya and Jaclyn. It’s very tough for them to want to campaign for him to stay though since he isn’t doing a very good job of making himself likeable in anyway to his tribe mates. I wish he would be more like Vytas from my season and integrate with the others more because I think he has potential to be a lot of fun during the season but as of right now if Yali looses he has no hope to get out of the vote.

Second most certain thing is Nadiya currently in the best position of the tribe. She, with Jaclyn, are at the centre of all the major alliances currently in play BUT, unlike Jaclyn, doesn’t have the stigma of being the leader of the tribe. This is huge because Jaclyn will more then likely become the target before her especially since a lot of her tribe mates seem to trust Nadiya a lot and look at her as their number 1. For the time being they are sitting very very pretty going forward, but Jaclyn is going to be more in danger going forward since she is more out there and visibly working the middle. This is a very dangerous pair though.

As for the rest of the tribe I find they are all at a state of overconfidence. I don’t blame them since they haven’t even had their taste of their first tribal council and still in the honeymoon phase of the game but regardless a lot of them seem not to realize that there is other alliances at play other then their majority. Don’t get me wrong I don’t expect them to know EVERYTHING is going on, but I think some of them the idea of other alliances isn’t even on their radar. Val, Missy, Keith and Dale seem to falling into this rookie trap. Val and Missy pretty much looking at this game of my five versus the other four but I honestly don’t think they are really thinking there could be sub alliances within. Missy is a bit more overplaying then Val as being a little more pushy with her alliances and plans where I feel Val is just under the radar letting things flow. IT’ll be very interesting to see which of these two outlasts the other since both of their alliances are VERY similar just don’t include each other. Dale on the other hand is pretty late to the party in starting to align with people. He didn’t seem to realize the fact no one was talking to him about strategy until Monday, he was in a bad spot. He doesn’t seem very good at taking initiative in trying to put things together. I don’t think he’s going to be someone to make the big moves and go after threats as the game progresses. I would not be surprised if he ends up as a coat tail rider for the game. I know it’s early but I’m not seeing manipulator in his arsenal. Keith is a bit of the same problem, but is barely here. He’s not really establishing relationships well enough at this point to make me think he’s going to do well. Once we get to a swap or merge he’s going to have VERY little social currency and absolutely no idea what is going on beyond his alliance. I think these four if they aren’t a little more analytical and socially flexible could find themselves in bad positions and ultimately in the pre-jury.

Lastly we have Reed and Drew. Both of which I find a bit overconfident but are in much better positions then the four mentioned above. They have their hands in many cookie jars but, like Nadiya, aren’t as threatening as Jac. The only thing is I don’t think they have the social favor as Nadiya has. I find Drew oversells himself and believes he is a lot greater then he is. Maybe it’s just the rep but I don’t bye his influence as much as he thinks he has. The only one he has a pull on is Keith really but he isn’t even around enough to do anything about it. I think he’s going to flame out hard but short term shouldn’t have any problem making the merge. Reed I think is a little more endearing and curries more favor. I still think he is over confident, BUT I do think if anyone is going to make a move it’ll be him since he has significantly higher stock in his tribe mates eyes.

The only thing that sucks is because we have such a predictable boot in Rocker we will never see how this tribe would have shaken down. IT should be interesting to see which alliances end up in tact because of the swap.

Power Rankings
1. Nadiya
2. Jaclyn
3. Reed
4. Drew
5. Val
6. Missy
7. Keith
8. Dale
9. Rocker

Personal Rankings
1. Nadiya
2. Jaclyn
3. Rocker
4. Reed
5. Keith
6. Val
7. Drew
8. Dale
9. Missy
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Jenn wrote:So.... Kelly told me something really interesting. Apparently she, Joe, Dan, Joaquin and Sierra have formed a majority alliance. I mean, I'm not sure how much I believe her just because I can't understand why someone would reveal their entire alliance. And the only proof she could give me was that Joaquin told Joe all about my alliance with him. Now, I told Kelly about the alliance and, again, I can't understand why someone would want to immediately throw away any sort of alliance opportunity. It just boggles my mind that someone would show their cards like that.

I love Jenn. <3
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Even though this vote was pretty straight forward she set herself up perfectly in the middle to the point everyone believes she is with them. Could be dangerous but I think she is strategic and level-headed enough to play it right. Right now not on anyone's radar and making good decisions. Pretty much controlling where things are going to go.
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The Fear of Falling (in numbers) - Asmat Round 2

The theme for Asmat this round is Fears manifesting into reality. Jenn’s, So’s and Kelly’s concern about Dan, Joe and Jaq getting together and being an alliance has subconsciously pushed them together. Jenn’s dividing of Joe and Kelly is really working against them as she has pushed Joe to work with the guys. It was an option not previously on the table but now been more formalized. Kelly has been really overplaying everything and looking like a bit of a hot mess. Her and So have a perception through this whole debacle of being a really strong pair. Which is something that is going to get them in a lot of trouble come the swap. They have really solidified themselves with Jenn but are relying to much on the misinterpretation of the tiebreaker rules. They seem to believe So would break up the tie when in actuality it would be Jaclyn. IT honestly could have bitten them hard if they went to tribal. I did feel So generally did play that challenge right ALTHOUGH her explanation to Dan on why he was last was whack boots. She pretty much threw all her cards on the table with him.

What’s even more fascinating has been the boys pushing Max towards the girls. Joe had a smart plan of throwing the hinky vote and pinning it on Jenn but HORRIBLY executed post the move as he just continues to target Max for the vote. Seriously this has to be one of the worst plays of a hinky vote I’ve ever seen. He readily gave the girls ammunition to use against him for the vote. I had expected Dan to steer the vote in another direction but he’s probably just trying to keep the peace for the time being not knowing the girls are mobilizing to take out his head. The motives of Jaq is what I find the most mystifying to be completely honest. As he has stated he does not trust Kelly/So but doesn’t want to make a move since it’s too early. I do respect the idea of not making unnecessary waves but what’s good in having people that you know would turn on you in a swap or merge? They are really not numbers in your pocket. The novice nature of the players is starting to show. I really do like them because they are putting in work, especially over the much more chillax tribe of Yali but not very well thought-out moves are being made right now.

Only three people have benefited from the chaos in my opinion. The First I think is Max. He was clearly the next but for dumb hinky vote luck has found himself significantly up the pecking order. It’s given Kelly all the confidence she needed to make a move against Dan if there was a tribal council utilizing his vote to their advantage. I have to say although I criticized the girls earlier, it was smart for them to utilize him. Regardless though he’s now gone from dirt worst to middle of the pack in terms of power.

The second person is Jenn. I was upset to see her outside of the majority alliance when the game started because she’s so sassy and perceptive but she really put herself in a great position after the vote solidifying the girls alliance. She even got Kelly to spill the 5 Amigo’s alliance to her, a really dumb move on Kelly’s part in which Jenn criticized in her confessional. Honestly this girl stock just took a major upswing because out of the 4 in the girls + Max alliance, I think she’s the most safe with the targets of Kelly and So being so large and Max’s inability to hold substantial conversation.

The last person is Sierra. She continues to hold things strongly in the middle which has largely gone unnoticed. What’s even more shocking though, which it really shouldn’t be, is she pretty much knows EVERYTHING that is going on in the tribe. She’s the most perceptive person on the tribe if not the game as in her last confessional pretty much called everything out. What’s even more impressive is she’s playing everything just right and using the information she is given against the people in the game. This girl is someone people need to be more afraid of cause she’s the definition of a mastermind. She handles everything in a logical manner that I wish I could only dream of achieving. Regardless though, this girl is going to go FAR in this game if people don’t smarten up. To be honest though, I really don’t want them to smarten up. Regardless though she's playing the fears of the guys working together against the girls which is enhancing bigger targets on the guys trio and So/Kelly. She's really allowed herself to slip through the radar which I love.

Power Rankings
1. Sierra
2. Jenn
3. So
4. Kelly
5. Jaq
6. Max
7. Joe
8. Dan

Personal Rankings
1. Sierra
2. Jenn
3. Dan
4. Jaq
5. So
6. Kelly
7. Joe
8. Max
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There’s Something About Missy (how to kill your game in one night) – Yali Round 2

Nothing much had changed in Yali this round….well until Missy decided to go crazy. I can’t even begin to fathom what caused her to fly off the rail so quickly and completely blow up everyone’s game. It’s one thing if she isolated one collective group and had intention to her actions but right now it seems she’s just shooting without a target. It’s absolutely fun to watch but horrible gameplay. I don’t know if she was just afraid because Rocker was mentioning her name but the phrase let cooler heads prevail is not in her dichotomy. There were light talks from Dale, Jaclyn and Nadiya about getting rid of Missy other then John but they didn’t get very far at all as they were a little too late. But that was mostly after she started throwing people under the bus and being completely erratic. I almost wish they did make the move and blindside her because she’s way more of a liability then Rocker ever was. I just don’t get her reasoning in doing so. This move has made herself a target from the complete tribe and effectively put the Val/Drew/Jaclyn/Reed/Nadiya alliance in the driver seat of the tribe. That is, if there wasn’t a swap coming up, not that she knows that. It’ll be very interesting to see going forward how people treat her this round come the swap. If anyone is going to jump to the other side it’s going to be her. 100%.

Jaclyn was pretty smart not playing the idol. Surprisingly enough it didn’t come up much in conversation other than with Missy. I think she stands most to gain from Missy’s implosion because it took a lot of heat off of her. I honestly believe that if Missy didn’t do what she did people would have mobilized against her since there wasn’t a real obvious target. Dale was for a great period of time but has since successfully integrated into the tribe and people are looking him as a valuable side alliance. Add on to the fact she was pushing pretty hard against the wire for a Missy that it started causing other people to question her motives. Again I think if the Missy situation didn’t occur people would be looking at her with more focus on her and question how she placed everyone in the challenge. I think she’s in a lot of danger come the swap though because she’s such an easy target despite.

As for the rest of the tribe. I think Drew is starting to raise some eyebrows. I do think he handeled the Missy situation well but I do think people are starting to wise up on how turned on he really is. Reed and Val have been most under the radar. Val wants to take control of the game but I don’t think she needs to at this point. I know she wants to HBIC and is upset at her ranking in the challenge but that shouldn’t be something you want to be out about so early in the game. I really think she can be, but she shouldn’t be too soon. If so, you then have to be like Sophie and win your way out. She’s in a really good position with the five. Keith is under the radar but it’s more because he’s not really a factor at this point. No one is really close to him nor is he attempting to align himself in a really great position. He’s just sort of staying with the rest of the family alliance that aren’t Missy and riding that.

Right now out of the whole tribe Missy is the most interesting in a swap because it’ll be interesting to see if former Yali tribe distance themselves from her and make her the first boot, or if she jumps to the other tribe. Tonight’s going to be crazy.

Power Rankings
1. Nadiya
2. Reed
3. Drew
4. Val
5. Dale
6. Jaclyn
7. Keith
8. Missy

Personal Rankings
1. Nadiya
2. Val
3. Reed
4. Dale
5. Jaclyn
6. Drew
7. Keith
8. Missy
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Round Two MVP - Jenn


If anyone bettered their position most this round it's Jenn. She completely went from on the outs of the majority to potentially blindsiding a bigger player and establishing a brand new controlling alliance all while not putting a target on her back. Skillz.
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#2362 Weekends suck for me as I’m super busy so two recaps for the price of one.

Just the Two of Us (and Jenn by our side) - Asmatt Round 5 & 6

This tribe started out crazy as Missy turning on the original Yali to, in her mind, join original Asmat's and proceed to be voted out by them the next tribal council. The original move I think was good for everyone involved. They gained Missy as an ally, who wouldn't turn on them since no one in the other tribe respects them, and set themselves up for numbers. I feel like the Missy vote was an incredibly dumb move for So, Kelly and Joe as it's has now allowed the power and story of the tribe to completely shift from tribal war to the battle of two pairs for the affection of Jenn. They have effectively removed themselves from the power position.

On one side we have Kelly and So who for all intensive purposes have been running both incarnations of the Asmat tribe. They have been very strict in having everyone do EXACTLY what they want to the point. They truly have allowed power to get to their head and believe they are the masterminds of the seasons coming up with complex risky plans that only great social players can pull off. Unfortunately, with their bossy nature, they are not those great social players that will pull them off and ultimately it’ll lead to their impeding downfall. Jenn has been less than impressed by how they have effectively shut down any plans that aren’t in the Kelly play book and made her feel like she is at the bottom of their alliance. They are playing the EXACT same game as Scott and Kyle. I also think because neither of them have the maturity to deal with things not going their way are going to react in similar fashion when tribal council results are going to be undesirable to them. I guess the only difference between Scott and Kyle and Kelly and So is Kelly and So were legitimately in a good position and controlling votes. Regardless they have put themselves in a horrid position, and they don’t even know it yet. Even if they survive til the merge Sierra, Dan and Jaoq are NOT going to be jumping into bed with them any time soon. Their only hope of surviving is somehow getting good with the old Yali members but they are so fixated on pushing the Asmatt Vs. Yali agenda that it’s going to be very hard for them to see that.

On the other side of the coin we have the current underdogs Reed and Drew. Having just watched two of their own picked off, they are at a point where they are open for ABSOLUTLEY anything as long as it’ll keep them in the game. They have done a great job in being likeable enough by the old Asmats to survive the votes (add the fact Missy has been a complete loose cannon) and are in a position that if someone really wants to shake the game up they can be weaponized. They have done a very good job of being likeable to Jenn while still having fully trusting allies on the other tribe to work with, unlike Kelly and So, that once they survive to the merge will be able to go FAR into this game. I am going to make a bold prediction and say at this point they both WILL make the merge. Although there is tonight’s double, I believe beyond a shadow of doubt they will survive the next vote and if they hit tribal again. I do think Drew is in more trouble then Reed but they have set themselves up swimmingly going forward. They SHOULD make a play on Kelly/So over Joe but I think they feel too backed up against the wall to push for something like that to Jenn.

Now lastly on this tribe we have Joe. He’s really a completely dispensable non-factor on this tribe. The more I read his confessional the more I cringe, especially with his most recent update shaming Dan for calling out Kelly. Bro your nativity is showing. To be completely honest, out of everyone left in the game he’s the LEAST game savy and self-aware person in the game and it’s going to bite him really soon. Even more so no one has him as their #1 ally so he won’t have any idea when someone DOES target him especially on this tribe. With Jenn targeting him right now, and this vote split plan, he’s in major trouble of going home tonight if he doesn’t win immunity. I honestly think he’s done for at this point even if he does win immunity and I just hope in the future he learns to read between the lines more in communication with others.

Power Players
1. Jenn
2. Reed
3. Drew
4. So
5. Kelly
6. Joe

Favorite Players
1. Jenn
2. Reed
3. So
4. Drew
5. Kelly
6. Joe
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No Honor Among Thieves (looking for Idols) – Yali Round 4 & 5

I’m not going to lie to you. Despite having two of my favorite players in the game, Dan and Sierra, this tribe completely bores and frustrates me. The unwillingness of the old Yali tribe to do ANYTHING remotely interesting is very frustrating to watch because we all know how it’s going to end. They are either going to force a tie to send Dan home (which will have So vote him out because of their intense feud) or they are going to flip Max who has been anything but entertaining in this game. It’s really unfortunate to watch in all honesty since Dan is really a great big character and ultimately the WRONG man they should be eliminating. Look I get the move. IT makes sense going on the information that two Yali have gone home and you want to get Max on your side, but it doesn’t change the fact it’s boring and unproductive. Instead of using this time to make relationships they are more focused on old tribe division. It seemed like Dale and Dan were making progress at the start but that has since died to a less then interesting boot. It’s not without a lack of trying though as Dan has tried very hard to throw Max under the bus and curry favor with the other side. It’s just a shame they are so stuck in their ways that can’t see they can increase their odds. Did they all seemingly forget Jaclyn sent Dan over BEFORE everyone else to join this tribe in the swap? Do you really think she would do that if they were tight?

I think that part that frustrates me most it’s just they are so consumed in tribal lines that they are not looking at the structure within those original tribe. Dan adds a lot more to old Yali’s game then Max. He’s an easy vocal target. He’s so brash and in your face, it wouldn’t be hard to convince anyone to want to vote him out in the merge. He clearly someone who has enemies as well. I’m also a firm believer that pre-merge is too soon to play the get targets out game especially if one has the ability to give you in roads later in the game. Plus he has already been established as someone who WILL cut ties with Old Asmat since he was in the bottom with leadership. Max is the complete opposite in every aspect. They are probably better off from the information they have with a Jaoq vote then a Max or Dan one, but a Max vote has the chance of creating a more united front.

What is even more frustrating to me is the fact that none of Yali is really putting stock in the fact that Asmatt are willing to sacrifice one of their own. It’s like they almost don’t believe that to be true. Asmat is trying to do whatever it takes to prove they want to work with them and it’s genuine, but Yali is so stuck up this bleeding orange life that it could potentially leave them more fractured in the long run. You’re more likely to curry favor of 3 voting 7 strong on Max. I know there is fear of the idol within that talk but let’s face facts here, no one is wasting an idol on Max. Especially smart game players like Sierra and Dan. He’s really awful in terms of activity and has very redeemable qualities at this point in time.

…So I just took a break from writing and apparently things have changed. I would delete what I wrote up top but I don’t want to waste time. Anyways Jaoq is the one going to get the votes with Yali which is a smarter decision clearly Dan and Sierra are doing a good job ingratiating themselves with the other tribe. Regardless doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a boring original tribe vote. As I said before I do understand the move and this boot makes more sense than Dan, but still not particularly exciting because Max is still in the game, well when he shows up. Honestly I think that’s half the problem with this tribe. Because Jaclyn, Max and Val don’t pm as much it kinda puts a clamp on anything interesting happening. I think it’s really putting a hurting on their game for the future because they aren’t establishing the connections they should be establishing at this point nor do any of them seem to interested in cross tribal allies. Hopefully this changes before the merge or they are going to find themselves with limited options going foreward.

Three people that won’t have limited options though are Dale, Nadiya and Sierra. The three of them have done quite a solid job on establishing relationships that aren’t within your original tribe structure and don’t have any bad blood against them from their original tribes on the other side. I honestly really like how the three of them are set up in this game and it’s because they are a little more flexible in mind set. Sierra I think is probably in the best position of them all because she seems to be the most aware and intelligent member of the cast, but Nadiya and Dale are very good game players in their own right. Although I do feel Nadiya should be taking more advantage of those relationships. Having the idol in her back pocket is something that is very good for her game though. Total QUEEN for finding it soo soon.

Dale is probably the most interesting of the three just due to the fact he was such an odd man out to start but has now established relationships with people from both original tribes. Even more impressive is the fact that he has convinced for a Jaoq target over Dan who he wants to work with. This guy has really turned his game around to me. I think without a doubt they all three have potential to become big factors in the game at the merge.

Power Players
1. Dale
2. Nadiya
3. Sierra
4. Val
5. Jaclyn
6. Dan
7. Max
8. Jaoquin

Favorite Players
1. Sierra
2. Dan
3. Nadiya
4. Dale
5. Jaoquinn
6. Val
7. Jaclyn
8. Max
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Round 3 MVP -
The drama she caused alone won her this. icon_wub I don't even hate the move of her turning on Yali. That should have been enough for her to make the merge but we won't get into that cause that's for the next round. Regardless though, if people weren't stupid this should have pushed her farther in the game.

Round 4 MVP - Jenn
Put herself firmly in the middle between Reed/Drew and So/Kelly to the point where she can literally do whatever vote she wants. I think voting out Missy was a dumb move for So/Kelly/Joe because none of them have the relationship Jenn has built with Reed/Drew. Missy would have always stayed with them. Reed/Drew are only going to stay loyal to Jenn.
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Got Me Looking So Crazy Right Now (your Idol got me looking so crazy right now) – Yali Round 5

If I could use two words to describe this tribal council it would be Unnecessary Insanity. They have been a tribe for 5 days, a target had been established by the Old Yali to vote out a member of Old Asmat. They had two options go with Sierra, Dan and Jaoq and vote who they wanted out OR vote one of the three in fear of an idol play. The consensus leading up to the challenge was to vote Jaoq and everything was going to go smoothly in a 4-3-1 vote. That is, until Jaoq won individual immunity. Not an ideal situation but not the end of the world either. You’d think a 45 minute period inbetween the challenge and tribal council would be a piece of cake for them to decide between Dan/Sierra or Max?

You guessed it. Nope.

Old Yali legit went insane on trying to decide who to send home. Dale and Nadiya didn’t want to give up Dan or Sierra and vote out Max, Val was worried about an idol play so wanted to vote Dan, and Jaclyn, who showed up 10 minutes before tribal, wanted to vote Sierra. What was even more insane was Dale wanting to attempt a dumb plan to get Jaoq to give him the idol. This lead to a lot of hilarity of Nadiya and Val basically telling him to shut up. By the time the Tribal Council started that HAD NOT even reached a decision leaving all of the original Yali members, the hosts and alumni alike completely in the dark on who was exactly going to go home. This caused Jaclyn to freak out and play her idol despite never being remotely close to danger.
On the flip side of the coin old Asmat was pretty much chilling. Sierra, Jaoq and Dan had resigned to the fact Max had to go and didn’t feel like they had to about the situation. Max was barely conversing and would only send a pm or two saying he was going after Dan. Dan would then proceed to confront him about it but continue to be completely unphased by the vote. If only they knew just how close it came to each one of them leaving. No attempt to try to pull Max in and vote out Yali. No attempt to establish a smaller cross tribal alliance. No awareness to the chaos that was happening on the other side of camp. No idea that Jaclyn wasn’t even online until so close to the council that a play reasonably could have been made.

As the votes came in Asmat were all locked in on Max (including Max) and Yali was scattered with at one point all 3 old Asmat members receiving a vote. Slowly but sheer paranoia crept and they all switched their target to Max but the damage was done. Instead of getting out a bigger target they settled on Max. A complete non-entity. I think if anything this decision benefits Nadiya and Dale and hinders Jaclyn and Val. Nadiya and Dale have done a great job in establishing a relationship with Sierra and Dan as potential allies that it benefits them to keep them in the game. Both of them have showed a significant willingness to work with them. On top of that Dan has been very vocal of his detest for So and Kelly and has been proven by both the 2nd immunity challenge and the swap to be the bottom of the alliance. These two could be crucial long term allies come a merge for Nadiya and Dale. Max would not be able to provide them with the same numbers and would jump back to Kelly and So given the opportunity. Now voting out Max does give Val and Jaclyn the short term benefit of keeping Dan and Sierra happy but they are less likely to work with them due to not properly establishing relationships. They kept two very strategic people in the game with no benefit to them personally.

On the other side of the spectrum, one could argue voting out Max was a dumb plan and that old Asmat should have stuck together to eliminate an original Yasi. Now in a normal situation of Survivor I would agree, but in the context of this game Max has not proven himself to be invested in the game. He has not had game talk with anyone other then Kelly/So/Jenn nor has he proven himself to be someone who can be trusted in the game. I honestly believe they did they right thing selling him out in attempt to gain new allies. We all know Old Asmatt won’t be getting together anytime soon come the merge so why not try to ingratiate yourself with the other tribe? The likelihood of them getting Max to vote with them anyways was slim at best based on his communication alone.

Going forward unless Dan and Sierra can convince Dale to vote off Jaclyn or Jaoq wins the idol, Jaoq is going to be out for the count during the double. Nadiya is not going to entertain a Jaclyn boot and Jaclyn and Val are dead set in another Asmat going home. I don’t think Dale or Nadiya will allow a vote switch unless Jaoq is immune. I don’t know who the alternative target would be between Dan and Sierra but ultimately it’ll come down to who Dale and Nadiya are more ready to get rid of. My money would actually be on Sierra since she is the better player, but with this cast I have no idea.

Also Jaclyn is an Eva Maria fan so instantly it makes her a terrible person.

Power Player
1. Nadiya
2. Dale
3. Val
4. Jaclyn
5. Sierra
6. Dan
7. Jaoquinn
Favorite Player
1. Sierra
2. Dan
3. Nadiya
4. Dale
5. Val
6. Jaoquinn
7. Jaclyn

No Flex Zone (no stress zone) – Asmatt Round 5

No Changes occurred during the last 24 hours. Jenn, Reed and Drew are still going to utilize Kelly’s split vote plan against her. The vote is going to be 3 for Joe, 2 for Drew/Reed, 1 for Drew/Reed. The only wrinkle in the plan is if Drew or Reed happen to win by accident or Joe wins. I don’t know if Jenn will still be willing to pile the votes on Kelly or So if Joe were to win but we will soon find out. I don’t expect anything to change until tomorrow.

Kelly is still overly paranoid, So is still over confident, and Joe is still unaware of life.

Power Player
1. Jenn
2. Reed
3. Drew
4. So
5. Kelly
6. Joe

Favorite Player
1. Jenn
2. Reed
3. So
4. Drew
5. Kelly
6. Joe
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Marissa Peterson

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By Marissa Peterson
Round Five MVP - Jaoquinn

He thought grabbing the immunity was just to prevent Max from nabbing it, unknowingly to him completely SAVED his game by claiming that immunity as he would have gone home. He also saved his allies by essentially forcing the other side to vote out Max. icon_wub
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Marissa Peterson

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By Marissa Peterson
#5142 I'm a bit behind I'll try to write something tomorrow about the standings of everyone left and the opinions of those who left but for now

Just cause her move against Joe was absolute fire and completely changed the game. Although it would later be to her determent.

If I look at who benefited most from this round it's either her/Val/Jaclyn. Pretty much neutralized the other side of the game.

Even if she got spooked by the vote and voted for Dale, she really pushed hard for the Dan vote and got her wish despite all the craziness of target switching. Yali is sooo all over the place.

I do feel like if anyone benefits most from this round it's her. Val is seen as the bigger threat right now but she is the puppet master controlling the game. IT could have EASILY been Dale and Jaoq voting out Val but that didn't happen and now the girls are sitting pretty. She has an idol in hand and a lot of people are not clueing in to how big of a threat she actually is. Plus she arguably just took out the next best player besides herself.
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Marissa Peterson

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