4th Place | Voted Out 3-1
By Stephannie Favor
#6449 Hey Nadiya,

Final 5!
Tell me about that tribal. It was definitely a lot more lively than the previous round. Did it tell you anything that you didn't already know?

What's your plan for these next two rounds? Who is next in line to go, and how will you make it happen?

We talked about it last round, but what are your thoughts on the jury and this f5? How do you see yourself stacking up against everyone else in the final vote?

What odds do you give yourself on making it to the end?
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Stephannie Favor

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By Nadiya
#6485 Tell me about that tribal. It was definitely a lot more lively than the previous round. Did it tell you anything that you didn't already know?
Yeah this game was getting really predictable and boring... So I wanted to do something fun, even if it has cost me the game. I didn't know their plan was to vote Jaclyn so I was surprised by that. But I'm glad to see Val believed me and Jac and Dale stuck to their word.

What's your plan for these next two rounds? Who is next in line to go, and how will you make it happen?
Well next I have to win immunity for the next two rounds probably to even survive after that xD But in an ideal world, So and Val will go home. They both are friends with the whole jury and I want to stay true to the F3 alliance I have made.

We talked about it last round, but what are your thoughts on the jury and this f5? How do you see yourself stacking up against everyone else in the final vote?
Honestly at this point I think I would win all of their votes... but I now will have the hardest time staying in the game. It was worth the risk.

What odds do you give yourself on making it to the end?
Very low. I know that So is going to gun for me... and Dale probably knows he will win if I'm not around so I think he might try to team up with So. But if Jac and Dale are truthful with this alliance, I will get to final three and most likely win. Or... I could win the next two immunity challenges, which is unlikely... but I have won my fair share and Dale and So aren't the best at challenges so who knows. I honestly can't give a number because there are too many possible scenarios.
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By Kelly Wigles
#6528 You've given your thoughts on So, Dale and Jaclyn, what about Val? Where do you think her head is right now after everything that just went down?
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By Nadiya
#6533 You've given your thoughts on So, Dale and Jaclyn, what about Val? Where do you think her head is right now after everything that just went down?
I love Val but I never know where she stands. I have a feeling she will want me out as well even though she doesn't say it to my face. She always says she's all about big moves yet she hasn't made any.
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By Kelly Wigles
#6536 With such a massive move this past tribal and everyone pretty much calling you out as the most obvious winner, how do intend on getting that target off of your back? There are still 2 more rounds after all.
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By Nadiya
#6539 With such a massive move this past tribal and everyone pretty much calling you out as the most obvious winner, how do intend on getting that target off of your back? There are still 2 more rounds after all.
Well I'very already been telling val and dale that I want so out so that it is a Yali only final four because she has so many friends on jury.
Dale claims he doesn't want to go to final 3 with goats so hopefully he will stick to taking me and Jac. I told him that he's my biggest competition and that I don't want to go against goats as well... so hopefully he's up for the challenge.
2/4 gives me the majority if they both want to get so out. I'm just going to go one round at a time but hopefully I can just win the challenges.
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By Nadiya
#6597 So who do you want to be voting for tonight? :) Is there an ideal boot order in your mind?
I will be voting out so tonight... and after that I don't know who I'd like out next. Dale said he might want to leave after So... so if he really wants that and isn't just playing me I'd respect his wishes.
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By Stephannie Favor
#6816 Hey Nadiya,
You're so close! icon_mml icon_chaos icon_mml

Who do you think you can win against in this f4?
Are you thinking about your ftc performance yet, or are you still more focused on getting there?
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Stephannie Favor

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By Nadiya
#6838 Who do you think you can win against in this f4?
I can probably win against all of them because they have all been goats pretty much.

Are you thinking about your ftc performance yet, or are you still more focused on getting there?
I'm more focused on winning tomorrow, because if I don't I will be gone. If I'm out tomorrow this is going to be a super boring FTC in my opinion and I'll probably vote for Val because at least she tried. Jac was a follower and Dale couldn't win a competition to save his life.
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By Jeff Probst
#7090 You did amazing Queen, don't beat yourself up too hard, you have SOOOO much to be proud of <3 and the best part? It's not completely over yet!
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By Nadiya
Jeff Probst wrote:You did amazing Queen, don't beat yourself up too hard, you have SOOOO much to be proud of <3 and the best part? It's not completely over yet!

Yes it is -_- they'd be stupid to keep me!
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By Jeff Probst
Nadiya wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:You did amazing Queen, don't beat yourself up too hard, you have SOOOO much to be proud of <3 and the best part? It's not completely over yet!

Yes it is -_- they'd be stupid to keep me!

Well, weirder things have happened before I guess. Regardless, you played an amazing game <3
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By Nadiya
Jeff Probst wrote:
Nadiya wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:You did amazing Queen, don't beat yourself up too hard, you have SOOOO much to be proud of <3 and the best part? It's not completely over yet!

Yes it is -_- they'd be stupid to keep me!

Well, weirder things have happened before I guess. Regardless, you played an amazing game <3

Thanks babe :( I thought I had it since nobody else was posting in the locks! I was so excited.. I think that's why I'm so upset right now.
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By Trashley Markwood

Fight to the bitter end angel <3 You never know what could happen! Someone tied it at F4 for me when I played (but I wasn't online so ... lul wasted).

No matter what happens you are an amazing Queen on high <3
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By Nadiya
Trashley Markwood wrote:DRAFT PICK.ODDESS!

Fight to the bitter end angel <3 You never know what could happen! Someone tied it at F4 for me when I played (but I wasn't online so ... lul wasted).

No matter what happens you are an amazing Queen on high <3

Thanks Queen icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub
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By Jeff Probst
Nadiya wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:
Nadiya wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:You did amazing Queen, don't beat yourself up too hard, you have SOOOO much to be proud of <3 and the best part? It's not completely over yet!

Yes it is -_- they'd be stupid to keep me!

Well, weirder things have happened before I guess. Regardless, you played an amazing game <3

Thanks babe :( I thought I had it since nobody else was posting in the locks! I was so excited.. I think that's why I'm so upset right now.

You are definitely warranted to feel upset, that suuuuucks. So close. But take a quick minute to feel sorry for yourself. Dust yourself off and get to scheming :)
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Jeff Probst

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By Nadiya
Jeff Probst wrote:
Nadiya wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:
Nadiya wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:You did amazing Queen, don't beat yourself up too hard, you have SOOOO much to be proud of <3 and the best part? It's not completely over yet!

Yes it is -_- they'd be stupid to keep me!

Well, weirder things have happened before I guess. Regardless, you played an amazing game <3

Thanks babe :( I thought I had it since nobody else was posting in the locks! I was so excited.. I think that's why I'm so upset right now.

You are definitely warranted to feel upset, that suuuuucks. So close. But take a quick minute to feel sorry for yourself. Dust yourself off and get to scheming :)

The best I'll be able to do is a tie and that's only if jac is telling the truth.
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By Nadiya
Trashley Markwood wrote:A tie is a tie. Sometimes it's all you need.

Crossing my fingers!!!!
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