4th Place | Voted Out 3-1
By Jeff Probst
#2888 Congratulations on making the merge!!! icon_chaos icon_mml icon_chaos

Before we get to any questions, I just have to say, this is a place 7 people really wanted to be and are still wishing they could trade places with you. DO NOT WASTE YOUR OPPORTUNITY. You do not want to get to the final three with absolutely nothing on your résumé and believe me "I was secretly pulling the strings, i promise" is not going to fly with the jury. Play your guts out! Even if you go home swinging, it's better than going home after being reamed in the final 3 for being a "goat." So show us what you are made up and above all else, HAVE FUN WITH IT. This is a game and you want something to remember.

So that's my pep talk.

Now that that's out of the way, I'll ask a few questions: Are you happy to reunite with some of the other tribemates? Do you trust them considering you spent a majority of the game apart? Have you gotten to know the other players in this game? Now that you are merged and it is a new beginning, are you fully taking advantage of this opportunity and exploring all of your options?
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By Nadiya
Trashley Markwood wrote:Probst don't delete my threads.

Nadiya <3

What did you say babe? icon_wub
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By Nadiya
#2958 Damn Jeff that shade thoughhhhhh! I will make moves, that's why you casted me ;) be patient icon_yes

Are you happy to reunite with some of the other tribemates?
I am only happy to reunite with Reed because of pure conversation... Drew is a snake, but I guess I could be "happy" about seeing how many lies he can try to pull.

Do you trust them considering you spent a majority of the game apart?
NO. Drew is such a snake. (as stated above) He has already lied to me twice (that I caught on to)... who knows how many times he ACTUALLY lied to my "face." Dan, Dale, and I are on to him... although Dan and Dale don't know I am talking to each one about Drew... but I think I'll have to set somethign up to try to eliminate Drew as he is a HUGE player in this game.

Have you gotten to know the other players in this game?
So has barely replied to me so I'm not going to even try. Jenn and Kelly seem super nice but I'm not sure how fake it is just yet. Kelly has nowhere to turn though since she seems to only have So as an ally... I'll have to wait a bit to answer this question.

Now that you are merged and it is a new beginning, are you fully taking advantage of this opportunity and exploring all of your options?
Yes. I am getting info from everyone and trying to figure out who's stories don't add up. Many people are trying to align themselves with everyone which is pretty frustrating since it's hard to figure out who is loyal to who... If I can somehow get Drew out and Dan out, I then know Dale is with me 89% up from 85%. LOL Dale is one sneaky mofo but who knows... he doesn tell me a lot of info so this alliance may be true to him. In my mins I am a lone wolf.. not making any true deals with anyone. I will do whatever is best for me. If that means working with Kelly and So, then I'll have to do that. Only time will tell.
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By Kelly Wigles
#2960 Hey Nadiya, so you got yourself both the public idol and the hidden immunity idol, do you have any grand plans for those two? They're pretty powerful tools for this game.

Also, with the public immunity idol, are scared at all that people will target you just because of it?
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By Nadiya
#2994 Hey Nadiya, so you got yourself both the public idol and the hidden immunity idol, do you have any grand plans for those two? They're pretty powerful tools for this game.
And I'm trying hard to find another idol right now... but I have to go to bed :( Can't wait for clue #2.. if Joaquin doesn't get it before then, he's been searching a lot. I think because a) I don't yet know where everybody stands and b) I think I may be able to get more info out of people this weekend, I won't decide on using the public idol on Sunday until Sunday. I am really tempted to just use it on myself and flush it out so maybe I can gain respect and maybe trust from some people.... but that's so safe it kills me inside. I want to use it to get somebody out! We will have to see how I feel Sunday. I plan on saving the hidden idol for as long as possible... I think it will end up saving me once I feel super threatened... which is inevitable. icon_yawn

Also, with the public immunity idol, are scared at all that people will target you just because of it?
Of course I am scared... this puts a big target on my back but it was better than it going somewhere in which I won't know what's happening with it. Also, people probably won't assume I have two idols... so it may make them forget about the first idol I got.
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By Jeff Probst
#3049 Please keep us up to date on the latest happenings as we try to make sense of the craziness going on!!! lol
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By Nadiya
Jeff Probst wrote:Please keep us up to date on the latest happenings as we try to make sense of the craziness going on!!! lol

Literally everyone is lying to everyone. It's driving me crazy and I have no idea where anybody sits so I'll probably just use my public immunity idol on myself just in case LOL

Dale - wants to vote Kelly
Dan - wants to vote Drew or Jenn
Drew - lying out of his teeth and trying to flip Yali against one another... saying Kelly but may vote Dan
Jaclyn - not sure she's never online
Joaquin - wants to vote Kelly (rumour he wants to vote Dan)
Kelly - no idea what she's doing
Nadiya - I DON'T KNOW D:
Reed - is voting Kelly (rumour he may vote Dan)
So - Doesn't speak
Val - wants to flip on our alliance and bring Jac & I with her to vote Dan


Looks like it's either going to be Kelly or Dan at this point.
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By Trashley Markwood
Nadiya wrote:
Trashley Markwood wrote:Probst don't delete my threads.

Nadiya <3

What did you say babe? icon_wub

It was a stan thread about my draft pick having two idols alol icon_wub

Goddess <3

Are you looking for the merge idol too?
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Trashley Markwood

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By Nadiya
Trashley Markwood wrote:
Nadiya wrote:
Trashley Markwood wrote:Probst don't delete my threads.

Nadiya <3

What did you say babe? icon_wub

It was a stan thread about my draft pick having two idols alol icon_wub

Goddess <3

Are you looking for the merge idol too?

icon_wub I've been trying but I think I will need the next clue for this one... If someone else hasn't already found it >_<
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