By Jeff Probst
Immunity Challenge #13 - Hide and Ghost Seek

Overview: You will be given 10 questions, of which the answer to each will be the name of a fallen comrade (or castaway previously voted out this season).

The catch? You must answer in the form of an image. Hidden throughout previous challenge threads are all 13 of the eliminated contestants. Obviously there are more fallen comrades than there are questions, so some will be dummies and will not be the answer to any questions. They will be hidden in random posts (posts made by anyone) in this Challenge Forum (meaning any of the previous threads made in the challenge forums). I am including an example of what the images will look like at the end of this post.

The first person to private message me the completed list of 10 answers with the correct images wins Immunity and cannot be voted out at the next council.



• You must have all images correctly linked and answered in private message to me.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
#6627 1. Alliances all over it was only a matter of time before this castaway was caught and their game turned on a dime.
2. Despite causing an uproar, this castaway wasn't here for very long; even their replacement didn't bother to log on.
3. With a fake idol and a double chin ; this castaway got under everyone’s skin.
4. Likable, smart, trustworthy with allies at the merge to look for ; this castaway’s threat was too much to ignore
5. Betrayed, blindsided with wounds still brand new, this castaway was voted out after an idol was played, in fact two!
6. Despite flipping fast after the swap came about, they became the first to vote themselves out.
7. After verbally assaulting both tribes, a unanimous vote ensured they would go; but this castaway’s antics at tribal made cracks in alliances show.
8. After dominating the pre-merge and everyone wanting them out in a hurry, this castaway had the job of becoming the foreman of the jury.
9. They screamed, they shouted and betrayed their alliance; In the end, they were booted for their lack of reliance.
10. Their lone vote avoided a draw, but in this double left them holding the short straw
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
Nadiya wrote:1. Alliances all over it was only a matter of time before this castaway was caught and their game turned on a dime.

2. Despite causing an uproar, this castaway wasn't here for very long; even their replacement didn't bother to log on.

3. With a fake idol and a double chin ; this castaway got under everyone’s skin.

4. Likable, smart, trustworthy with allies at the merge to look for ; this castaway’s threat was too much to ignore

5. Betrayed, blindsided with wounds still brand new, this castaway was voted out after an idol was played, in fact two!

6. Despite flipping fast after the swap came about, they became the first to vote themselves out.

7. After verbally assaulting both tribes, a unanimous vote ensured they would go; but this castaway’s antics at tribal made cracks in alliances show.

8. After dominating the pre-merge and everyone wanting them out in a hurry, this castaway had the job of becoming the foreman of the jury.

9. They screamed, they shouted and betrayed their alliance; In the end, they were booted for their lack of reliance.

10. Their lone vote avoided a draw, but in this double left them holding the short straw
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Jeff Probst

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By Dale
Jeff Probst wrote:
Dale wrote:Damn it, you literally beat me by 30 seconds. I just submitted. :/

Yea but you were wrong

Oh well
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